Ok let me summarize it for you:

Ok let me summarize it for you:
>fallout 4 mods kill
>rise of the tomb kill
>dragon's crown kill
All in one day
Is this the end?

Other urls found in this thread:





>Dragon's crown kill

how has this shit company still not gone bankrupt?


ps+ and movies

Don't forget

>Little Big Planet kill


brand loyalty and ps2 money

Might want to reread that article.

Update: Siliconera received a statement from NIS America confirming Atlus will release Dragon’s Crown digitally in Europe.

With regards to our previous statements on Dragon’s Crown for the European PSN, we must extend our deepest apologies to Atlus and European fans regarding the incorrect information about the removal from this store.

The removal of Dragon’s Crown from the European PSN was part of NIS America’sand Atlus’s mutual agreement on this title. We are happy to announce that Dragon’s Crown will be available directly from Atlus in Europe through PSN.

>Please look forward to Dragon’s Crown returning to the European PSN soon.

Fallout 4 mods and Tomb Raider kill? Proof?

And people still don't have multi region accounts to deal with this?

>Rise of tomb raider killed

Wait what?

>fake rumor
>already being fixed

They burned through the money from the PS2 with the abortion that is the PS3.

They make most of their money off dudebro normalfags.

ps4 version has been quietly canned by square enix

Still waiting for a credible source for ROTTR news, it would be such a wierd move.

A Bethesda game being halfassed on a Sony console isn't really anything new desu, they don't even try. Every game they've developed for Sony consoles has been shit, they don't even try.


>Fallout 3 on consoles
>mods aren't an issue



>mods on any console
>shit game
yeah, devastating


Insurance is their most profitable branch you dumb fuck

Who the fuck is stupid enough to think Sony only does games

>EU not having a game

Wow it's fucking nothing

There is none, Fo4 mods have been delayed, and the Tomb Raider thing is complete meme rumormongering

The same dumb enough to think the Wii U's failure is going to lead to Nintendo shuttering its doors, despite most of their other successful (if not wildly so) ventures.

>clickb8 "speculation" from literally who site

wew lad

Don't mind me
Just passing through

Nah. Verified insider on gaf said Square were weighing their options because in November, it would get slaughtered considering this year is pretty huge in Holiday season and were considering either delaying it to early 2017 (Alongside a possible NX version) or just scrapping it because anyone who really wanted to play it would have played it on PC by now and the stats show it's one of the best selling games on PC this year (Probably one of the reasons Andrew House was saying that they don't want PS4 gamers to migrate to PC for their multiplats no more).

It would be dumb to cancel it since Uncharted 4 was so absolutely forgettable that they might get people interested in playing Tomb Raider but it would get slaughtered releasing on the same day as Watch Dogs 2. Betting 2017 release instead and a stream of fanboy tears because it was delayed again.


Kill yourself nigger.

Why the fuck would you buy a PS4? It has even less decent exclusives than its predecessor, unless you're into weeb trash.

I'm an idort and buying any game that is on PC on a console is retarded. The PC version is likely to always have fixes, mods, and the such while the console version will rot.

>consoles charging for online

Fucking retarded.

Ok let me summarize it for you:
>Nier: Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>Days Gone
>Here They Lie
>God of War 4
>Detroit: Become Human
>Death Stranding
>Horizon Zero Dawn
All within the year.
Is this the beginning?

>Wow, people can't read now and tries to overstate things just to illicit shit post.

Why not just make an Overwatch thread or something related to SJW Censorship, No need to be a try hard, user.

Ok let me summarize it


Literally saving VR

but I pre-ordered God of 4 at GameStop and the release date says December 2017 which means they don't even have a specific date yet

>console VR
>saving anything

Enjoy your cheap piece of crap.

Nice list of names, fag

>Why did you buy the physical PS3 version?
I knew it! This expensive as fuck collection paid off.

This is why I pirate.


>*also on PC
>who cares
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>who cares
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>who cares

>all within the year

You have to be kidding. You can't be stupid enough to think they'll come out this decade.


>Days gone

Are you completly fucking retarded or what

>still thinking BloodBorne is better when DSIII is out
You lost, forget about it, DSIII is the best of all the soulsborne franchise and you can't deny that. Enjoy your botched cinematic garbage.

t. PCuck

>DSIII is the best of all the soulsborne franchise and you can't deny that.

I'm 95% PC gamer but you're delusional if you think Dark Souls III is better than Bloodborne. Bloodborne's combat is vastly superior and that alone makes it better.

You know Saddam was a pretty chill POW.

He like Cheetos, Funyuns and would joke to the guards about all wives were good for was sex.

Based until the end.