ITT: Franchises that ended on a high
ITT: Franchises that ended on a high
Paradise was not the last burnout.
So you're saying pic related is a masterpiece?
Look up burnout: crash
it was also ruined by openworld disease
>being narcissistic enough to include spin-offs
What a great bunch you are
Burnout 3 was literally perfect, there was no need to change the winning formula but they fucked it anyway by changing fads
Paradise was by far the worst Burnout.
Game was completely ruined by the misguided attempt to make it open world.
I liked paradise most, second to burnout 2
goofing around online was excellent. I miss it.
It's a shame; there hasn't even been another halo game since
>le open world is shit no matter what maymay
Fuck off. If done correctly, open world can be fucking great. Burnout did it correctly.
I'd kill for another C&C
You use the internet
Google 'define:narcissistic' (everything between the ' ' )
Does that definition sound correct in your context? If the answer is anything other than 'no', you're an idiot
Pic not related? Open world and racing don't fucking go together.
>Does that definition sound correct in your context?
>you're an idiot
Red Dead
Advance Wars
>ITT: Franchises that ended on a high
Pic not related.
Paradise is shit.
>stripped most things that made burnout fun, left with NFS: Burnout edition
>open world and choosing your own road in a race is competely useless because its a fucking race, and you're always driving the shortest possible route, unless you're deliberately gimping yourself
>only 8 finish lines on the whole map which results in 50-100% of the races being on the exact same tracks
>no quick select so you race from a to b, and then back from b to a the whole game, because driving around on your own is pointless(muh exploration)
>annoying fucking DJ handholder what even won't shut up when disabling help in the options
>generic indie rock music selection
>and once again because it really matters: stripped of everything Burnout until only a corpse was left
I don't care if you think BO2 or 3 was best, that's up to you. But Paradise is the biggest piece of shit in the franchise.
>Days of Ruin
fuck off. The game is alright but it is by no means the best in the series and pretty much took all the fun out of it.
And I'm not talking about the grimdark story, their attempts to make the gameplay more balanced also made the game more unfun to play.
I'm glad they finished this after Lost Chapters. A really good stand alone RPG. I'm glad nothing came after it.
Pretending the series ended where you wanted it to end completely defeats the purpose of the thread.
What do you mean user? They did end. Headcanon doesn't count here.