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Video Games #3458
Video Games
Does this thing have games yet? Worth getting?
Xenoverse 2/Dragonball Games Discussion
Are there any PC games like Journey?
Only have one game at e3
Which games have the best skeletons?
What made it okay for developers to put more emphasis on graphics/story than the gameplay itself?
Sup Forumsriday Night Smash
I want to die every day
Stuck on difficult boss
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Can we all agree that this game is a piece of shit?
So, is DOOM (2016) any good?
Hi Sup Forums
Street Fighter V
W-why are you leaving me all alone, user?
Please discuss this game, I just started playing it and I just reached the Garbage area
Like my Contraptions DLC?
Is this still worth getting ? It's on sale $39.99 on steam right now
No Man's Sky Gratefulness
Animal Crossing Neighbors
Pokemon GO #1 in Japan
Undertale caused a lot of people to realize what I've been saying for years: Video games are a lot better when you...
Who's your favorite male fightan game character Sup Forums?
What will it be?
"This game came out more than ten years ago and is apart of a popular series, clearly it is superior to modern games!"
When is Atlus going to release the best SMT game on PS4?
Is there a reason to use any other weapon in Bloodborne?
Star Ocean
These are the only GOOD releases from nintendo in 2016
Redpill me on dark souls Sup Forums
Why is small Nep so sexy?
How many hours do you need to get out of a game for it to be worth $60?
I found this while cleaning out my closet. Does Sup Forums want to know any sick codez?
Tfw people always think I am this guy (Cr1tikal) in games so I never use voice chat
Tree of Savior
I'm done with competitive for at least a couple weeks
What's the best episode?
What are some Crusade-core games?
Did you get your Gal Gun Limited Edition yet Sup Forums?
Sup Forums before Pokémon Go
What went wrong?
6 years later and Starcraft 2 still runs like shit even on top-end computers
Mattel sold 3 million Intellivision and is now the 2nd biggest toy manufacturer in the world
People think this guy used retro computers back in the day
I used to think MH was a hardcore game which was surprising considering Japan is actually more casual than the west
Which map is objectively the best and why?
The game itself is not canon in the Overwatch universe, allowing characters who are enemies to work on the same team...
Was this game any good?
Just bought a GMG mystery bundle and got some shit, I'll dump these keys here:
Picked up EDF 4.1 on steam a day ago
Ace Attorney 6 Safe Q&A Thread
Ah ho ho ohhh yaaaaa
Find a flaw
Are there any games where I can invade the enemy in an obvious way and destroy them from within?
Why didn't you buy Maiko's game, Sup Forums?
Playing a game for 4 hours straight making big progress
Star Fox sequel
Post the most hype ost in the world, or I'll eat your soul!
Can we all agree that the DS had the worst library of any major console in the last 20 years?
Threat eliminated
Opinions on this game?
What would you like to see in the next TES game user?
Would she be a great Samus?
Do you play Metal Gear Solid in chronological order or release order?
Paper Mario
Will Sup Forums be buying this?
Star Citizen
Is this accurate?
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
What would you say the most pathetic time of your vidya life was?
Starbound Release
Dear Dark Souls 3 Lorefags:
How many oldfags are still here? Let's talk about shit nu-Sup Forums wasn't around to experience
They nerfed dr mantis toboggan
ITT: best characters in their respective series
Thoughts on DSP?
Crudely draw a scene from a videogame and others try to guess which game it is
Post yfw Metroid Prime: Federation Force is actually ____
This is going to be bigger than Minecraft
Why aren't you playing Granblue Fantasy?
Protagonist is a bald white guy
You have 10 seconds to prove that your favorite game isn't for casuals
Final fantasy V is the only good game in the series. Discuss
ITT: The last character you played as is now your new roommate. How fucked are you?
Riders of Icarus
Rikki like big breasted hom hom women
Whats the Sup Forumserdict on Ana and the new patch?
Boobs, midriff, or hips?
