The final Splatfest just started, Sup Forums. are you Callie or Marie?
The final Splatfest just started, Sup Forums. are you Callie or Marie?
>splatoon has only been out for 2 years
this is ridiculous
>It's another "Nintendo tries to make an online game" episode
>2 year runtime
Man, Nintendo just does not give a flying fuck about multiplayer.
my nigga
splatoon is god tier
Im keeping my fingers crossed that they're going to cycle them. I bought the game to play the last one, how do I get the sea shell
i have a copy of splatoon on my wii
it's still shrink-wrapped ;(
i missed everything.
The online is still staying up you tremendous faggotrons
Nothing wrong with that
they are lopping off features for a 60 dollar game 2 years later and all you can say is
>its okay at least its not the multiplayer!
in another year it wont be possible to play online at all and drones like you will say
>atleast the single player mode is still playable
>60 dollar game
nigga you really want to eat another bag of dicks or something?
what about moving your lard ass in a supermarket and get the game at 25 euro like anybody else?
that was a joke i waded through a good 30 results to find one that was 60 dollars. splatoon was still 60 dollars on release and being cheaper now means fucking nothing, its inexcusable what nintendo is doing, it is anticonsumer
>2 years
One year
Splatoon came out May 2015, why are you saying it's been 2 years
because it isnt 1 year, its over 1 year, therefore its 2 years
>American education.
hard to choose
i like them both
so here come the insecure special snowflake euros to make everything again about nationalism
results don't lie
Does anybody really care?
What? Are you niggers from an alternate reality. Most people say it's been two years.
>popular means better
>Minecraft listed in Shooter games
>We're gonna make Splatoon great again
46 votes ahead
So it's the final thing Nintendo does for Splatoon? Did they ever fix the matchmaking system to be more friendly to play with friends?
desu desu callie best waifu xDDD
Yes, they've been updating the pretty damn often.
The final event for Splatoon. 1 year support for multiplayer game.
Oh damn, I'm rusty.
I also forgot how salty splatoon makes me.
>he went on editing pictures
>after the whole "I put a screencap on my pad nobody will ever know!"
Get help you fucking retard.
they aren't shutting down the multi. You really are going all out with the lies. Still mad the game sold more than ten time your prediction?
It sucks, but the large majority of multiplayer games never had "events" like splatfests in the first place, just regular multiplayer.
So no more Splatfest? How am I gonna upgrade my equipment when I get back to the game? Is there another way to get them or do we get an automated Splatfest cycle?
you can use coins for upgrades, but I believe it takes a lot.
such is the life for the people who dropped this beautiful game from their cycle, even during splatfests. I've got snails for days, already crafted my ideal gear months ago.
I haven't played Splatoon in ages.
>already shutting down multiplayer
that only means we get a new splatoon game soon, right guys?
LITERALLY shutting servers fucking year after relase.
But its okay when nintendo does it.
they are not shutting down anything
its just their last splatfest, thats all
>tfw too busy kicking the shit out of Calliefags to reply to baitposters.
I'll leave the garbage to you, Calliecunts.
I know it was just weak bait
oh, you mean like, shooting them up with a splattershot, or something like that?
yeah, i would too
How long does it last for?
You get shells at the end based kn level and being the winning team.
Callie will win popularity, Marie wins battles.
I fighting for the Calliephate and have only fought the Marie menace 3 times so far and matchmaking is slow. Most fights are against other Calliefags.
Marie is best girl
Kill Inkling SCUM!
Marie has better porn so you should vote for her.
splatoon 2 better have squidmoms.