Please discuss Sim City 4 with me

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It looks better than any city-builder since.

It was almost as good as 2000

10/10 soundtrack thats for sure

I would kill for a high res isometric 2D citybuilder to replace 4. The transition to 3D forced the reduction of the scale of all cities. Even Cities Skylines can't make the same size cities you could in 4.

Damn straight

Skylines also has every single citizen simulated properly instead of SC4's approximation tbqh.

Sim City 4 is technically in 3D, though. It's the fact that SC4 visualizes approximations of its metrics instead of 1:1 that enables for large cities.

Yeah, and agent-based simulation is terrible for a game about building large cities. You can do a lot more with a lot less by using an abstraction.

That's stupid. Simcity games are supposed to be macroscopic. It took a turn for the worse when they started incorporating The Sims shit into it.

Cities skyline takes some getting used to, but it works out pretty alright once you understand the ai priorities on traffic.

True, but I still personally enjoy proper system-based games more because looking how one factor can influence several more is fascinating. Same reason why I love A-Life in Stalker. Sure, it's buggy but it's "real", it's working, it's not just smokes and mirrors.

Good thing Skylines is not Simcity, then. Also several hundred thousands of people is not exactly microscopic.

>A bunch of drunk slavs made better contributions to AI then numerous AAA devs in the last decade

>drunk slavs

It was actually a bunch of feminists

Was talking about A-Life

Cities skyline has some issues, like stuff being unlocked by size. So your initial city will always be dogshit.

fuck, how come games cant capture the look that the older sim city games did. All of the new ones look cartoony.

Because cartoony means less budget and less resource intensive.

All they have to do is make the textures less clean and less vibrant.

I've heard that every single SC4 city ends up like Detroit due to bugs, or that may only have been on the lower difficulties. Either way, is it fine with that NAM mod or other fixed?

NAM is essential.
If you don't play with NAM, you're not playing the game.


Proper usage of parks and educational facilities. slap on curfews as well.


NAM fixes it, yeah. SC4 is basically perfect with NAM. Certainly the best game in the genre.

>Mayor come quick! It's a vehicle mission!
>Ha ha wait nevermind nothing here
>Repeat 10 times in a row

the missions really feels like cheating

they give you so much money

Your challenge is to grow that into a skyscraper without constructing any other buildings.

i am installing sim city 4 again

I always played the pure version, but now i want mods

The only one i know i should use by now is NAM, any others?

Posting these because why not






I truly miss the good old /cbg/ times.

I dunno man. The town where I come from, Portsmouth, has a pop of just over 200,000 and I wouldn't call it a city.

Major cities have populations in the millions.

It's got all you need.

Why did it die out?

Developers started focusing on games for the masses, so quirky games got watered down and simplified to the point of ruin. Sim City 4 was the last good game of the franchise.


oldshoes truly is a god amongst men





Best in the series and still best in the genre.



All cities in America will look like this when Hillary is elected President

If Trump is elected, expect Detroit everywhere

It's a joke that fucking retards like Drump. Fucking faggots, how about I build a wall up your ass you redneck piece of shit. You deserve to die in squalor

I really figured that Cities: Skyline would carry the torch and it seems like a worthy successor for their first entry.

Could it also be that simcity-like games are niche as it is and hard to garner an audience, nevermind on really small message board such as /vg/?

Hey, wait a minute, this isn't video games! What's it doing on the video games board?

I really, really wish there was something like Sim Town or similar, where instead of metropoly, your goal is to run some rural community or small town.

Closest thing that i can think of is banished

I've never tried Cities Skyline. I wish they had a free demo I could just try.

Even though the goal is usually to build for size, some of the most fun I've had in SC4 was when i built on a tiny sliver of land on the edge of a small water filled map. Room for one street and a bit of a curve at the end to get a few more yards of land.

Just pirate it? Try it out, if you really like it buy it.

Nah, Banished is still about going big eventually. Here, let me try to describe the idea for such game.
A boom town during gold rush. So you start small, but stay small too, and each building is a pretty big deal and every person living in the town being important. And when the boom goes out, keeping your population is another big deal, since if you did nothing to keep them, they will just leave.

It's currently on sale at 1/3 of the price, which is roughtly the value worth for this game, so go try it.

are those screenshots high res mods or what ?

I play at 1080p but my game looks nothing like that

its on sale now and most definately worth the money

Most of that is modded, it's not my photo.

>Major cities have populations in the millions.
That's silly. Miami, Atlanta, DC and SanFran all have sub million populations.
Unless you want to get into the metro area, then ok sure.

Portsmouth exists because of Virginia independent city allotment. Otherwise Hampton Roads would have been annexed long ago together and it would be a metro area of 2,2 million.

>Norfolk gets big from naval investment
>portsmouth and newport news do too
>Suffolk (Forgot its county name), south norfolk county, and princess anne county decide they dont want to be annexed by neighboring city
>become suffolk, chesapeake and Virginia beach

and this is why all those cities are too busy throwing shit at each other. It's quite the unique situation, when you have seven cities constantly competeting with each other directly adjacent to each other. Norfolk just told virginia beach to suck it because they got an Ikea, while virginia beach is giggling because it cucked Norfolk by building more malls on the old golf course. Meanwhile Portsmouth and Norfolk are getting anal reamed by a swedish company working on the midtown tunnels and have a license to charge whatever they want for it for the next 70 years.

Oh nevermind, he's a britcuck. Whoopsadasies went off my rant about metro shitflinging in the U.S.