It's ok to be star struck
ITT: characters who in all ways but physical are (you)
Tfw your dad asks why you always play as a girl again
Checkmate, PC
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this game...
ITT: overrated shit
That kid who would rip out your controller when you were beating him
Might and Magic/HoMM Thread
Why did RTS games die>?
What are your thoughts on Resident Evil 7 Sup Forums?
Why are Brazilians such entitled stupid pieces of shit in games?
Filename Thread
Create reaction images 3
What did he do?
RUMOR: new Mega Man game in development
Are there any well known black game developers
FB is suddenly fighting for the righteous cause of shutting down the soullessness and the mass-producedness of the...
What went wrong?
So what games are you looking forward to from now until the end of 2016?
Blizzard adding permanent Skirmish mode AKA team deathmatch
Tales Thread
What are some games with good stories?
DF Clones
Call of Duty needs a new engine
People at work talk about video games
Why does Sup Forums hate consoles so much? Its a box literally for VIDEOGAMES
Sup Forums says game is absolute dogshit
Reminder to get up from your chair and walk around often so you DON'T FUCKING DIE
Dr. Winston
What games let me suplex my enemies?
Why are you not sucking the developer's cock right now?!
Meanwhile in preschool Sup Forums
Scorpio and Neo
Symmettra nerfed
New trailer for NMS, trading or some shit like that
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Thread
'press any button'
I've never played this game
Symmetra needs a buff so that she can be more viable on an attacking team
Anyone else getting tired of multiplayer games? I used to enjoy them a lot more when I was a kid...
Is troll culture from 2008 to blame flr how shit online vidya is ?
Final Splatfest
Wifes son is alive
L8 but I just beat this
Go out to dinner with family
Someone take this Starter Skin Pack for Battleborn
How do you decide what game to play from your backlog...
Battlestation thread!
That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario! *wheeze*
Why aren't you playing pokemon go?
I'm ready
How to throw Fireball: input...
Are there any games in which you can play as a greedy, manipulative, selfish bitch? Plenty of RPGs have them as enemies...
That guy that defended the goal so hard he got kicked for inactivity when his time to be of any use to the team finally...
GTA 6 Location
Is this good?
What are some good games about time travel? I'm fascinated by the subject...
Is it just me, or has the internet in the last 10ish years become a really shitty place to hang out
You will never experience Nagito's wild ride for the first time again
Did anybody else go back to consoles just so you can avoid this shit?
3 to 4 more characters confirmed in Blazblue Central Fiction. Any hopefuls? Any guesses?
A bad game or poor launch/timing?
ITT : name a more unnecessary scene
Is Mednafen the best of emulator of all time?
What kind of man is this bikini supposed to attract?
Final Fantasy XV
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy Thread
ITT: Post a photo of yourself with your favorite videogame
Make sure to rate, comment, favorite and subscribe and thanks for supporting my channel, have a good one
Are you enjoying the new Overwatch Hero?
Late to the party I know but what did Sup Forums think of this game when it came out?
What system do you own the most games for?
So erm....thanks for beta testng
Wow how amazing, and interesting too. But in this No Man's Sky world, what can we do?
The great debate
Itt: shameful faps
To save our mother earth from any alien attack
Why aren't real life succubi as hot as video game ones?
Look up gameplay video for a game you're interested in
Shadow of Mordor
What are some vidya that deal with themes of bullying?
What games have the best plot twists?
Who will die?
Now that dust has settleded
Be me
Dead Video Game Franchises
You idiots will argue over anything
Sonic new game stream starts soon
ITT: Games that feel lackluster when compared to predecessors
Squid Sisters thread
Recommend me some entertaining Disney related vidya, Sup Forums. And no, don't say Kingdom Hearts
The series should have ended here
Is this a good design for the new female pokemon mc?
What are some games that deals with physical deformation?
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars coming to PC
What's the consensus on this? Is it worth buying - does it work on PC?
What video game can help me forget about bad memories
Filename thread
Recently started modding and playing this old beauty again...
