Vulkan support for D44M is out.
Any performance gains?
Vulkan support for D44M is out.
Any performance gains?
jumped 20 fps on my 770
I get 300 more fps becuase of AMD
30 fps gain on 970
Just gained 100000 FPS on my Voodoo 5
ants, etc.
Using an old but gold Nvidia FX 5700LE, getting up to 320 fps (eyes can only see 246 fps) now.
Vulkan is the future!
I see no difference, still 120 fps on ultra@1080p outside. I get ~180 in closed spaces. 290x
Shoo shoo nvidia samefag you're not welcome here
>9 replies
>10 posters
God damn I love nuDOOM
>Article on the update from Bethesda mysteriously links to the up-to-date drivers for nvidia, but week-old drivers that don't include the Doom Vulkan support for AMD
fuck your accusation
>classic center view
time to replay
Nvidia shill bots engaged
>can't even make a joke without triggering the subhuman gpu loyalist shits
I am not shilling I got 300fps more on my AMD CARD BECASE IT SAUPPORTS IT
Still has Denuvo though. I really wish it didn't.
>Replies: 18
>Posters: 15
literally means nothing if you own it . only pirates worry aboutique this shit
>Most users on the minimum spec end of hardware will experience better performance at higher video settings.
>Vulkan is not currently supported on NVIDIA GPUs with 2 GB of RAM on Windows 7
I'm confused. If you're at the minimum reccomended specs, won't that pretty much put you at a GPU with 2GB of RAM? Is there really a shitty GPU with more RAM than that? Will you see performance gains even if you're not using Vulkan?
I tried it out and the game still looks like absolute shit because of my settings and runs like ass. The Argent Tower gives me 25-30fps on a GTX 770 2GB
wow!!!!! people talking to each other on a board!!!!??? who would have guessed?
Nice memes but in all seriousness I got a jump from 100 to 160 fps on my r9 290x and that was after boosting AA from FXAA to TSSAA
>implying Sup Forums isnt a marketing tool
Neo-v right here
Why does the game look wholly unimpressive but run like shit if you don't have high end hardware? Is that not Denuvo?
>Why does the game look wholly unimpressive but run like shit if you don't have high end hardware?
get a better card you Fucking poorfag
It runs The Witcher 3, a better looking open world game, at a solid 70+ fps :^)
wtf is vulcan?
Space elves.
>better looking
Seriously? Fucking FINALLY
I have a 290x, play at 1440p on the high preset with shadows and lights bumped to ultra and get 60fps
Maybe I can use vsync now instead of capping the fps at 59fps
>Doom4 art has two bright areas competing for attention (the white logo and the green armor)
>Doom art has one focal point (the muzzle flashes) and the elements surrounding it get progressively darker towards the edges of the frame with the logo incorporated into the color scheme
tested with Intel i7 5960X and RX480, ultra settings, from AMD
the crappier your cpu is, the bigger should be the gains. Probably.
Come on, post a pic of some Doom corridor.
I had solid 60 in demo on highs with this card prior patch. Could probably squeeze more but didn't even try, and now i see your post and it makes me smile, would definitely buy the game next sale
Running an R9 Furry X at ultra, overall I'm hitting framecap (144) in most areas like I already was but problem areas like Lazarus and the Blue Room that would dip as far as 80 are now sitting around 120 at worst either due to the API or other optimizations in the patch/API porting process.
tried enabling Vulkan
game crashes when loading a mission, any mission
>literally means nothing if you own it
No but it does mean something if I own it. I don't want this """""anti-tamper""""" software infesting my computer if it's so dead set on persecuting anyone it deems to have fallen out of line.
I don't trust this one second. I had a deal to pick up the new Doom for just $20 and felt incredibly tempted to get it since I actually really like just about everything I've seen and heard of the game. But I ultimately declined even so because I do not want to pay to install fucking Denuvo on my computer. I don't want to pay for malicious software that's steadily out to blacklist and persecute me if it finds anything it doesn't agree with. I do not want to install software that always views me as a potential enemy, while also having the ability to completely change itself in nature and mission at any given notice from the original software creators or affiliated parties.
And I buy lots of games. Practically the entirety of the disposable income goes towards games and gaming hardware since I don't have any other interest in life. But I fucking hate Denuvo, do not trust it, and I do not want to pay to install malicious code onto a system I care for.
Witcher is fucking disguisting.
You're seriously impressed by lens flare and grass that looks like a crude paper cutout?
That screen looks like garbage, there's much better places in the game to cherrypick.
i wish new wolfensteins would run as good as d44m
Not really.
I'm impressed with the high-res textures, tbqh.
Also, there's nothing good in that screenshot
>can't use2gb vram Nvidia cards on windows 7 with vulkan
Thanks bethesda.
I'm on Windows 8 and I'm having the same issue.
That legitimate paying customers have to put up with such awful anti-consumer bullshit is truly insulting.
Actually while blaming bethesda is easy i'd rather blame Nvidia - they have been cheaping out on their memory capacity for years.
>that screenshot
Fucking wot, how did you make it look like that? I run max settings and don't recall it looking that crisp.
flare is shit. it's basically OMG GODRAYS!.jpeg with this lighting all Is an see is shit tier grass and road.
