Cant even outperform the 970 let alone the 980..
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I'd fuck that boy pussy
Yes i can run undertale at 600fps on my 7000 dollar Computer Parts! So glad I joined the mustard race! Any good minecraft mods for this BEAST of a computer?
Try the kys mod
post nudes.
It's always funny seeing the random sonycuck trying to scream for attention in these threads
show dick
yo dude i got the same cologne that shit is tight
it's the best card for its money and about 100$ cheaper than its competition.
Who are you quoting
now try comparing it to a 970 in a game that uses 4GB of Vram
>Its not a trap
Are AMD the most cucked company at the moment?
I can't imagine desperately trying to close the gap and constantly failing, people thinking you're a joke.
All these AMD fanboys only make them look like bigger losers as well
I bet this guy is buying the Neo / Scorpio anyways. The absolute hypocrite
>Are AMD the most cucked company at the moment?
AMD has been making the best 200$ cards for a while now.
>my brand is better !
Hello AMD shills
i have an nvidia card
i just dont care about your shilling contest
Cared enough to reply
What the fuck
How the fuck aren't you able to realize that it's false flagging/irony/baiting? Are you literally autistic or have you never been on Sup Forums before? Holy shit
>tfw Undertale at 4K
> it's false flagging/irony/baiting
It's ironic shitposting and I made sure to report him if that's what you're concerned about.