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Video Games #3431
Video Games
Does Sup Forums play Granblue Fantasy?
New Scorn trailer
Games you like, soundtracks you hate
I started Final Fantasy VI last night and I'm about 2 hours in and pretty disappointed...
We all know the best game ever made, but what's the worst game ever made?
What myths and legends about videogames exists in your country?
Anyone else excited for Furi? Its a PS+ game this month so I expect discussion will pick up soon
What did Sup Forums think about Resident Evil 4?
Tries to kill the main character endlessly throughout the game
Digimon > Pokemon
0 mentions of undertale in the catalog, definitive proof it's just flavor of the month trash
So, this guy sounded like Liquid in MGS2, it seemed Liquid frequently took control of him...
Just finished the main quest
What does Sup Forums think of her redesign?
PS+ July
Would you do lewd things with Garrus, Sup Forums?
I like the microtransactions in Overwatch because they give me a shortcut to loot boxes because Im too busy to play the...
Fans of kotor/ jade empire/ the first mass effect should check out this game...
Ape Escape
So, Sup Forums, just started playing, but I'm not sure what vocation to pick
Why is competitive so shit?
GaySpot interview with TMS#FE devs
Current thoughts on Nintendo's new CEO?
Lol who cares it's just a game XD
Who would you main in a cryptid fighting game?
Filename thread
New sale thread
Post video games without actually posting them
Why haven't you upraded
"It gets good after 15 hours."
How the FUCK do you go from this
So, Sup Forums, should I get an Xbox One or PS4?
Lewd Sup Forums characters pictures
ITT: Games Sup Forums likes that you don't
I know I'll be committing all my time back into THIS fucking time-vampire of a game again when it drops October 28th…...
Why did your parents hate you playing video games growing up?
Everyone's screaming "CENSORSHIP IS BAD", but no one's asking WHY we need ANOTHER overly sexualised female character...
What went wrong?
ITT: Worst CastleKino ever
Valkyria Chronicles
Where did it go wrong?
Why they don't make games with pre-rendered graphics nowadays? It looks great
ITT: casual filters
Gameplay video starts with "hey what's going on guys"
What do you think of co-op in video games
GG Japan
ITT: underrated cuties
Do i buy Doom 4? It's taunting me in the sales so much. I'm going crazy, help me Sup Forums...
Do you think that the popularity of eSports has ruined gaming?
Battleborn Appreciation Thread
Blood Knights FreeLC just announced for Total Warhammer
Miyamoto: Breath of the Wild has over 100 staff, and over 300 people in the credits, spending over 5 years...
This is your Miku for tonight
Lol have you ever heard how this guy says dinner
More of these?
Giant rat
We will never again get Kyle Katarn game
Is this game good?
Be indoors
Friend sacrifices himself for the group
What is gearbox thinking right now?
So what are your thoughts on the PS + "free" games for July?
Cemu 1.5.3 MK8 Gameplay
Is it possible to make a new build around pic related for under $1000
Sepia Go
Who do you pick?
Xbox 360 RPGs Thread
Are gaming chairs worth it?
What are you expectations for the inevitable AC sequel/reboot?
>Overwatch is casual trash
Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace?
God Eater Resurrection came out yesterday and If you pre-order Rage Burst 2 digitally you get it free right now...
What does Sup Forums think about Japan favorites pokémon?
Death Battle: Mewtwo vs Shadow Result
YLYL - Vidya edition
Is this game the best simulation/management game we've had in years?
What's the appeal of dead rising?
DanielfromSL and Britbong made up?
I'm playing God of War 1 because despite being really into hack and slash/"character action" games I never played any...
Google the username you use to play games
How accurate is this?
Aside from anti-mage, is there actually a dota hero that can beat WK 1 v 1?
Why is this so hard?
So I see Sup Forums talk a lot about game balance, and how no game is balanced correctly
Who was he?
Before this is over, I'll show you the true power of Sonic Thread!
Are the Legend of heroes trails of [thing] games good...
Was it ever explained how Cloud managed to do this?
Am I the only one who feels sick when wathing 60fps gameplay?
Why BroodWar is better than SC2?
How accurate is this chart
Zero Time Dilemma
Diablo 3
Sup Forums friends thread
Bought this on steam sale
What the fuck was his problem?
