Where were you when VR was not kill?

Where were you when VR was not kill?


Oh wow he's doing everything I can already do with a controller/keyboard only less accurate, way more clumsily, and less comfortably.


You're ignoring the gain of immersion.

Nothing is more immersive than strapping 2lbs goggles on my face and waggling around in my room with cheap plastic in my hands.

VR has its place
Something something serial experiments lain
but not video games

Dont play it then, bitter fucker, geez, if you are poor just say so, dont tell me, you are a virgin as well right?

Sorry you fell for the VR meme and dropped $800 on shovelware, user.

Is this actually going to happen?

Best thing about this will be horror games. And CYOA with beautiful graphics.

There needs to be a slight electric shock when you take damage though.

VR will never hit the core of the mainstream market because it's too expensive for the mainstream. Even Sony's which is the cheapest is probably going to cost you $900 for the headset+peripherals+PS4 Neo (Assuming the Neo is 400). This is a market where consumers balk at the idea of spending $600 on a console let alone a peripheral. It will definitely have its place with hardcore enthusiasts though, going by preorder numbers on the headsets, but another thing I think might kill VR is game exclusivity, because people are not going to want to buy two or three different headsets at several hundred dollars apiece because some developer got in bed with HTC or Zuck the cuck.

Nice assumptions, I havent bought anything, you however, are still a perma virgin.

It's okay, user. Let it all out.

Maybe you could try to sell it on eBay before everyone realizes it's a scam.

>You'll be in your 90's or dead by the time VR becomes fully immersive

Have you ever touched a woman user?


Saying that when a graphics card that's about too drop with 10x the power at a 3rd of the last leading cards price in the industry.

Tech evolves.
Quit being whiney.

Do not make VR threads on Sup Forums
95% or more of Sup Forums users are 16 year old jobless NEETs that can never dream of owning a VR set + competent rig to run VR games.

WTF is that thing?

>10x the power

you fell for the HBM meme

I wish, sad thing is the average user is 19-24 years old, I mean you can probably tell seeing as 75% of the userbase are pc players.

>You'll be a fucking cyborg by the time this happens

>person defending VR
>calling others out for not having any sex

Are you actually insinuating that a 1070 and/or 1080 has 10 times the computing power of a Titan X?

I've never used VR before, and don't know anyone who has a headset. I'm not too keen on dropping $700-$800 on a thing I've never used before. I am more open to buying Gear VR, as it's only $100. Does Gear VR provide a good "gateway" to VR to see if you think its worth it or not?

I'm just defending innovation in general, if the entire playerbase consisted on closed minded fuckers like him there would never be any sort of change.

Buy google cardboard for a dollar, you dumb idiot.

will that really be indicative of the feel of VR in general though

Who gives a shit? All you can do on a phone is watch some shitty Youtube videos anyway, that'll be enough to let you know it's the next Kinect.

This looks horrible. This is just a stupid jrpg but with clumsy VR gimmicks. Especially UI and the NPCs and everything else looks extremely offputting. At least change the language to english if you are going to introduce your game to world.

>Here's your controller bro

The discussion goes like:
It's nothing impressive, looks bad
>shut up, you virgin. Haha you're a virgin because you didn't find this shit impressive
What the fuck? How is this a serious discussion?

Kk, sorry about your virginity user, I will try to measure my words to avoid hurting your feelings.

Whatever you say you virgin ;^)

Calling someone a virgin has to be the lamest insult someone has ever come up with.

Its pretty straight forward though, and stings pretty bad as well.

I dont understand why people are trying to push this shit so much.
This is obviously the 2016 equivalent of "red & blue" 3D glasses. Sure it'll be good one day, but holy shit anyone who even cares about this sort of thing is already too jaded and informed to actually buy into it.

It just feels like these devs are looking for a cashout that no ones willing to give.

>An $800 quick cashout
I dont think thats how it works user

you realize you were the more reasonable party up until this post? Way to cock it up and show what a gigantic faggot you really are over something some random fuckhead says.

>stings pretty bad as well.
How is this any more sohisticated than some 11 year old shouting that he fucked your mother over chat?

>tfw e3 for the next three years will be completely dominated by VR shit
It made this year's e3 unbearably tedious, please no more

If you have a samsung device, you can find hearVR sets on eBay for like 60 or 70. They're usually missing the top strap.

If you don't have one, go for the cheapest cardboard set that still has a head strap. Try out some apps BEFORE you buy a headset, as well, since cardboard's button input is also activated by as screen tap.

I'm sorry you weren't having fun during le ebin marketing event this year, user.

When the fuck are those things coming out? My OSVR kit needs hands badly, and I don't wanna buy a fucking Nod.

