Pick a button

pick a button

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I don't give a single fuck about elder scrolls so i just press green because i can

I'm an idea fag, but I'd still pick red, only a retard would pick green.

An open platform one box future would be ideal.

one box, but have to upgrade your graphics card, RAM and CPU every 6 months.

Obviously the red button, the fuck?

You'd be rolling an insane amount of dice with green. Then again you might make something of yourself.


Red, I love developing but I fucking suck at it

Alright, for the Greenfags, describe the three games you would help make.

The games that I want to play are mostly just higher quality/complexity versions of existing games, so red is a win for me and the world.


That sounds boring as fuck.

Red, I have no good ideas and whatever I create would probably be shit. Red means I don't have to worry about exclusives, plus games get more advanced.

What button do I push to make video games non-existent?
Also Sup Forums.


I love this meme

>having the option to upgrade your hardware is worse than being stuck with the same for 8 years

Fuck that, are you man enough to pick THE MYSTERY BOX. Will be revealed in 10 minutes.


Pull together the teams behind Chrono Trigger & Cross to make Chrono Break

Pull together the teams behind Suikoden II & V to make Suikoden VI

Pull together the teams behind Grandia I & II to make Grandia IV

And once I'm a quintillionaire, world peace has been achieved by helping to make these games a reality, and my genius is known far and wide to all, I'll pull together the teams behind a ton of classic JRPG's and bring their series back from death.

You're welcome, Humanity.

>A survival horror game that gives you an entire city full of explorable buildings. There are points of interest and a "main quest" but every building can be entered and you can find fuck knows what in any given one. Other mechanics include a day/night system where you either deal with enemies with greater visibility or greater aggression and detailed gun management mechanics (no ammo counter, reloading takes actual time and is not ideal whatsoever in combat, reloading a clip/magazine before it runs out of ammo drops the remaining ammo with it, guns are meant to be transient and can be thrown in a last ditch effort, etc.)

>A 3D action adventure game with a Megaman-like nonlinear progression across wondrous worlds of various elements like wind, water, fire, nature, etc., and you play as a character with fully customizable control of elements - you could play through the game as a fire character, a mixture of wind and water, jack-of-all-trades, etc. Think a high fantasy cross between Avatar and Metroid or something along those lines.

>A fourth Umihara Kawase game

One for the box!

Well, box man?

In the box is a P.E.T, which is a small portable device with an a.i navigator. You get to choose the personality and appearance of your navigator.

It is compatible with current and future technology. It's uses range from menial tasks like being a phone, using email browsing porn to complex tasks like deleting viruses. You can send your navigator into devices that allows for any kind of input.

Sorry I'm late


Man, I want a fucking PET. Those things are awesome.


fuck all of you. i want Sup Forums back.

Green button it is.
>I'm the voice of a generation

go back to IGN, silly child. Nobody really believes that tired old meme.

The PS4 uses the laptop equivalent of a Random HD 7770 (a tired £70 GPU from 2012). You can't seriously believe many PCs need regular upgrades to keep above that bar...

red because I'm not creative enough for green

You have to upgrade your console every 10 seconds, not really a big deal for pc.

People pirate pc games so no one will make games thus gaming will be dead. Way to go idiots.

One mirriron twoops

People pirate console/handheld games as well.

They're not 100% thought out, but here's some rough ideas.

A 1st/3rd-person choice Metroid that plays with the speed, flexibility and atmosphere of the 2D games, but the free-aiming, in-depth detailing and beam-selection of Prime. Also more inspiration from Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 on keeping each new area creepy and/or entertaining.

A Silent Hill-esque atmospheric horror take on the Pokemon genre that takes place on a clusterfuck of fantastical island-shapes in a 1800's-meets-future (similar to Dishonored) fashion, where your selected trained creatures are all that's defending your fish-thing protagonist from other untamed ones and what's become of 1/3 of the population, all wrapped under an ongoing mystery.

An open-world GTA/Bioshock-style Zootopia adaptation where the city is slowly being hit by a strain of the Night Howlers that reduce certain blocks and areas to something straight outta Resident Evil 5's early trailers (with the 50 niggers at a time). You choose between Nick or Judy, have an array of ZPD/homemade gadgets, dart-shooters and vehicles, normal criminals have actual guns (a modded-Fallout amount of them), and you have 72 hours to solve the epidemic before a shock-collar treatment is perma-forced onto the city.

They're not 100% thought out, but here's some rough ideas.

A 1st/3rd-person choice Metroid that plays with the speed, flexibility and atmosphere of the 2D games, but the free-aiming, in-depth detailing and beam-selection of Prime. Also more inspiration from Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 on keeping each new area creepy and/or entertaining.

A Silent Hill-esque atmospheric horror take on a Pokemon-style game that takes place on a clusterfuck of fantastical island-shapes in a 1800's-meets-future (similar to Dishonored) fashion, where your selected trained creatures are all that's defending your fish-thing protagonist from other untamed ones and what's become of 1/3 of the population, all wrapped under an ongoing mystery.

An open-world GTA/Bioshock-style Zootopia adaptation where the city is slowly being hit by a strain of the Night Howlers that reduce certain blocks and areas to something straight outta Resident Evil 5's early trailers (with the 50 niggers at a time). You choose between Nick or Judy, have an array of ZPD/homemade gadgets, dart-shooters and vehicles, normal criminals have actual guns (a modded-Fallout amount of them), and you have 72 hours to solve the epidemic before a shock-collar treatment is perma-forced onto the city.

I'll just make the game I know I'll enjoy forever, who cares if it turns out bad because the shit taste masses didn't like it

Which one would you pick?

not even a red button would save the dragon age franchise

TES was never good and I just want to bring Jagged Alliance, Might and Magic, and Gothic back. That or be in charge of the new Underworld game.