What video game lets me be the villian?
Why are there no quality games based in India? It's such a beautiful country
Im about to legally change my name, whats the best vidya inspired male name you can think of?
Dresses like a hussy
I literally cannot wait till this game is released...
Name a game that faded into obscurity faster than this
Starbound Out Of Early Access
What is the best MMO at the moment?
How do I beat this fucker?
How is it possible for a christian gaming website to be the best video game review site right now?
This is a Japanese video game developer (adult)
This game gets released
What is the best game made in your country?
More like Oblivion Meme
Literally the worst controller made
ITT: Games only you played
What did you think of Fortune?
What is the comfiest village to live in and why is it based Pokke?
Is GTA 5 unironically the best game by rockstar ?
Why is this paedophilia degeneracy allowed on Steam?
Why does this game have such a ridiculously long move list? Which moves are actually useful?
What games do Finnish People play?
Why am I supposed to hate this again?
I sincerely hope you are not giving a bunch of hacks money to consolize one of the best PC games of all time
Highchool monstergirls
Game doesn't let you to play as a female
Can we talk for a minute about how fucking great this was
Why the fuck would a soldier who crashed in the Zone do a bunch of side quests and act like regular Stalker...
What does Sup Forums think of Armello?
Vikings,Crusaders, or Samurai?
I want to hot glue windranger
Is he gonna be in the remake?
Tfw you were a Wrathbabby and experienced the true golden age of WoW
I hope we all agree it was one of the best PS1 games ever
Blocking in fighting games ever
Is there bigger flop in history?
Nintendo Confirms Pokemon GO Has "Limited" Financial Impact On The Company
Try to click Sup Forums
Son, don't you have anything better to do than play and talk about video games all day?
I've got an interview for a QA tester position (Aka Video Game tester) What the hell can I expect...
How come Epic didn't sue them?
The Silver Case remake got a trailer a few days ago
Always online confirmed
Have you killed Gary Busey yet? Names are for friends, so I don't Hitman thread
What games can actually be classiefied as art?
I hated fantasy
Music is art
Can someone please tell me how i solve these trees? anyone a content pack? i'm trying to fix this for 2 hours now
Stephen Cebula, 28...
Just bought this for about 10 yuros. Never played this remake. Is it fun?
Was Vicar Amelia too hard or too easy?
Name a character that can legitimately beat Salad Snake in a fight
Post a bigger bitch in vidya
Let's create the cast of characters for a new video game
Starbound is "completed" today
Remember me?
[Something seems to be bothering Bastila. Maybe you should speak to her and see if you can get her to open up about it]
Literally won't need another game in years
ATLUS localizes Spike Chunsoft game
What's the deal with Fire Emblem and incest?
Talk me out of buying this
Would this make a good game?
What does Sup Forums think of hope?
Congratulations, user! You're now in charge of creating a new hero for Overwatch! How fucked are we...
What do you guys think of Stellaris?
Show me a weapon that can surpass Metal Gear
Is it a fair criticism to say ALTTP is better than OOT?
What was Kojima trying to convey here?
Alright Sup Forums, time for another Hunger Games simulator, but with vidya characters. The first 23 will be chosen...
Do people actually think Dead Space is scary?
The final Splatfest just started, Sup Forums. are you Callie or Marie?
Is this a remake or a sequel?
Can we all agree that it is the best in the series?
When has a video game moved you emotionally?
Roll has something to show you!
Rate my first build, make improvement recommendations please?
Pick one
Why you don't play on the KoF XIV démo, what's your excuse ?
When did you grow out of watching letsplays?
Player has joined the game
Digital release only
Mods are asleep
What does Sup Forums look for in a Let's Play channel?
Why is this shit still at evo?
Is she the most dangerous female street fighter?
Final Fantasy
Reminder that Rance will be localized on August 12
I knew what this black hour was, as foretold by Moebius himself...
Is Persona 5 GOTY for 2016 or 2017?
