Console-tan Tuesday

Console-tan Tuesday.

Other urls found in this thread:


Been waiting all morning for some /ctt/. How's everyone's Tuesday going?


Morning /ctt/

Drawfag here. I posted a bunch of my draws from last week on the booru, but I might post em here in case some people don't use it.

It's been going pretty good, user. Ready to start the day off well.

Just woke up.

Post 'em, man.



She reminds me of A-ko.

Christ, that's good.

Honestly you can't go wrong with any of the nes-tan designs


Now I want to see them all hanging out together.

>Sup Forums is once again out of original ideas and is stealing ours
This means war

The newgrounds one is completely inaccurate. It should look way more like Egoraptor.

So do they have their own Channel-tan Tuesdays?
CN, 4Kids, and Toonami are the only ones I especially like.

>stealing ours

fuck off personifying inanimate objects into cute girls has been a thing since forever

Would you please stop bringing this up every thread

They get progressively worse as they go from top to bottom. GSN and Hulu are p good though. I alos like boomerang.

>The Hub is just the alt Wii U-tan design
No wonder I hate it. Its just so fucking generic that it has no personality no matter how you use the design.

>making one for toonami when tom already exists
for what purpose?


I need pictures, pictures of toaster


Sleepy, but I hear you! /ctt/ is probably my favourite thing about Sup Forums these days. Lots of OC was produced this week so hopefully it'll be a good Tuesday.

Thank you, last week sucked without you

>spontaneous pirate costume

>This means war
Kiddo how old are you

What you dont have a pirate costume on hand just in case?

i did but it was sadly destroyed in a house fire when I tried to play video games in the summer on my toaster

>Spent the past six hours slowly writing and ignoring my hunger in an attempt to finish this fic
>Just finally got into the lewd stuff
Fuck setting up scenes and giving believable reasoning for the sex. Time to feed myself.
Here's a teaser of the Steam Box-tan fic:
Here's a couple of folder downloads (updated), for whoever may need them:

>in the summer on my toaster
damn user thats hardcore as fuck


>Not moving up north every summer

drawfags we need ps4 and vita with god eater theme it just came out

Not as good as

I prefer the other.


You have to admit that they have done a lot in two weeks.

Are you some sort of masochist?

Good job


the other one doesn't have a dick


if you want to to talk about network tans, go to fucking Sup Forums

I didn't choose the toast life, the toast life chose me.

How can 2 blank faces convey such emotions

>posting anything other than Arcade-tan

Alright, dumpin a few


Question of the day: What's your favorite arcade game?



Why heels though? Heels without shoes look terrible. Heels at all usually look terrible.

needs more Xbox S, maybe interacting with DS reminding her of micro
got wisdom teeth pulled glad its tuesday since this is the best thread Sup Forums has


No one want to talk about 'em it's just this fucker () trying to start a war between us and Sup Forums

somebody requested this last week but i wasnt able to upload it in time

also taking more requests but i prolly wont have them done in time again though

What's the reasoning behind CN?
Shouldn't she be monochrome?


The original artist asked in a thread a few weeks back whether she should have heels or not; most replied with "yes".
Made me chuckle. Vita looks pretty rad with shades, she should wear them more often to get popular.

Is it really so hard to share, PS4?

Are there any more comics of the Vita and the Wii U?

I assume the colors are based on this era of of the network.

I think those colors are common on some of the ads on the channel, , I guess an old school Cartoon Network would stick more to the monochrome theme.

I've always wondered something about how you guys draw the PC.
He's always seemed to be drawn as some immortal being, so how would you draw the era of differing PC models? Stuff like the Commodore, Amiga and the MSX to give clear examples.
Would they be different stages or would they be entirely separate entities like Toaster PC

Either or Virtual On, the original cabinet VO was arguably what got me into /m/. I mean come on, look at those sticks and tell me this doesn't look fun.

Where's Ozuma?

Ms.Pac-Man or Centipede. Mainly cause I was pretty good at both and my town didn't have many arcades, so my options on what to play were limited.
MIA, I think his blog updated the other day though.

I played this once during a trip to Las Vegas. Shit was so much fun.

Love this game. Tank controls are underrated.

PC always represents current high end hardware, in whatever era he's depicted in, toaster is obviously low end hardware of the era. they are essentially timeless beings never changing. that being said there have been attempts at giving some of the more unique old PCs their own tans, like commodore 64, but they mostly haven't stuck.

Thanks for the kek

Who's the fat brown one?

Who's the one next to GBA?

Left to right: 2DS, Snes, N64.

Commodore could be an academic, or just a GILF recalling the glory of his past

I skipped last week, but a quick look at the booru tells me it's the new N64 tan, since the old designs were meh at best. I don't like it, seems too soft for the netendium stronk that was the N64.

Shit! I forgot to work on mine draws.

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks user
Since, obviously, almost every console has a tan, I was wondering if the same was done to the older PC systems

>Commodore as an old timey English adventurer who's obviously way past his time
>Now spends his time trying to entertain others with stories of point and click adventures and old platformers

I want this now

I don't know, I thought this design was pretty good.

better than the new one, but still kinda meh. N64 should be a blocky awkward half way point between GC and SNES, not just brown GBA.

>>Now spends his time trying to entertain others with stories of point and click adventures and old platformers
>All of the younger tans think he's just making up stories of his point and click games because of their simple titles
>"Would you rather hear about King's Quest IV or Space Quest VI? Or maybe Commander Keen?"
>2DS and GameCube thinks he's just pulling these stories from thin air (but still enjoy them)

>Commodore as an old timey English adventurer who's obviously way past his time
>Now spends his time trying to entertain others with stories of point and click adventures and old platformers

Drawfags, please

Slow thread this morning, eh?

still requesting n64-tan and PC-tan playing/arguing over doom 64

Anyone else hate the Nerf foam cases for game system shit?

Makes it feel so fucking bulky


>toaster experiences a drop of liquid cooling

>thread started around noon
>it's 2pm now

Seems like these threads are finally dying.

Too slow for Genesis. We need to step it up.
>I need glasses not body armor
Kek. Though I have no idea what foam cases you're referring to.

>not living in Best Coast

>I have no idea what foam cases you're referring to.
I hate this shit so much. Just look up "Nerf case [system]"

I mean, they help protect the console, but yeah, they bug the shit outta me
I didn't ask for this sass today
Damn straight we do

now THAT is comfy

most drawfags lost interest and writefags took over, content will continue to dwindle. it's ok though, because someone delivered something spider related two weeks ago, so I'm happy.

>Nintendium outfitted with Nerf
Can anything penetrate that?

yes because theyre actually garbage and wear down very fast

Smash TV
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
King of Fighters '98
WWF WrestleFest
Metal Slug
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 3

That looks dumb as fuck. It's good for kids that break shit all the time, though.
2DS is for cute.

if only you knew how long they actually lasted...

its not as long as you think

>this nes and the already done master system

oh man we are going full 80s now!

hope this helps