Is this game worth dropping the $20? I was weary at first of this being hipster indie garbage that people kept giving 10s while not saying shut about the game. But afew people I respect that aren't even into indie shit have been saying it's their GOTY so far.
They said telling what's so good would be spoiler territory and to go in blind. So should I go with it?
Grayson Thompson
No. 2.5 hours of mediocre puzzles and easy as piss platforming. Add to it a generic 2deep4u story with some semi decent foreshadowning, and you have another indie game that should be $8 at best. If you liked Limbo, sure.
Owen Carter
A little more than 4h to complete. Really intense. Puzzles are simpler than Limbo but there is more variety and the aesthetics are amazing.
Chase Brown
just watch it on youtube
Liam Russell
Caleb King
I agree with this, though it may be worth the price to you depending on how you like the aesthetics.
Ryder Moore
you can even pause the video periodically to solve puzzles yourself
Sebastian Young
Pretty much this
I watched a 4 part gameplay on YouTube that included both endings and I was pretty satisfied. It's one of those games where you don't really need to play it if you've already seen someone play it.
Owen Morales
He's right though.
Kevin Perez
It's much worse if you just watch it.
Lincoln Sullivan
Although if it were on sale below 15 dollars then I would get it if one lyrics to support the developers. I enjoyed their art style and stories so far. I want to see them come out with more games and when they do I'll make sure to not watch videos of the game and just play it myself because at the end of the day you get a better experience playing it for yourself.
Brody Fisher
if money is not an issue, then by all means play it
Julian Bell
I watched NorthernLion and the way he likes to overcomplicate simple puzzles basically eliminates any option I could've tried out myself. Seriously, if you want to sell a game that people can't just experience through video it can't be a game where you walk right and solve one puzzle per room without any optional bells and whistles.
Justin Lewis
Oxenfree was better, but Inside was pretty ok.
Luke Clark
Well if I had played it before watching, then I agree that it would be a better experience of course but if I play it after watching then it wouldn't be much fun since I know most of the puzzles and know the story
Henry Richardson
>Bells and whistles Killer, is this you?
Robert Moore
I have no problems with the game itself, but 20 ameribucks is ridiculous
Landon Robinson
Killer 7?
Samuel Johnson
The real reason? Between being a wage slave, living with my girlfriend and trying to live a decent adult life I don't have time for catching imaginary Pokemon.
Jack James
denuvo so no
Charles Wright
I loved Limbo and was really hyped for the Inside trailer so I bought it for $20. And I DID really like the game, but it wasn't so great that I couldn't wait for a sale.
It's really short and the puzzles are way easier than Limbo. It has great aesthetics and sound design, and I really liked it, but wait for a sale.
John Ortiz
Eli Edwards
Reminder Limbo sold 4mil copies without denuvo.
Brandon Baker
3.5 million sales from humble bundle
Nolan Perez
Maybe they're banking on people willing to spend 10e/hour on solving puzzles to make the game a succes.
Isaac Morgan
Just watch DPS's playthrough
Jack Roberts
I'd say drop the money on it. Yes it may be a contender for game of the year. You won't experience atmosphere when you just watch an LP. It's worth it if you have disposable income. But now that Denuvo has been cracked(?), this game should be available through piracy soon enough.
Daniel Murphy
>3 hour indie game >Probably has little replayability >But is has a 2deep4u story and an ebin plot twist >Gets perfect 10s Man fuck game reviewers. They play games one time and only care about their "deep stories" and "enthralling experiences" (AKA easy and short) and will drop the awards and high scores on it. But if you have something that has good replay value with more interesting gameplay but has a few flaws or a bad story (because the devs realized that no one will give a shit about the story) it gets 7/10 or 8/10 it's okay. There's no fucking way I'll believe an easy 3 hour platformer is a perfect game no matter how good the twist is. Do reviewers give a shit about value, gameplay, or their readers at all?