What games allow me to have digital style?
The only game in 2016 with a majority white cast
Can we talk about censorship?
Post comfiest video game tunes
Steam Summer Sale Thread
"That's 10 years in a cube, perp!"
Tell me now. Is there a man among you here?
This game has been fucking saved
What did Sup Forums poo poo this so much? I'm having a lot of fun
Go to corner of world map
This was released 12 years ago
What characters do you want to see in the new Dissidia?
Start a new game
So what exactly is this guy's deal?
Playing video game online
Just what went wrong?
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Nintendo will announce NX @ E3 2017
ITT: Franchises that ended on a high
Hes such a bad voice actor i hate him in everything he does
It hasn't gotten better than this and you fucking know it
How's that gaming channel coming along?
NPCs you wish you could kill thread
ITT: required playing
Day one DLC
Is this pretentious or scary? New Scorn trailer
Tomorrow is THE day
How can OverWeights ever recover from this?
Oh, you're having fun huh?
Underrated Games
Ready for the best Final Fantasy game in years?
You bought your mother something nice for her birthday this year, right Sup Forums?
EYE Divine Cybermancy
"Villains" that did nothing wrong
FIRE IN THE ______
Why is she so much better than Roll?
Was it ever explained why a Russian gunship was in Alaska?
There seems to be a slight upswing in Wipeout clones, and other futuristic racers. Do you think they'll come back?
Can we please have an MMO thread?
Are you gonna play Goku Black in Xenoverse 2?
Why are you not playing Black Desert Online, user?
Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?
You're a virgin, user?
ITT the scariest fucking game youve ever played
It will happen
Battlefield 4 is the best game on console right now. Prove me wrong
People like to say games are really still in their infancy...that they have so much more to achieve
Im glad that we could finally agree on something
Officially confirmed worse performance than GTX970
Baldurs Gate
I really hope you didn't buy into the hype, Sup Forums
The final boss turned out to be the one featured on the boxart
Tetris, the 1980s video game about stacking blocks, is being made into not one, but three films, according to
Do T*rks play videogames?
MGS 4 was shit
Game has unskippable cutscene
Overwatch is a game that blizzard put zero effort into making; the textures, dialogue...
Four armed snake boob lady
Is this not one of the best RPGs of our time?
Is this objectively the best Fire Emblem?
Visual Novel Thread
It hasn't gotten better than this and you fucking know it
Sports before shopping for Daisy
Still Uncrackable ?
Whoever posts a game so obscure no one can name it wins
Juri's so cool!
Hi Sup Forums
Take a hapless, cynical, abused drug addict under your wing
DOAX3 Thread - Hitomi Edition
Fucking overwatch
Why is Arthas portrayed as the dick here?
ITT: Things that trigger Bethesda developers. Mechanics they just can't figure out
Hear people say it's the best boss fight ever
How do we fix her?
Zelda : Breath of the Wild sales target according to shiggy
You walk into a job/grad school interview and they ask you this
Shantae Thread
Resident Evil thread. The hype has already died down so lets kick it back up
Fail QTE
Fred fuchs?! Fred Fuchs! Oh my god fred fuchs oh my god it's fred fuchs!
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Overwatch - Gold weapons
When did you realize retrogaming was far superior than modern gaming?
The technology we need to create elder scrolls 6 doesnt exist yet
Is kickstarters reputation scarred forever?
No new Mario Strikers
So are gamingchairs worth it?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Are there any other games that handle horror and spoops like pic related? Picking up the second game in the steam sale...
How has your internet speed affected your online gaming Sup Forums?
Zero Time Dilemma
Add me on LoL
Lets try this again, shall we?
Does Sup Forums like to mod their games?
If all this stuff is a preorder '''bonus''', what the fuck is the premium edition even...
Overwatch - Ranked
When did you grow out of Nintendo, Sup Forums?
Is this accurate?
Dad, mom, sister, brother and aunt comes in
Which video game girl has the best butt?
ReCore Inafune
Post your main
Wrath of the Lich King was the golden age of WoW. Prove me wrong
I gave up
Pick Sup Forums
Anyone else still hyped for this?
Steam Summer Sale thread
Good game? Shit game? OK game? Why?
