ITT: Worst CastleKino ever

ITT: Worst CastleKino ever

why did you post a 4K PNG screenshot of a fucking gameboy advance game you fucking faggot?

what's wrong with that

this is literally the best though

He did it so that we could see the amazing HD pixel that the last decade couldn't offer.

Post best CastleKönig.

what is a konig

what castlevania game should i play next just beat OoE

the nes one

Depends on what You've played. SotN, AoS, and RoB are my favorites.

A joyous gargantuan mass of truth?

i want to play SotN but im too stupid to figure out how the fuck to get a ps1 emulator to work

whats wrong with u

Damn man, that's pretty stupid


>people prefer aria over dawn because they cant get over an art style

Not the best art, dont get me wrong, but some people are faggots.

Who gave you my filter list?


i kno. im gona go try again wish me luck

Dawn is better than Aria

I hope you don't mean Soma.

what was it. what would someone post in a castlevania thread that would need romeving

What's a CastleKino?

Because in terms of Castlevania games, that one's not even close to the worst

I don't get this Kino meme

What does Kino's Journey have to do with Castlevania? They aren't even remotely related.

I mean FUMA!

Why won't they release this on steam?

worst daily thread ever

What is kino?

>Plebs arguing over best Kinovania
>Don't even mention the Xbox 360 Arcade version of Symphony of the Night

Goodra threads were better

tired Sup Forums meme faggot OP is pathetically trying to push with his daily Castlevania thread

A retarded Sup Forums maymay

I'm not a Castlevania expert but I recommend the PSP version. Not only you get 2 games in once disc and improved translation but you also get original Japanese voice acting. Plus PPSSPP is more easy to run.

The DS gimmicks make it hard to go back and play.

It's not fun scribbling out those symbols every time a boss is close to death (and if you mess up it gets health back), or tapping on blocks to get further in the game.

I never played much of Aria, but the touch-screen bits have kept me from coming back all that much to Dawn, outside of Julius mode.

badass Konami game.

Portrait of Ruin is decent, but if you haven't played Symphony of the Night, you'll want to rev up that ePSXe emulator. Though SOTN being the first of its type is waaaay more unbalanced - you can become overpowered in a lot of different ways.

If you haven't played any of the pre-SOTN CV games, play at least one or two of those! The best imo are Castlevania X68000 (released as Castlevania Chronicles on the PS1 - only play original mode on this!), Castlevania III (NES is harder, and more balanced, imo, than the Japanese release), and maybe CV Bloodlines. but they are all good!

I just wanna know if it's possible to stand like this.

>and improved translation
I would say it's not really improved. It -might- be closer to the Japanese but that probably just means that the original Japanese is lifeless and generic.

Is there really anything "off" about the original script? It has some over-the-top voice-acting that's fun to laugh at, but it's not like everyone spoke garbled English. It's actually a very well-done script, and I love just about every voice (Alucard's deep voice is just too good).

Try it yourself.

Now leave CastleKino to me.

The most used meme on Sup Forums because Sup Forums are the biggest memers. Yes even more than us or even Sup Forums.

It comes from German, Russian, and Norwegian spelling of Cinema. Basically just a way to sound prentenous when talking about movies. For example someone may correct you and say they are called films not movies. On a scale from least to most prentenous: flick < movie < film < cinema < kino.

Being a meme when people say to post Kino they either mean films that are actually great and well respected or post absolute dogshit. Not unlike how literally is now used as an expression rather than to mean actually true.

Is this a meme to post here or is it literally OP just posting this shit all the time? Everytime we have this thread it's that same frame from AoS.

>The most used meme on Sup Forums
Most forced. The only people who post this at all are Sup Forums crossboarders, never even seen this shit on other boards ever. Much less prevalent than baneposting.

i think it's a meme