Playing a game for 4 hours straight making big progress

>playing a game for 4 hours straight making big progress
>a game you have to manually save
>power suddenly goes out for everyone on my street out of nowhere
>all that progress gone

>manually save in single slot
>44% complete
>power goes out
>last manual backup was 3 days ago

>Playing through Overlord on hardest difficulty.
>100% good boi who dindu nuffin.
>Thought the game didn't have manual save slots because it's a dodgy console port, relied on autosaves.
>Game has this annoying habit of switching back to your slot1 ability every time you go through a level change.

>Come across some meadow with a tree.
>Local elf hooligans want me to kill the undead unicorns around it and save the tree.
>I use what I thought was the berserk ability.
>And throw a fireball.
>The entire field erupts in flames.
>Including the tree.

>Running low on DS battery
>"Oh shit I should save"
>Power runs out mid-save
>Save data corrupted

It took me a year to get the motivation to play Phoenix Wright again

>Playing Wild ARMS 3 in PCSX2
>Save game and go to bed
>Turn on computer next day
>Load up game
>Both my saved game and savestates have reverted to three days ago

I have no idea why that happened, but I also lost my PS2 saves on the same game due to memory card failure. The PS4 version will be my last attempt at finishing the damn thing.

>the power flickers off for half a second

What? How?

>screen turned off
>computer turned off
>all the clocks need to be set again
>was in middle of a long-ass dungeon couldn't save
>do a heavy sigh
>turn screen back on
>the PS3/PS4 were still on with your game still there
happened like 7 times across both consoles for me

>play a game for 4 hours straight
>accidentally trigger a script bug that breaks the game
>can't go on without reverting to the old save

Fucking MGS1 on PC.

>Playing Rune Factory 4 with Gateway
>Playing the game for two weeks, just about to marry Dolce
>Game crashes
>Gateway only writes the save data when you close the game from the home screen, which I hadn't done at all
>All saves are gone