"This is the Dark Souls of x"
What is Sup Forums's opinion in Rayman 3. In my opinion its like Dark Souls but for kids. Great setting...
It's been too long, Sup Forums
What games feature gentle femdon?
DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 years ago, this game came out
Old Lara is the best Lara
ITT post your favorite video game
That's it, I can't play another RPG ever again. Witcher 3 has completely ruined RPGs for me. It can't get any better...
Tipping point for purchasing a console
When will more powerful story-driven games such as Life is Strange exist?
What are some of your scary things you don't like when playing videogames?
Modern gaming:
Claim your melee weaponfu
Should I jump back into League or is it still cancer?
Silent Hill thread
Not even a year later, Undertale is finally forgotten
What JRPG has the most interesting plot?
Beep boop
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
It's a "Losed 10/10 ranked matches" episode
Prove to me that this game isn't objectively shit
Overwatch compeditive is still full of retards
DayZ now runs at a silky smooth 60fps even in large cities
ITT: Rock Band 4 thread
Its not that bad
New mouse
They must increase his bust
Literally me
What are some good co-op games for friends that want to get closer?
ITT companies you refuse to purchase from
What is your favorite shooter?
Are you playing the reemake of Mana?
Have you ever been this passionate about anything in life?
ITT: Games you will never play for whatever reason
Vita thread!
God Tier Bosses
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Is there a community that is more cancerous then pic related?
Skeleton boss
Desktop thread
Never let mustard race tell you that PC is backwards compatible past DX9 or so...
This game is fucking shit. I need some new platformers and/or metroidvanias
Why was this so mildly received...
Tori pics ;;
What am I in for?
What was the golden age of TF2 gmod videos?
Stardew Valley
Why don't developers of singleplayer plot-driven games make games that will make you want to wish you could play it for...
What a thrill
No poorfags allowed
Was tninking of purchasing this with the rest of my Wii U library...
Who would win in a fight? (Let's say Noctis is able to do what he did in the versus 13 debut trailer)
Microsoft started their epic come back and will dominate the industry again
ITT: we redraw the Belmont stance
Talk about the long dark please
Who's your main and which moveset do you use?
Pick a button
Can people of color hack?
Post your 3 favourite game in any order and have other anons judge you on your taste
Serious issue, no hate thread
How does one get into the Touhous? I'm interested in trying out the games but I'm not sure where to start
With this card you can revive any dead series
Are there any games where the final boss is redeemed by the main character?
Why was he portrayed as such a mean and horribly evil villain when a lot of what he said made sense?
If anyone with a vita is interested in Adventures of Mana that just came out and wanted to see some gameplay before...
Quiet for god sakes
Whats should I buy?
If im using a 7950 gpu and 1080p monitor, this is the best card for me right...
"Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight"
Steam Spring Sale
Playing through DQ8 properly after putting it off for so long and i cant believe how fun it is
What is the End Of Evangelion of video games?
Sup Forums Hunger Games
Cuhrazy thread
Character you're escorting moves faster than your walking speed, but slower than your running speed
Alright, let's do it again
If a games isn't hard then its bad
What games require animation cancelling to git gud?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game girl?
Why is it Sony pandering to leftist scum?
Zero Time Dilemma - best girl edition
Here's your controller bro, hope you don't mind
Palmdesert reached lvl 1000
Play game
ITT: Characters you wish you could kill but can't
Tfw I will never go back to 2006/2007 and play runescape while listening to emo music while talking to girls over msn
Who do you main in Chess?
User has voted against Sup Forums
Is this game actually good? I hear lots of polarizing discussion
Say hi to Blanco /v. He loves meeting new friends
Why aren't hippos more prominent in video games when they're one of the deadliest animals around?
Anyone play this? How would you rate it? Just started, the skill tree is intimidating as fuck
Tales of Games for PS3
Overwatch Hero Tiers (OFFICIAL)
Which one is better? My vote goes to Goldeneye
If you don't preorder Skyrim Special Edition right now I will pull this pin and end everyone's miserable existance...
Are there any good games that are only in japanese?
Now that it's been a while, what does Sup Forums think of Bayonetta being in Smash?
How does Samus make you feel, user?
Hey, Sup Forums. I'm a game dev, working on a trading card game called Forgotten Lore...