They said Q2 which starts 1st of July. That could be a month, two or even towards the end of this year. I'm thinking they're targeting for when the games they showcased for touch are coming out.

How's school kid? Girls still laugh at you when you walk by them?

Everyone in this thread is autistic

Check my 3

ah, look at that, something that doesn't suck. NOW I'm interested.

You'd think someone smart enough to make something in VR would have learned about tonemapping first.

stay mad, virgin ;^)

>I've designed this with Renewal equations

u so mad no one buys your junk toys and VR will die before you can fully enjoy it wasting all that money eh?

You are literally retarded.

The vr, yes.
The controller, no.
it's the same with wii controls, they never did anything but the opposite of immersion, they put your corporeal body in focus, VR was supposed to eliminate that, not enchance it. I hate hate hate the trend of waggling invading my vr

He's retarded, just ignore him.

This is looking way better than any big companies projects on VR. While it is interesting he should be investing more time in developing the VR elements of the game and not expanding the map.

Mate, I just spent the last two hours playing a space sim with my Vive. I don't think I can go back, it's fucking incredible.

Yeah. I understand what you are saying. With current technology, VR would be best with only head movements and everything else on a regular controller.
But even then. These experimental "body immersion" stuff might just lead us to the mythical Full-body Dive of SAO and .hack

>. These experimental "body immersion" stuff might just lead us to the mythical Full-body Dive of SAO and .hack
NO, don't even go there.
there are too many fundamentals missing here. tactile feedback, heat, cold, momentum, force, the capability to express yourself, the ability to truly feel like you're a pretty little elf girl.
Mechanical VR will never achieve this, ever, waiting for something that sticks into your brain is the only way.

That's kind of funny.
Because pretty much everyone who has actually tried VR with and without motion controls prefers it with them.

Even then, the prototype UI development will be basically the same.
But yes, people don't understand what current VR is for, and just use it to please their unattainable dreams.

Mostly vehicles sims, right? Actually walking around in current VR is impossible.

>Because pretty much everyone who has actually tried VR with and without motion controls prefers it with them.
no shit, they went out of their way to try it with motion controls. And they also had shit taste (source: me)

Impossible without being silly*

The biggest downside of VR is room space and set up. If I want to be in VR and walk around I have to move my lighthouses in to a different room and run room scale. If I want to play sitting at my PC I need to move the lighthouses back and re-run roomscale or standing only. I at least had the foresight to buy some extension cables so I can do this but its such a pain in the ass if I want to play a flight sim and then play something else that requires 2x2 meters to move around.

I'm hoping Sony entering the VR game will kick some devs in the head to come up with a better system.

Most Vive games let you walk around a smallish space and teleport for larger distances. There are some that do a kind of segway thing.

That is what i meant with thisForgot to put it into here

Why not just put a chair in that second room? And what do you even mean by "run room scale"?

I was thinking about the whole NervGear stuff, and what would be the effects of something overriding your brain commands to the body for prolonged use.

>what do you even mean by "run room scale"?

Every time you move the lighthouses for Vive you have to reconfigure them because the parameters of your play space used in VR has changed.

Putting a chair in a room doesn't solve anything for me.

The effects would be extremely weird shit and possibly the end of civilization as we know it. But it's not happening anytime soon so who cares.

But the guys at GAMESPOT were saying good guy sony is gonna be the best VR !!

Do you even know what the word Immersion mean?

Have you even tried a single headset?

At the point where we can do this, chances are we are better equipped to handle whatever might happen.

And at the point where that's a real thing I'm perfectly content to just be a brain in a jar, being a full-time cute merchant in a fantasy mmo

hes clearly not receptive to or interested in an actually informed opinion, dude

I don't know about that. I remembered of recent advances on mechanical prosthetics that capture brain signals (i don't know the terms) and use them to move accuratelly, fingers and stuff. And there was some guy using one of those that moved a mechanical hand without actually moving his hand. I don't have the source here, it was some time ago.

You're probably going to be a corpse in the ground by the time that happens, if it ever does.

>3D displays are regarded as gimmicky shit and eventually phased out
>motion controls are regarded as gimmicky shit as well
>combining the two is somehow the pinnacle of technology and the future of gaming

No, I will outlive aging.

>One step closer to living in a world like .hack where NEETs stay on a VR Video game

They aren't 3d displays.

fuck moving around in vr unless you have a treadmill system working with it i dont wanna play that teleporting crap

can't wait to live in VR

when everyone is finally as beautiful, character is all that counts

can't wait for all the chads and "nice guys" to get btfo

Living in a world where everyone is inside a VR world. Their bodies attached to machines that nourish them through photosynthesis. Only interacting with the real world through maintenance robots controlled from inside the virtual world, for making sure that shit doesn't go down.

>faggot as an insult
>this comunity is toxic
Hi leddit.