Pre-order game on amazon

>pre-order game on amazon
>hyped because i'm a prime member so get game on release
>day before release
>hasn't shipped, was still charged
>talk to customer service
>"sorry bud our mistake"
>tell them i want to cancel my order and get a refund and just buy it locally
>"sure sir no problem bud"
>go to gamestop after work
>buy game
>get notification while driving home that the game shipped from amazon
>have to go through the refund/return process with amazon still despite the customer service guy saying he'll cancel it and refund it for me the day before


also don't google "fucking amazon" you won't get funny amazon memes

Check your card that you used to pay for it? Maybe they refunded the money to you and sent you the copy anyway.

Nope, just a $34.44 charge from Amazon and a $43.65 charge from Gamestop. And I'm too much of a faggot to just return the Gamestop copy because I want to play the game now.

>Prime order is 1 day late
>complain to Amazon
>guaranteed a free month of Prime whenever this happens
It's alright.

>not taking advantage of the 10% off for prime preorders

See I did. It's $9 though so who gives a shit. I want to play it now and I thought Amazon was gonna refund me now I have to deal with this shit.

>call amazon
>tell them about previous conversation
>tell them you already purchased game from competitor

They'll either let you keep the game and give you a refund or they will send ups / fedex out with a return label to pick it up free of charge. Most likely they'll just let you keep it + refund.

That's what you get for not checking to make sure he did it. If he could/would actually do that it would have been immediate.

I hate how amazon support has to dox you and make you give out your phone number and shit

I've pre-ordered game with Amazon Prime only to have them ship day of release, and when I ask why it didn't get release date delivery, they just say it "wasn't a game that we do that for". I asked how I can tell why I preorder or look at the page, but they didn't say.

But that 20% off and free shipping pays for itself pretty quickly. Especially since you can just say you're a student if you have an old .edu address.

*say you're a student to get 1/2 off the Prime service, that is.

>monitor blows up during busy deadline week
>get a nice 2k 24" monitor with great colors
>about to be delivered a few days earlier
>delivery failed: incomplete address
>call DHL who shipped it
>"lol we don't have it"
>call parcelforce, give address, they tell me I can get it from a depot if I want to
>Nothing changes for a few days
>go down to depot
>"Lol we don't have it"
>wait a week, send unaswered emails
>call parcelforce tell address
>"Okay I just put it on the internal system"
>fucking last idiot I talked to didn't bother logging it or telling anyone
>wait a week
>email seller
>"lol parcelforce did it again, we'll track down your monitor that's become rare now and resend it for free"
I've been forced to game and do work on an ancient 12" shitty LCD monitor for weeks now.

There isn't any way for you, as a consumer, to know which games they will actually try to get to you on or even near release day. That's why they didn't say, you aren't allowed to know.

I just split my prime membership with my bros. they give me $50 a year and pay me in cash when I ship things to them

I'm talking to someone on customer chat right now. I'm a hella good Amazon customer, and I'm doing my best to sound disappointed as shit (because I am) but still courteous so hopefully they throw me a bone here.

>tfw every support is gandhi

Are u mad over ZTD?

That's one thing I don't like about Amazon. Best Buy always ships a game to arrive on release day if you order at least a week before the release date.

No, I'm playing it right now on a Gamestop copy. I'm just mad at Amazon.

So it's not that they don't know, it's that what games get "release day" delivery are decided by Amazon on a case by case basis, and they aren't allowed to communicate that to the customer?
Seems like the only way to know for sure that you'll get it that day is when a preorder update email tells you that the delivery date has been updated.

It's really not too big a deal. I don't mind waiting 2 days for most games if I can save a bit. And if I really want it right away Walmart is open at midnight.


das it mane

>tfw no way to know if a game ships to my country or not until I order it
Fucking amazon

Is that Star Ocean?!?! I ordered it a week ago and I won't get it till the 30th

Zero Time Dilemma

>tfw never got my shit late, live in big city with same-day shipping
>tfw 20% off
Amazon Prime is pretty fuckin' dank

>being this impatient

kill yourself autismo

That came out today right?

>"You should love and respect all life around you. You should live life with a humble attitude"
>"Ok, and why hasn't my 60 inch dildo arrived yet?"