That are people who actually picked palm tree over Rosa
Disgaea Thread
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who will honestly look at this and say "that's not 3D"
Apologize, Sup Forums
1080p 144fps
Soooooo whats our take on this?
Nobody talking about the best lego game in years
How in the fuck?
This picture makes me want to explode on the inside from how I feel
Can we talk about this game...
There will never EVER be a dlc as good as this
Why has Nintendo's only "return of link" game been Majora's Mask?
Console-tan Tuesday: After Dark
So are you guys ready for the next update to the greatest horror game this year?
I'm glad we finally agree on something
5 million subs and rising
Cid won't smoke in the FF7 remake
How the fuck is Kojima almost 53? Does he dabble in the occult?
Anyone up for some Mario Party 4 netplay?
I'm just gonna post this one more time before stopping
ITT: sequels that actually improved on the original
Go into FUCKING Gamestop
What are some video games with cute hippy girls, Sup Forums?
Ed Edd n Eddy Online Thread?
Balrog has challenged you to a boxing match for $3 Million
Why does she disapprove everything?
ITT: Good games Sup Forums hates to admit
Nintendo Shareholders Meeting
ITT: Describe a videogame using a spongebob screencap
What is this expression meant to convey?
So what caused the Red ring of death?
Do you take breaks while playing vidya?
For England, Alec
Join a Sup Forums guild
What the fuck was his problem?
What are some games where I am a sidekick to the hero, chosen one, protag?
Game has steak
Top-Tier Vidya Music
Let's discuss achievements/trophies. Are they harmless or cancer?
Steam Summer Sale Thread
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Your opinion on the Mega Man Zero
Would it be dumb to buy a VR set now? I only have a 390 on my PC but I really want to play VR
Can we get a Twilight Princess thread going? IMO it has the best story (and characters) in a Zelda game
Is the "5 stages of grief" theory in Majoras Mask a real thing?
Giving away a steam code for quads
Has anyone actually played the game?
What kind of job/work do you have/do that puts the food on your table and pays for your games and bills, user?
Question Sup Forums
Playing competitive on Overwatch
Literally gaming perfection
Game has jelly beans for trading system
Why are there so few games about time travel?
Any games that does this concept?
Last Remnant
How do you get good with Zarya?
How the f*ck do I beat this unfair boss?
How's that game coming along?
He's getting old
Public Service Announcement
Name 1 ( ONE ) community that is more cancerous
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
What game were you playing in 2005?
What is the single worst redesign in vidya history?
This game any good?
Why are there no male gods/CPUs in Neptunia?
Buyers remorse thread
King's honor, friend
Mario games has the deepest lore
Does anyone have that link of the transgender guys donation for awesome games done quick?
Can we all agree that video games isn't art?
Why do people say the PS2 is the greatest console ever when the PS1 and NES exist?
What's so bad about this game Sup Forums?
Nintendo shareholders meeting in 17 minutes
Meanwhile, in Hogwarts Sup Forums
VTMB Thread
Why are games these days so goddamn hard, Sup Forums?
How do I get good at Zarya?
Recommend me some games I can play on a 6 year old laptop, possibly without the extensive need of a mouse, i...
He can't bhop
Are any of the old call of duty games worth getting ?
Will Link ever get laid?
GOD OF WAR: Gameplay & Mechanics Trailer
Why no one discussing this?
So there's a sale on psn right now. We had a thread about it earlier
How's that game coming along
Did Substance have any actual good extra content compared to Sons Of Liberty?
Who else is pre-ordering this day one?
Play star ocean 5
What's in your pile of shame, Sup Forums?
That fucking Alexandria
The most underrated game in the past 5 years
How much of a Zelda fan are you?
What if a video game did physics simulations by having it so that:
What's the purpose of For Glory?
Let's have a horror game thread. The more obscure and unknown, the better
My ban was just lifted but i want it reinstated. You guys are such fucking braindead faggot...
ITT the worst controllers ever made
To anyone who hates MGSV
Convince me to buy a Vita
Why is this allowed?
Was there really anything wrong with Saints Row 3? I get that it was a drastic change in tone compared to 2...
Any good Wave games besides Vice City/blood dragon and hotline?
What are some games that only people from sovereign and free nations can truly appreciate?
