Ok let me summarize it for you:

This is why I pirate.


>*also on PC
>who cares
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>who cares
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>who cares

>all within the year

You have to be kidding. You can't be stupid enough to think they'll come out this decade.


>Days gone

Are you completly fucking retarded or what

>still thinking BloodBorne is better when DSIII is out
You lost, forget about it, DSIII is the best of all the soulsborne franchise and you can't deny that. Enjoy your botched cinematic garbage.

t. PCuck

>DSIII is the best of all the soulsborne franchise and you can't deny that.

I'm 95% PC gamer but you're delusional if you think Dark Souls III is better than Bloodborne. Bloodborne's combat is vastly superior and that alone makes it better.

You know Saddam was a pretty chill POW.

He like Cheetos, Funyuns and would joke to the guards about all wives were good for was sex.

Based until the end.