>Give them address and credit card number when ordering
>mad about giving out phone number

This just happened with me and now I have 2 copies of TMS #FE Special Edition. Free.

just return the amazon copy to gamestop then.

Don't return to amazon to often or they'll cancel your account and ban you. Although they do give warnings before they actually do this nowadays.

You are impatient as fuck.

You probably got a refund from amazon + a free game.

Seriously they don't give a fuck. They will refund anything, a motherboard, fuck it. I returned shit I used for a month full refund.

And their strategy works because I buy fucking everything from there now.

>also don't google "fucking amazon" you won't get funny amazon memes
More like 30 pages of porn. Google is fucking filled with it if you turn of safe search, it's ridiculous how much porn it is.

well I give out that shit to amazon the company not pajeet the person doing tech support

This. There's a reason why Amazon loses money every single year while simultaneously monopolizing the retail world.

>go to amazon
>order book
>shipping is more than the book
>no prime, no amazon for my region
>cry myself to sleep

Why the fuck are used books and games from the UK so damn cheap? Do you resell everything you get your hands on or something? I would buy so much fucking shit if not for the fact that I would have to pay shipping for each individual item.

If your credit is shit, you get treated like shit.

There's literally no difference. They have that shit in file When they pull up your order

>motherboard fails after a month
>immediately buy new one
>shove the old one in the new box
>refund the new one
it just werks

Losing money? They made a profit of something like a billion dollars last year

There are bar codes and IDs on that.
I mean, if someone takes the time to have a look at it they'll find out you're a thief.

They make a shit load of money, but they spend a ton of it on investments that never turn around.

>having a credit score

It's the same in the US
It's because you're buying from competing third-party sellers, they're cheap as fuck

>pre order game
>it's going to come in like 4 days despite 2- day shipping
>contact customer support and simply ask if they can help me
>they upgrade me to free shipping
>AND I get a free $10 of goodboy points
Thanks Amazon!

>Not using Bestbuy's Goy Club Unlocked
20% off preorders and free release day shipping. The UPS guy always comes around 11:40am.

>coworker buys headphones on Amazon
>they show up a gay white color
>they send him the right color supposedly
>another pair of white headphones
>they say they'll make sure to send the right color this time and he can just keep all 3 pairs
>i now own a free pair of gay, but bretty good phones


>Pre-ordering from Amazon

Amazon are usually quite precise and will get the game to you on release day. However you should pre-order from other sites as they usually ship it early to be safe and it arrives a day or two early. Amazon are so good at this shit it's best not to use them for pre-orders.

>tfw preordered Persona 5 CE on Amazon about three weeks ago
>pick Free Shipping because I'm frugal
>"They can't possibly ship it within 5-7 business days like they say. It'll probably ship on release date."
>it ships out on the 20th, 6 days after
I'm going to have to avoid spoilers for about 15 days. ;_;

What's the problem with Amazon and Zero Time Dilemma? I had the same problem today. Assholes only upgraded me to one day shipping.

>a shade is gay

Could a distribution center check them though? I would assume the barcodes are for the manufacturers use only.

You're going to have to avoid spoilers for much longer than that. The game comes out September 15th in Japan.

In what country do you live that isn't considered a neutral color?

Only pre-order from amazon if you really want to save money only.

Last time I pre-ordered Overmeme and they basically shipped it 1 week after with the slowest shipping possible and CSR just told me "lel touf shit suck it up pal"

Op, just return the amazon copy to gamestop when it comes in.

They're more like clear and the cable is clear and almost sparkly looking.

You could have bitched harder and probably gotten like a free month of prime or something out of it

>going to gamestop instead of getting 20% off amazon
>not using bing to get your games for free
feels good being a NEET

>implying I don't use cash cards and prepaid debit cards for online purchases
A ruskie already has you're credit info, user.

Fucking asshole that's why I'm getting trash when I buy warehouse deal stuff for half the price

Lucky you, UPS comes around my house around 7:30PM every day.

My Dishonored 2 CE better get here on time.

Amazon uses OnTrac, its why theyre so shit

Yeah theres just some things I don't go to amazon for despite being prime. Getting new vidya, I just pick it up from the walmart thats 5 minutes away from me in the morning, and also computer hardware. Whenever I've gotten a dud gpu it was from amazon.