This reshade is fucking awful.
Nice corridor.
>Doom levels start off simple and get progressively more demanding
>your fps progressively gets worse as the game goes on
What asshole designed this? I feel bad for anyone who played the demo and thought they could run it.
Which Delta Force game is this?
There's nothing special in TW3 screens either, it's on an outdated shader standard compared to Doom's Physically Based Shaders and the "High res textures" you're touting are just regular resolution textures mapped to appear smaller on the surfaces they're applied to.
>throw shit about corridor game
>proceeds to post pic of game with open-world copypaste outposts and shit-tier level design
I now run at a stable 60 fps on my r7 265. A huge increase in performance to me. It used to dip down to 30 and below all the time. This is with everything set to low but it still looks great.
Nice meme desu senpai.
As opposed to a bunch of closed corridors?
I literally just turned up sharpness a bit in the settings.
yeah, focus on that wall with nice bump mapping, blur the fuck out of everything else, especially that hideous rock texture.
Still runs like trash for me, and it shouldn't. Shitty optimisation.
I actually focus on the GOAT illumination, which is, in the end, what makes a game look good.
TW3 looks mediocre at times because the illumination isn't on par with the texture quality.
This is the only thing you need to know about Doom's graphics my dude.
fuck off corin
How is your cult leader doing these days?
Looks gross, being open world does absolutely nothing to change the fact that it looks worse while rendering less assets with less mesh complexity that use less textures with less accurate, less demanding shaders. Oh, but it's got some alpha textured grass that has been ridiculously cheap to render since 2006 going for it.
It's actually GOAT tbqh senpai.
Had a pretty unstable fps before Vulkan (50-60 most of the time, sometimes dipped as low as 40) on high-medium settings with v-sync off.
Now I get a stable 60 with everything on ultra and v-sync on. The only framedrops I noticed were at the beginning of ARC when looking out of the window while on the train. Without v-sync I get around 100 fps.
opinion disregarded
Smh Tbh Pham
yay vulkan support
that means they patched the game to make it fun, right?......right?
yay this sounds great!
>load up game
>cahnge to vulkan
>crashes on map start every time
i don't know what i expected.
lol xd
I have a 770 as well and always got 60 fps, what is this?
Yase, this is with all settings maxed with shadows and the texture cache set to Nightmare, 1920x1200
The biggest hurdle is getting devs to actually use an OGL successor after ignoring it for the longest time, maybe the sheer hate Windows 10 gets will nudge people towards a DX12 alternative that caters to the gamers determined to stay on Windows 7, the same way they stayed on XP despite Vista bringing the superior DX10 to the table
Does the demo get the Vulkan update too?
No. It's still a console shooter on PC. Play it with a controler if you want to play it properly.
Are you using Windows 10? Because graphics support is still ass.
your statement is gibberish "Graphics" support on win10 has nothing to do with their executable crashing. i'm on 7.
>the sheer hate Windows 10 gets
Nigga, Windows 10 is getting adopted faster than 8 and 8.1
Just checked, it seems not. Or at least not yet.
>is getting adopted faster than 8 and 8.1
What's that supposed to mean exactly? You're even confirming the dude by pretty much saying "it't getting adopted a big faster than win8 but it's still fucking trash"
That there's no ''sheer hate'', only places where you'll see people shitting on it are Sup Forums and Sup Forums
I have it and it's literally the same as Windows 8 but with a proper start menu.
from the faq:
*Vulkan is not currently supported on NVIDIA GPUs with 2 GB of RAM on Windows 7 or on the GTX 690. Users with these GPUs need to run DOOM on the OpenGL graphics API.
LOL. Yet they still let me select it in the game when it can detect my video card.
great job, nuid.
oh well, uninstalling this pile again.
>FX 5700LE
Man, why did you have to bring THAT card up.
It was the first videocard I ever bought.... it sucked so god damn much.
I tried it on a Geforce 256 and the fans tried to spin.
shit game Tbh
mine crashes when I try and load a level with a 780 on win8.1
>60-80FPS maxed out at 1440p on a 970
not bad, shame that its not a game with shit tier anti-aliasing using vulkan like TW3 which forces you to downsample in order for it not to be a jaggy mess
its a good looking game when you run it at higher resolutions
It doesn't have exclusive full screen
What's with DX12 & Vulkan lacking this? i want less input lag
If better anti-aliasing fixes whatever the fuck is going on with the alpha textures on grass and foliage that occupy about 80% of the surfaces in the game that's something I'm going to have to see to believe.
it doesn't give you less input lag in dx12 and vulkan
He didn't say it did.
In fact he's implying the direct opposite - that currently DX12 and Vulkan have higher latency, as most everything for both APIs right now is missing exclusive fullscreen mode and is instead running as a borderless window
GPU: RADEON 390 8GB OC'ed @ 1070
CPU: i5 2500k @4.2GHz
Does it work with SLI/Crossfire?
Is the demo supported too? I might take another stab at it with my 760.
>those big meaty hands
This game features 85% of my fetishes