If she ain't the best I'll eat my hat
ITT : we rate eachother based on our dreamgame as described in a image
Star Trek Online thread
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Atlus talks about Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE localization
Literally impossible
Why was Saturn-era!Sonic still his best design to this day?
Remember when Humble Bundle was an exciting and noteworthy event?
Console specific nerfs
Why is this hailed as one of the best FPS of all time? The boating sections were TORTURE...
Why is Gears of War multiplayer so popular?
Irithyll and everything related to it was hands down the best part of Dark Souls 3. Prove me wrong
Take a look at the most beautiful fucking Fallout 4 settlement you've ever seen
What went so horribly wrong?
Daily reminder that if you summon a phantom, you didn't really beat the game
W-what h-happen T-trumpbros?
Pressing push to talk to laugh
EVO 2016
It's here!
Is EYE fun or is it only liked because of the story ?
Sci-fi setting
I don't understand why there are so many threads where the OP asks if he should play a certain game or not
Design a female character
Really makes you think
We describe our dicks with vidya taglines/marketing
Sequel WHEN
Ding dong, the Meg is gone
Have you ever donated to a Kickstarter, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you bought Huniepop yet?
Is Kirby a boy or a girl?
Street Fighter V story mode update on Friday
Hey Sup Forums. What do all these companies have in common?
Miss me yet?
Zelda BotW map
Call-E dodged a bullet by not winning the poll
When are we gonna get another decent mech game lads? reverse joints best joints
What happened to these guys? Last I heard, they were making some open world game...
Which one should I get
45% want to proceed with the panties being censored
He doesn't own a gaming pc as his primary platform
Pre-order game on amazon
Oh no, it's ruined!
The protagonist is silent
Since we're pretty much all getting the new zelda, we're going to have to get a nx. (unless you're gay and have a wiiu)
It's time to admit that this game is fun
You will never be Japanese
Where were you when history happened?
Steam Summer Sale Thread
Remember the old times
Interactive movie console vs game console
Get a gaming PC
High Quality Rips
Something came in the mail?
God Eater
Why is it alright that Capcom censored Juri's beautiful feet...
Microsoft isn't even trying anymore
First Trips WITH steam account linked wins it, get rolling
Which games has graphics that aged like vine?
That moment you realize Dark Souls/Bloodborne is Zelda for grown ups
And a very special thanks.. to YOU!
Pixel art thread?
You die when you touch water
If Xingcai isn't best girl in Dynasy Warriors, then who is it?
New dinosaurs themed games fucking when?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this game?
What's the new character reveal, Sup Forums?
Filename Thread
What letter do I fill in the blank with to get the best games?
Gravity Rush
What ever happened to all those C-List celebrities that were on G4?
How do we fix the Zenyatta?
Reducing damage by 30%
Steam Cart R8
What is the best boss in Dark Souls 2?
Want to build a gaming PC
Worse than a 2 year old card (970)
ITT: Post your IRL victory animation
Why was he censored? :S
Hello. I'll be posting Mario @ Sonic at Rio
Witches and Sorceresses are the best
Ranch or cool ranch
Its ps2 all over again
Centered weapons for ALL guns coming to D44M
Resident Evil
I'm sorry you had to find out this way
So this came out today
CIVILIZATION VI - First Look: England
So, who needs a nerf next?
I finally uninstalled the three laned jew
The Thief series
Wouldnt it be funny if the PS4 came alive. "I am a PS4 and you put games in me" and um... doo doo doo a PS4 and um...
What was this guy's fucking problem?
ITT: Drop old video game accounts you will literally never use again
Just bought psychonauts, what am i in for?
Can we have a classic TF2 thread?
When you realize you spent thousand dollars for a pc to play broken console ports and indies
Dont be a thief
Anyone playing her game? I would but with talks of a potential PC version I'll probably wait a bit
Will we ever see her again?
How did this cost TEN MILLION DOLLARS?
Disappointing sequels to amazing games
Mosaic Thead - Super Mario Galaxy 2
ITT: We discuss Skyrim: Remastered and why we are planning on buying it
Why are rapiers so criminally underrepresented in vydia?
I'll play a face down card and end my turn. Your move Sup Forums
Who else plays while naked?
Groove Street
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...