My nigga. That's what I do.

I've never had a game not come when it's supposed to come for release date delivery.

I'm an Amazon Engineer.
Ask me anything.

Stopped reading right there.

I've had Prime since 2012, but I've only really started noticing them pulling this shit in maybe the last 2 years, particularly when my Senran Kagura and Dark Souls 3 shipped the day OF release instead of being here ON the day of release. Also it takes a bit longer for them to process my orders, so if say, I order something on Wednesday, I won't get it until maybe Monday or Tuesday (of course I'm not accounting for the weekend) because it takes them too long to just process my order on Wednesday, whereas I remember them being really quick about it years ago (no longer than an hour or two between ordering and them shipping).

I'll still keep using it because I live in the middle of nowhere and it's a fantastic deal compared to driving miles out and hoping that a Walmart or something has what I want, but it's definitely a service that's been getting lazier lately.

Haha yeah and the been teller where you bank at does too buddy. Nothing is safe

Is it about ZTD? My watch edition of it still hasn't shipped and they show 2-4 weeks backlog of ordering.
Meanwhile, I could go down to Gamestop and get it...


20% off new and pre-order with amazon prime

get fucked

Did you have to buy your own work computer

No. In fact you get to choose between a Mac and several Windows laptops.

What were all those rumors about providing your own shit

Can you give me a job, bud

>Amazon decides to deliver something on a Sunday for whatever reason via their own delivery service.
>Amazon drivers don't even bother to knock or ring the doorbell, meaning you have to wait around for your package
>Waste a Sunday because the Amazon delivery person didn't feel like delivering the package for some unexplainable reason.

Feels like they're getting really arrogant and lazy. I've had packages come dinged up too because they have a hard on now for envelopes.

15% off Target without paying for a discount if you know someone or have family that works there

>google "fucking amazon"
OP is a cool guy

you don't need to pre-order to get the discount.
Up to 1 week after release and you still get the discount

I have gotten european versions of games from them and they refunded me and let me keep the game, can't hate them

yeah but Amazon didn't get their full shipment. Aksys talked about it on twitter, they are working on it


Complete bullshit. I havent seen anyone cry at their desks either. Although we make a lot of jokes about desk crying.
I'm not gonna lie though, hours can be long (last week I spent 3 days working from 8am to 9pm) but I cant complain when I get paid over $100k.

Same with Amazon, except you get two weeks after release. I used to make fun of people who had Prime before they implemented that, but now it's actually really nice.

what does it mean to be an engineer at amazon? do you repair robot arm and program robots to pick up things?

Why not just play the copy you bought at Gamestop and when the Amazon copy arrives return the Amazon copy to Gamestop? That way you still get 20% off from teh Amazon copy and full refund when it's returned to Gamestop(assuming you get your Amazon copy within a week)

That happened with me and Gamestop when they somehow sent the wrong game.

I guess it all depends on the delivery person.
>USPS will hold packages at post office if I'm not there (like the note on my mailbox asks them to do).
>UPS/Fedex leave my stuff in my apartment's common area (at best) or in front of the front door on a main road (at worst), shit has been stolen multiple times
>Amazon delivery person calls me to ask if I'm there, asked if I want them to leave it or reschedule delivery.

Yeah we don't want a 9-5er in our offices do we =^)

Those 9-5ers are just horrible

Nah, I do more "boring" stuff. I don't really wanna say what I do cuz most of my friends know I go on Sup Forums a lot.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of days where I work 9 to 5 or 10 to 2. Sometimes I just go on a random vacation and bill the vacation after I come back if i feel like it. Amazon isn't perfect, but they could be a lot worse.
A good 10-20% of my day is still browsing Sup Forums between code builds.

>a workplace where the friends go on Sup Forums

That's why I didn't do it when I was in a similar situation recently.

Most of my coworkers go on reddit of course.
I just prefer the cynicism and anonymity of Sup Forums.

Yeah reddit always feels like the most popular website when you go to a university or work in STEM

Ask someone who works for Amazon anything.

Where is my copy of ZTD?

It was when I was in university. The group I worked with for labs all went there. When they saw me on here they got a bit skeptical, but since I don't act like a memester it never really became a problem or weird or anything.
Plus, we all reached common ground on our hatred of ME3 ending.