Can we have a Nep thread?
Will Akiman save SFV?
Will fallout ever be good again?
Game 1
How the fuck did she have an irish accent?
Post a screenshot of vidya and people make reactions out of it. Round 2
Rage thread: "It's your team's fault, not your's" edition
Anyone know about some "full" games for Android? Like pc game but on Android. On vacation couldnt bring PC
Give me your persona meems
This is the most iconic, well designed, visually appealing, and practical suit of armor in any vidya. Prove me wrong
Pokemon moon sailor moon, eevee
How is this game so well-liked critically and commercially? Serious, genuine question. It's horrendous...
Who the fuck in Cataclysm development thought that this made sense?
Let's create a game, I'll start it's first person
ITT: Characters that would make great dads
I didn't expect such a tragic ending HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Mama Clem
So when the fuck did MMO's think it was okay to instance/phase players away from eachother
I've fucked 3 girls out of the 14 LANs I've been to
Guilty Gear thead
Okay Sup Forums, level with me
Was the bioshock infinite burial at sea a satisfactory conclusion for you?
EDF 4.1
When did you start to hate Thrall?
01110000 01101001 01100111 01110001 01111010 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101101 00100111 01101101 00100000 01100010...
When does bethesda give up its shitty engine? When do they actually try to make a good game again?
Why is this allowed?
Why are people buying this when you can just softmod your wii?
Enjoy it PC friend :^)
Is Mass Effect actually a deep parable about humanity's relationship with God?
Overwatch is praised for its "diverse cast"
Where do people die when they go?
Zero Time Dilemma
1.) Number of steam games you have installed right now
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes vs Dynasty Warriors 8
What is your favorite pokemon Sup Forums?
Video games are art. Why do people insist on ruining the creators vision?
Which one will you cop?
Is this really how japanese people dress?
Find a flaw
I would really prefer if you would be quiet
I started playing with game today, and just finished the quest with this bitch and her sister...
Which race are you playing tomarrow?
Game from 1997
Look at this. Try and say that you don't want to protect it
Which video game has the best story, Sup Forums?
FFXIV Palace of the Dead
Hilda/Touko is such a cutie, isn't she?
So, what happened?
I have clinical depression and the past 2 or 3 days have been particularly bad...
Has there ever been a greater scam artist in gaming history...
Name 10 flaws
How come Western developers never use catgirls?
Game is literally made easy for casuals that couldn't play quake
How many times a day do you think Venom sharpened his knife to one day plunge it into Quiet's heart?
Has there ever been a good cooking game?
Help me find a game to devote my life to
Have you ever had an online vidya gf Sup Forums?
How do you make a game funny?
Final Fantasy XV
Worst Persona opening ever
Game start with you fighting final boss in tutorial
This asshole right here
My HD 7950 died today. What can I get for really cheap that lets me play games somewhat decently?
Is there any chance it will be good?
PokemonGO was released in Japan 3 hours ago
No Man's Sky Super Forumla
Sonic SDCC Panel
How do I beat her now? She pretty much always has shields
Will there ever be a space opera game about philosophy, sociology, and ethics instead of violent space explosions?
What a piece of shit fucking boss. FUCK. And the run back is even more bullshit. Who thought that was a good idea...
SJWs don't exist in Japan
Dragon's Dogma 2 when?
Is Jimmy de Santa the most well written character in video games?
I you didnt think the dukes archive was the tightest shit in this entire game you can get the fuck outta my face
Fallout 4 thread
Why havent you preordered one yet? Youre not a poorfag are you?
Do you like games about cute girls synthesizing cute things?
What game has the most interesting removed features?
What are some good racing games on the PC?
Can you name one (1) other genre that takes more skills than playing shmups well?
Pokemon go team
"Now Travelling to : Hanamura"
Game gives you an array of weapons and abilities making you the deadliest motherfucker on the planet
Konami Rep Says ‘I Hope We Earn You Back’
Why aren't you playing the 2016 GOTY?
