Why aren't you playing pokemon go?

why aren't you playing pokemon go?

The app is so shit it feels like a chore. Fix it already.


Mobile games are all shit, no exceptions.

Even if Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft make them, they're still shit.

because i dont want to go outside in my area and get accused for being a creep

I am, but no pokestops near me to get pokeballs.

I have social anxiety

There's a bug where I can't see less than 3 footprints anywhere so tracking down pokemon is a mess.

I ran out of balls and im too lazy to go grind more

It's 107 degrees out

Not out in my country yet.

i was out for 7 hours in the city going around catching pokemon

too hot

>crippling bad fever
>open pokemon go to get regular rattata
>see this
fuck my life

I live in the middle of Bumfuck Pennsylvania with like one Pokestop in a 5 mile radius so I have no balls

Broken leg desu
Do the spoofers get you banned or nah

I'm an adult

my phone cant handle it

Having to restart the app every 30 seconds isn't a fun game mechanic.

Can't log into this piece of shit.

Get the APK nigga

I have,the problem is that the pokemon doesn't spawn.

Everything feels like a grind. Because everything is a grind so I stopped playing at level 20.

Cause i live on Republica das Bananas.

I don't play mobile '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''games''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Do you live in the mountains or something?

>Didn't notice you can get 10 coins for free daily until today

I'm level 15

user everyone is doing it to a point where it's the norm now.

Meu negro. Talvez saia amanha.

Nope, it's worse.
I'm BR.

Because the jobless juggalos have loaded the local gyms with 3000 cp pokemons and it's no fun so I uninstalled it on the 2nd day. Also, I don't want to be associated with these people at all.

>I'm BR.
I'm so sorry

because it's shit phone app for normies

I'm not a normalfag

I am.gotta get to work in 2 hours tho so stoping soon.

>have one pregnant PR person
>give her maternity leave while releasing a game
>don't hire anyone else
good thing pokemon is a little unknown brand so it's not that popular of a game

I don't have autism and i'm over the age of 12, the cutoff point.

Haha le reeee lolbdarn normies haha

I hate being around people.

So which team should I join?
Articuno>Zapdos>>Moltres when it comes to birds
Mystic is a really damn popular in my area though, and the ""lore"" behind team mystic sounds autistic. I do love articuno though,

Because I'm not a normie.

Because I've used a scanner and saw how little shit spawns in my area and how little variety there is and lost all will to play it.

No regrets.

Not out in Brazil yet

I'm not a retarded sheep with shit taste

w i n d o w s

p h o n e

BArely any stops near me so I'm running out of balls

The three step bug ruins everything

3 steps bug.
I'm not gonna hunt for anything until they fix this.
It'd be fine if there was a portable scanner that I can run on my android phone.

Because it's 100 degrees here and the humidity is awful. Waiting for my friend to get off work to see if he wants to walk around when it cools down a little.

This pokevision website is definitely making it tempting to go without him, though.

Doesn't work on my phone and I don't really feel like getting a new phone just to play a game that will be forgotten in a months time.


Because pokemon is gay as fuck. It was gay as fuck 20 years ago too.

Cant play on Android 4.3. Flashing a new firmware is too much effort just to play Pokemon GO.

because it's the middle of summer and it's hot as hell

I go out when the sun goes down

As a member of Instinct, I think you should go with your gut.

3step glitch is a pain in the ass

missed a wartortle a voltorb and a koffing today.

just got the game and they're the rarest ive seen.

>pokemon go
not a game

Yeah it shows you what and where each pokemon currently spawns in any coordinates on google maps. Go to /pgg/ on /vg/.

hahaha yeah me too! you're all sheeple


This is why I am playing it on Nox.

thats some immense fucking autism to buy or wear one of those shirts


it's boring as FUCK

Too fucking hot outside to get pokeballs. Also people outside mocking me for playing Pokemon Go

I don't have a smartphone.

