Which stealth game is the best stealth game of all time?
Which stealth game is the best stealth game of all time?
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m favorite stealth game is Manhunt, but not because of its stealth elements
as like an actual stealth game? Probably thief or chaos theory
The stealth elements were simple but effective, and the difficulty curve felt so right
Probably none of those
Mark of the Ninja was really good though
I also really like the setting/atmosphere/music
>Probably none of those
Styx is pretty good too
The Batman Arkham games have a lot of flaws, but I loved the stealth in them.
None of those are "the best stealth game of all time"
Only ones from that list worth playing even are:
>Mark of the Ninja
>Hitman: Blood Money
>Thief 2
The others are good in their own ways, but not because of the stealth. It's pretty underwhelming how so few exclusively stealth games there are out there.
Metal Gear Solid
it revolutionized the genre and still holds up to this day
the controls are too clunky for some numale retards, but I find them pretty good even today
Yup manhunt and original tenchu were the best.
Manhunt did turn into a mass gun fight on some levels though, pigsy was a great boss.
But with tenchu you actually needed patience and could 5 star it but remaining unseen, awesome music and onikage was a great villain.
Shame it got worse with ever sequel.
The "feeling" part of Manhunt is incredible. I miss that Rockstar.
I got my copy for 3€
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven's coop was fun, at least
I got it for $1 during a PSN sale a few month ago
Missed the game when it was new because it was banned here
Thief 2
All other answers bar Thief 1, SC3, and Blood Money are underage, but those three are still wrong.
chaos theory no doubt
The stealth is really simple but it's enjoyable. I think it could have been better if detective vision didn't let you see through walls.
shinobido is what i used to play
Stealth games are collectively the fucking worst. Jesus christ, I fucking hate stealth games.
If you had friends.
I remember reading about it in magazines , it sucks that it was banned there, user
Also, it's a shame yours is a digital copy, Manhunt's manual is awesome
dumb anime poster
Pretty much. There's not much to enjoy in them, hence why most of the games listed as "stealth" aren't exclusive stealth games and offer players different ways to play the game.
I had friends and enjoyed it back when it was released, didn't you, user?
Daily reminder that Thief still is not dead.
Isn't the best stealth game of all time one that is about taking pantyshots?
What? Does that really exist?
It's not MGS2. That's for sure.
R* North Manuals in general are pretty cool, GTA3 was like a newspaper, later GTA games like travel guides
Damn, Japan will never cease to amaze me
Manhunt's one is a Starkweather snuff film catalog, really fancy and sets the tone of the game right as you open the case
MGS3, followed by MGS2.
In terms of actual stealth gameplay, probably Mark of the Ninja. My favorite is Peace Walker, though.
PW's stealth was so smooth and fluent, really enjoyable indeed
Aw yeah