Deep in the forests of Albion lay the small town of FABLE THREAD Unchanged by time and untouched by the sword
Will the zombie killing genre ever be fun again? Which game did it best?
Are you ready for five more nights of Freddy and his little sister Baby?
Xe doesn't like Undertale, Lisa, Cave Story, Yume Nikki
ITT: Characters that are literally you
What are some games with constant action? I am tired of playing story heavy games these days...
What's the secret to success in the gaming industry?
What does Sup Forums think about Euphoria?
Name a video game character who is capable of bringing down a colossal enemy "without" having to exploit a weakness
What's wrong with this picture?
Monster Hunter
Is this for fucking real? Since when did Twitch become a platform for political streams...
Which games have the best spiders?
Most outdated 3D engine's in videogames
There are people on Sup Forums who have not played this masterpiece
ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong
I hope everyone here had a nice day! But in case you didn't, here's a cute Lucina to cheer you up!
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Kingdom Hearts
Can anyone recommend me a good strategy game where you control a kingdom/empire and fight over towns/cities...
Getting ready for Zodiac Age
Anyone care to suggest some good gaming mice in the $100-ish range?
Just admit it: this is a solid game
No Man's Sky
I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the New Vegas Thread around me
Now that Dead Rising 1 is coming to PC after a decade of exclusivity...
Literature: JRPGs (put Planescape: Torment here)
Post a screenshot of vidya and people make reactions out of it
We had a pretty good Ys/Falcom thread going last night into this morning Sup Forums. Let's try and repeat that
Characters or races that literally only you, and no one else, like
What do you guys think of him?
Recommend a good overlooked game or this crab will STAB YOU
That one game
Webm Thread
Risk of fucking rain
This is the greatest game of all time, right? I mean, you don't reach any higher level of art in gaming...
Why cant Kirby have bad games?
Guilty Gear
Co op game
Horrible cosplay?
Tfw raging so hard watching these posers struggle to collect 50 rings on Sonic the Hedgehog
There has never been a pregnant videogame character. Prove me wrong
Do you think being a nerd is something to be proud of?
80 hours in and I can say it's a good game
Raising your enemy's son
Wikipedia Article of the Day
Your opinion on Castlevania:Aria of Sorrow?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Final level is the first level
What are some good characters from the Elder Scrolls series?
The game received perfect review scores from several publications, including Famitsu, GameSpot and IGN...
Can I enjoy this without giving a crap about the Star Wars lore? I only saw the movies
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
What are the most iconic weapons of videogames, avoiding absurdly obvious answers like master sword? Also...
No trading
Xenoverse Thread
Should I buy this if I'm conservative?
What the fuck is this shit?
Screenshot Thread
Riku's KH 3 outfit is a T-shirt and a hoodie
Sup Forums Taste thread, go!
Crudely draw a scene from a videogame and others try to guess which game it is
Was she raped?
He doesn't game on a CRT/Tube Television
Main villain is goverment
What are some games where I can dress up in cute clothing?
A game tries to have a deep, philosophical and dark story
This game had one of the worse endings of any game I've ever played. Am I the only one who thinks this?
Chun-li's body is superior to Ibuki in every way
Get your grade 9 Anti-Ruse stealth suits ready, and MGSV announcement is coming on the 30th Metal Gear anniversary
Guys, search for "ps4 neo console" on Amazon and look at the second result. Post yfw
Brother had back surgery done
Sup Forums tells me how to play
Consoleshitters get in here
How does Samus make you feel, user?
How's that game you're working on, Sup Forums? You ARE making a game right?
So true
First time Senran player. Should I waste my time on burst or skip to the other games in the series? Also...
Sup Forums says a game is shit
Not even *wheeze* close baby
Who was in the wrong here?
Trying to figure out what this weapon is. Just asked /k/ and they said it was from a video game. Help?
Filename thread
Harbringers - Gul'dan
Why is RE5 considered the worst RE by most? Its fun and plays mainly the same as RE4 but with a better inventory system
Anyone here like to collect video game artbooks? Any good purchases lately...