Invent your own names for cities already goddamnit

We rollercoaster nao

>like stuff being unlocked by size

Literally the most downloaded mod on workshop alongside the achievements unlocked with mods mod.

one of the best city builders, not the best, but one of them

>Not OpenRCT.

Isn't it possible to turn on expert mode or something in the options too?

Easy to be one of the best when there's so few.

>Easy to be one of the best when there's so few.
You said that, yet EA managed to make the worst game possible

SC4's pathfinding model exists because they didn't have the ability to actually simulate every person. SC2013 and CSL do.

Also 2003 was a long time ago, but don't forget that on release SC4's pathfinding heuristics were fucking broken. Namely, Maxis deliberately turned it down in order to get it running on budget Pentium IIIs with windows 98. As a result, citizens didn't use transit enough so getting high density development was difficult. The first patch in 2004 and Rush Hour fixed most of it though, but still the heuristic wasn't perfect enough. It wasn't until 2008, when NAM got underway, did everyone figure out the exact number and got it included into NAM. This is why NAM is a prerequisite mod for SC4D.

Here's some old threads on it:

My point is that it's done for a reason: modelling individual citizen takes a lot more resources but produces a more realistic result especially compared to launch SC4.

CSL doesn't simulate every person actually, is a reduce number (like 1/10 or something like that)
SC2013 is another can of worms
i am saying this from memory so i could be wrong

CSL does simulate every person, but high density buildings only have a maximum population of 20-40 (and not a more realistic 200 or 400). I think SC2013 uses the same trick.

Let's post OC screenshots, lads

I am pretty sure a good number of workers just teleport to the work place instead of actually driving.
Don't get me wrong, i think is amazing still at reduce scale.

SC2013 has the problem about agents not having a set "home" so the same agent will go to the work place from house A and stay in house B because is closer and empty

CSL does simulate every person, but I think the agent limit is something like 65000, so when the city gets bigger than that, the game starts selectively teleporting people above that cap around or something.

I like Cities but it has none of the charm of SimCity 4

I really miss my advisers

i cant quite put the finger on what's so bad about city skylines, i bought it, played and got bored of it really fast, it just feels like it doesn't work. i love sim city 4 and was able to do loads of shit in it, in skylines you just do a crappy city that gets to like 20k and then your cpu overheats


Any good open source city simulators?


Wasn't he the fag who also started(or jumped onto the bandwagon rather early) the vidya minimalist wallpapers shit a while ago?

He could also have just hosted them too.


That's right. Also holy shit, San Fran has a sub million population? I thought it was big, that's smaller than Birmingham.

4 is great but i cant shake the feeling ea just retooled 3000 and made it 3d.

>fucking commieblocks
hits to close to home

Where from, friend?

Are commieblocks/housing estates a common thing in the USA? They're reasonably usual thing around towns and cities in the UK.

Santa Clara County has about 2,000,000 residents, SF County only has 850,000. However, Alameda County has 1,500,000 residents which makes SF/Oakland slightly larger than Santa Clara.

The long term effect of this is that BART (local metrorail) was never extended south, since nobody expected growth there. Instead all the growth happened there, effectively splitting the region into two. Now a third region, the Tri-Valley, is popping up as well. To get an idea of the state of Bay Area regional transit, in Livermore BART is building a new station, however it is over two miles from the existing ACE rail station. This is because BART doesn't want to mix with any other rail agency except SF Muni, even when other agencies (especially ACE) service areas BART will never be able to (areas outside the Bay Area).

Speaking of which, does anybody else actually like making rundown, ghetto-looking Detroit Cities with abandoned buildings and such?

You call it crime, I call it character

tl;dr there are three hubs in norcal:

1. BART, built 1970: focused around the Transbay Tube (aka Market St-West Oakland). As a result of this, when protesters shut down either station it shuts the entire system down.
2. Caltrain, built 1985: originally a feeder service for downtown SF, it's now a feeder service for San Jose because that's where all the jobs are. San Jose Diridon is also the southern terminus of ACE and the Capitol Corridor
3. ACE, built 2000: originally a feeder line from Stockton to San Jose. However, with all the growth along the line it's getting a second prong to Merced (which is due east of San Jose). A third Sacramento spoke will happen in the next 20 years.

This is so because the original norcal hub, Oakland, ripped out all their light rail in the 1950s (replacing it with BART) and built a freeway on top of what used to be biggest train station on the west coast (Alameda Station, which is now UPRR car storage). For all the stupid shit LA did, they at least kept their original hub and run three systems (Metrolink, light rail, metrorail subways) out of it. And, more importantly, #1 isn't compatible with #2 or #3.

yes, that's why NAM exists

Another problem:

BART and Muni are well connected, and Caltrain and VTA are well connected, but Muni and Caltrain are not. This makes getting to and from SF a major hassle if you live in Silicon Valley.

Hillary will roast orange man in tje ekection and you trumplet rednecks will be crying

eastern europe. it's basically either these or private houses

I wish I could find a modpack, for my own good.

STEX and SC4 Devotion are ruining my life

>tfw no guides for skylines

>want to play skylines but so many fucking options for mods and have no idea what to choose

fucking kills me, i love skylines

I used to build commie blocks too, should really make a new city like that one day.

I always try but then the ghetto blocks inevitably turn into mansions then get abandoned

SC4 is really fucking weird sometimes.

I heard the japs have some great mods for SC4, but don't share with filthy gaijin
I once was a screenshot of a cyberpunk city, with skyscrapers so tall you couldn't see all of them in a screen, and everything close to ground level was covered with slums

>I once was a screenshot of a cyberpunk city
Then a princess kissed you and you became a man ?
