What is the best boss in Dark Souls 2?
What is the best boss in Dark Souls 2?
that one guy that is hard to beat but after a while you say 'oh now I get it!' and its done.
I feel like you're begging for shitposters but one of my favorites is Elana, I feel like she is what nashandra could have been.
Ivory King
Covetous Demon is cute! CUTE!!!
Throne Watcher & Defender, if DLC included it's a tie between Sihn and the Ivory King boss battle
Bullshit, her summoning Velstadt is bullshit.
Oh no a boss you've learned to beat already, what ever will you do
Ivory King, Fume Knight, or Alonne.
Vanilla: Darklurker or Looking Glass Knight.
I just focus on elana and dodge velstadts attacks. It's not too difficult for me.
>Oh no a boss you've learned to beat already, what ever will you do
Velstadt by himself is not a problem but having to dodge his attacks and her pyromancy and hexes makes it difficult to get any hits in. Not to mention she can teleport herself right behind you. If she was limited to only summoning the skeletons it would be a much better bossfight.
Mirror knight, just for how epic the arena is, and the rather unique summoning schtich.
Burnt Ivory King.
She can also summon those little piglets from Majula.
so what exactly is the point of releasing that woman with the key of the embedded?
does it even do anything?
If you talk to the other Milfanito they'll give you items. Divine Blessings IIRC
but that means going back into the worst area of the game
You can use the first bonfire on the shrine to talk to first milfanito and the first one on the grave of saints to talk to the other
Takes longer but you won't have to fight anyone
The uninstall wizard.
Mirror Knight's pretty good.
Prowling Magus
Epic joke my friend.
*tips fedora*
I hoenstly thought Nashandra was a good boss.
>Almost perpetual curse buildup lowering your health
>3 different one shot moves
>Scythe can fuck you up if you're not careful
Why do people think she's so shit?
Here's your (you)
I like it a lot though when I found out you can roll into the curse balls to make them go away. really fucking stupid
1. Fume
2. Sinh
3. Alonne
4. Elana
5. Ivory
They're all intriguing in concept but all ended up pretty shit.
sounds like demon souls bosses
play the dlcs next time
Jabba the Hutt guy that eats all your armour.
DLCs have great bosses, I have high hopes for DaS3 DLCs
If we're talking about base game there's Velstadt and Mirror Knight. The second one is fucked by name change (Looking Glass, what the fuck) and retarded lighting.
Definitely Fume Knight
>base game
Looking Glass Knight, or Darklurker
The one that wasn't generic medieval fantasy shit.
what level should i do the dlc's at?
im at like 120
Old Dragonslayer
You're all wrong
I unironically think Chariot is fantastic
Cool gimmick fight with like 3 different ways to beat it, great music, some of the best atmosphere in the game
but FUCK getting there on NG+
>Ancient dragon
He's gonna one shot me either way so time to get naked. Person who summoned you dies wearing full Havel 20 seconds into fight.
this or Sir Alonne