How come alot of Japanese games that don't come from Companies like Nintendo are considered Taboo on the west?
Are there any games that revolve around collecting types of minerals
Give me a reason Sup Forums. A reason to do it or a reason not to do it I don't fucking care...
Imagine this, Sup Forums:
Ending in 69 decides
Characters added later to games that feel like bad fanfiction
Witcher 3
Dolphin 5.0 thread
Shitty game idea thread
Reveal to girl your video game power level
Name a better boss fight than this protip you can't
Steam Avatar Rate
This is your date for tonight
Your favorite game series is dead
Do you remember hiw excited you were for V? Does it still hurt?
When did video games stopped being fun?
Unpopular oinions
Color Splash
Between FF XV and P5
CSS Bhop Script
H-hey Sup Forums ! Life is strange episode 1 is free now!
"There are an insane number of ways to take down enemy outposts!"
Who's your favorite videogame demon?
What were/are your town's names?
Meanwhile, in the Sup Forums shower
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
When will video games get to the point where they are indistinguishable from real life?
Can we talk about the ending of this game because IT MADE ME MAD!
Space minecraft except with a lot less to do
Finally got around to playing this to see if it was as awful as Sup Forums said. It's really not...
Fire Emblem Fates
How can anyone still be excited about modern gaming
Imagine his address got leaked if he didn't apologize by the end of this week
Tech wizards
Would you be ok if this is the nx portable?
1 new message on Steam
No Man's Sky
Post memorable gaming lines
Which is harder Sup Forums?
Shadow of Mordor or The Witcher 3
Which one is better and why...
How can one became so emotionally attached to a game?
Terry Crews just built his first PC. Why haven't you built a PC yet, Sup Forums?
ORIGINAL Fallout Thread
The game sex scene is just fading to black then fading back
Why do German gamers use so many smilies?
Is it shit?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem
Tell me about your feelings
Co-op/2 player games
Who do you main in Arnold Fighter?
The last game you played is now written by anthony burch. How fucked are you?
Gaming Pet Peeves
You are useless
Metroid Blast Ball
Tfw Breath Of the Wild will be emulatable by the time it comes out
Find a flaw
This is the greatest console shooter of all time
Why did you confront Illias, Sup Forums?
Melee or Street Fighter, Sup Forums ?
What games capture a sense similar to this animated film?
Need a boost, nigga? Well here you go. Put some butter in your coffee. About 1bs for every 6-8oz of coffee...
The new RO's beta test is starting later today. Why haven't you signed up yet?
Monster Hunter Generations
I'm playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
Dual 1080 SLI
You pre ordered, right Sup Forums?
Just how strong is Eirin compared to the other Touhou characters?
That addon that killed the game
Post subtle vidya streetwear
Could a Metal Gear Sahelanthropus ever work IRL...
This is the PS4 killer app
Blizzard said a few of them are gay, so which ones?
Games have gotten worse over the years
So I just finished STALKER Call of Pripyat for the first time...
What gamer things did you do IRL as a kid? And maybe still do now
That kid who always turned off the console when he was losing
When is this fat pig getting nerfed? her dmg and armor are so dumb
WoW Legion
You have 1 minute to post a lewder video game scene than this
NieR: Automata
Pokemon Go is out for barely 2 weeks
Pokemon Go
26 years later and this advice is still accurate
Post your Overwatch stats
Is this game worth dropping the $20...
What the fuck happened?
Lend game to friend
Which stealth game is the best stealth game of all time?
Is anyone here excited for this?
ITT: Characters in dire need of a buff
I hear thunder, pitter-patter
It was better than VLR
Metroid Other M
Why is there no games about exploring alien planets?
Backlog thread
Ctrl + F
Sup Forums desktop bread
Why aren't you playing pokemon go?
What are some good western games in the last 2 years ?
Alien Isolation is the best looking game of this generation
Horror game
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...