Tbqh I would buy a t shirt if it had this design like my pic but those are cringe

Oh dear god, I play but I would do a 180 right the fuck away from someone wearing that austistic shit.

the back of the valor one is ok, front is shit.

ingress player here, still a better game

playing pokemon above the age of 12 makes you just as autistic

is there any way to fix the 3step bug?

>Missing out on a vileplume

Fuck man.

I don't like pokemon

>whole game goes against the basic concept of pokemon aka spawns them in cities instead of the wild
>server issues when americans wake up
>3 step bug
>30 cp pidgey takey 15 ultra balls to catch at higher levels
>gyms are retarded (you should only be able to fight gyms with the same amout of pokemons it has)
>whole game is a fucking grindfest
>it becomes Walking: The Game after you realize that there are only pidgeys weedles and rattatas near you so you have to hatch eggs
>teams are useless and can't even communicate with team members or other players for that matter
>no trading
>no battling
>gps is very primitive and incorrectly tracks your movement because "haha no real-time update fuck you"
>zero communication from niantic
>no mass transfer
>game favors players who live in cities and it doesn't fucking make any sense
Maybe I missed something
I'm 23 and about to drop it, I also never spoofed

I'm 24 and I still play Pokemon, does that make me autistic?

Yeah, think about that for awhile.

Put your phone down. Walk 3 steps away, take 3 more steps, and then 3 more and then keep walking until you cant see yur phone anymore and never play that gay shit ever again.

Just got back from downtown in my city, hatched some eggs and caught about 2 dozen pokemon, feels good.

saw a qt asian grill dressed in blue and wearing a team mystic hat walking around catching pokemon

doubt they'll ever add trading, which is all I want

yes, it does.

pic related was drawn by Sup Forums 12 years ago, just goes to show how long we've felt about you people.

Deveria sair hj, ne.


How does Poke Go trigger the Sup Forums autist so much? Is it the sweet, sweet mix of being nintendo franchise and being a huge success?

Are drowzees supposed to be really common
Its all u'i ever find in my city

Hatched a Lapras today and powered it up to 1500.

Also popped a Lucky Egg and went from 16>18 in 20 minutes.

I can finally beat local gyms, feels good man.

Common Pokemon are becoming harder to catch, I'm getting worried.

Because iOS 7 phones can't into Pokemon go


Because the only game I need on my phone is Tetris.


ha same

I really like how the models in that version looks way better than the 3ds ones


Shits boring as fuck

>a Pokemon game without trading
Beg you pardon?

What's even the point? It's like a bus that only has room for the driver.

How do you get Pokemon that require trading for the evolve? Or do they just appear.

I knew this was made by some random no-name company and designed for normies that haven't played Pokemon before but fuuuuuuck.

Only play on weekend nights as an excuse to meet gamer girls only to be too scared to talk with them

>no Regi Trio
>no Dusknoir
>no Sharpedo
>no Greninja
>no Mewtwo
>no PvP
>no Trading
>no minigames
It's just bad. I'm better off playing regular Pokemon, or better yet, Stadium, Ranger, or Snap for fun.
By the time it gets shit I wants, nobody's going to play it anymore because it'll get "ruined" by adding Gen III & above Mons.

But their are plenty of Normies game. You don,t see Sup Forums goon an autistic multiple week crusade when Fifa get released

how popular was ingress anyways?
i was aware of the game when it first came out but never really heard anyone talk about it.

To catch em all.

Are you actually a mongoloid or just putting on the performance of your life ?

It's because Chad and Stacy are lol so nerdy xD playing pokemon.

Because I don't like pokèmon, and most importantly I don't like pokèmon fans, and having them around all day thinking they're cool for being menchildren and attentionwhores is fucking annoying.

Because I ran out of pokeballs and live in the middle of nowhere so I haven't been to a single pokestop


>in the park at a lured stop
>sit next to grill on the bench, don't talk to her
>she starts up a conversation with me
>notice she's actually super hot
>after awhile she says "let's walk to the stop over by the library"
>we go there for awhile, making great conversation
>off-handedly mentions her bf
>internally sigh for 5 minutes
>wait till the lure expires and leave so I don't look like a sperg

God dammit