I hope this is one of those monkey paw things, where if you pick red then almost no one can play the fucking game like with Crysis and if you pick green the game just sucks because your ideas aren't as good as you thought.

For purple, is it 2 days/48 hours a week or in total? Whatever the case, I'd gladly give up vidya for waifu. I can still game vicariously through twitch, so it's not like I'm permanently banned from them

Nigga that's the gayest shit I ever heard

Yellow is objectively the best choice.

Define "two days" on purple. Like, two days a week or two days, as in 48 hours, period?

I can give up 10 years of old age for 3 perfect games

Red button. Always.

Someone hasn't played the Battle Network games.

Green Button.

>Mega Man Legends 3
>Mega Man Legends 4
>Mega Man Legends 5

I wouldn't need video games anymore.

>t-trust me guys consoles are the reasons games are shit
Love this meme

Depends on what the island comes with, like if it comes with a furbished house and a way to get utilities then yeah yellow is the best. Or if you could sell the island, that's fine too.

>having hardware for 8 years that run games is bad
>its better to spend hundreds a year

>get private island
>sell private island
>be rich
>have two hookers stuck to my dick at all times
>play videogames

>Button without any drawbacks
>Button with drawbacks

Green only has drawbacks if you lack creativity.

Putting a waifu option in your choices is a death sentence because everyone will choose it regardless of how much better any other option may be.

So the solution is to make EVERY choice waifu-granting.


>Development team has to be hand-picked

Games are made with dozen, maybe hundreds of people based on how big your ideas are.

Being creative has nothing to do with how your team can handle your ideas.

Your dev team could still fuck it up.

Green. I may want tits but goddammit, I can't deny the ghost waifu.

Neither, i think the red button will be economically bad for the industry and i don't think I'm good enough to make anything out of the green.

Fair points.

But I want a husbando...

Red's winning. It's nice to see people with correct opinions on this board every once in a while.

You get me.

Green as fuck.

Only retards would push red.

Green of course.

I need to know if I have the true grit, and if I don't? Well then I can just move on with my life comfortably saying "I tried it and it didn't work out."

>have the chance to make three (3) of your dream games
>better graffixxx and framerates!! pc master race!!! more anime waifus on skyrim 2!!!
I'd smash the green one until my hand was bloody.

>Pick red
>All games are just run of the mill, style over substance shitfests
>Mustards think this is what they actually want

Thank god none of you will ever have any influence over the industry.

red and live in a world you can easily break with you meta knowledge,like TES

>Get robowaifu
>She cannot follow you into the afterlife
Green please.

my waifu is an android
grey and I'm modding the tits, plus now its the future, son

I'll choose the science option and get an android Argonian-waifu.

People who push green are retards who overvalue their creative ability and will probably end up making generic shit. Your ideas arent as good as you think they are.

Red focuses all of the most skilled developers on a single platform. Its the logical choice.

>all these idiots wanting to kill videogames by pushing Red

Even if consoles disappeared tomorrow, people wouldn't switch to PC. Industry would disappear, no more games, especially with no reason to pay for them anymore. But Sup Forums would function as normal, because nobody on Sup Forums plays videogames.

I would just make an idea thread on different websites and steal those.

id fuck the red button

go away agdg

Your ideas are still limited by the skills of the developers

But I get to pick the development team so I would just match the ideas to games that have already been developed that are similar to them.

Even an uncreative fuck can just reassemble the dream teams that made the games they love but aren't around anymore. I mean, I don't even have to think about that - get Team Silent, the Jet Set Radio team, and the MediEvil team back together to make games in those entries again. Bam, green justified on my end. Can't be that hard to go from there.

>make a potentially shit game

>save vidya forever

hmm, I wonder...

I don't have a waifu tho.

Green Button
Make Vanilla WoW
Play Vanilla WoW
Probably make 2 games later, I've been thinking of a necromancer simulator and a survival post-apoc FPS with incredible focus on realism.

>figuratively selling your soul and personal information to valve
sorry but no

You're up your own ass.

People play on consoles BECAUSE it's the cheaper option.

If people want to play video games, they will. And they will switch to PC if thats the only option.

Some of us actually like playing video games.

>Pick Green: make your dream game and possibly kwacha
>Pick Red: remain a poorfag

If I'm the only person who gets to press a button then blue. At least that way a fair amount of anons should be happy.

>Ctrl+F platinum
>0 results

I'm proud.

Yep, you're the first to mention them at all.

Purple enhances everyone's laifu. Becoming the waifu is even better!

Green button. I just want an open world Star Wars FPS MMO RPG SIM ETC

Green button.

If I push the green button I can finally force Capcom to make a ZX sequel.


You can make Capcom make any Megaman game, or hell even 3 games, that you want.

Red because I'm not naive enough to think I could develop a decent game with minimal programming knowledge like most of the retards on Sup Forums.

None, they're both shit.


I'm too incoherent and oblivious to really make good on being an idea guy with a handpicked team.
It'd be 3 mediocre ideas with teams staffed by incompetants.

Whereas with red I can at least see something I like come to my platform of choice.
Even if it means being forced to upgrade from my 670 to be able to run the latest games properly.

I'm not an idea guy, so I'd delegate job

>Spore the way it's meant to be, let Will Wright pick the guys he wants and make the game he wants for PC

>Let Akira Toriyama make an Elder Scrolls game

>Put Platinum Games in charge of making a Baoh the Visitor game


Idea 1: 0/10 sounds like all the early access shit we already get
Idea 2: An avatar metroid would be cool but zero creativity.
Idea 3: Fuck, are you even capable of producing an actual concept?

People who uses party leaders as reaction images have worthless opinions