Give me a reason Sup Forums. A reason to do it or a reason not to do it I don't fucking care. It's been a while and I had given her up for dead but after all this time and damn near every other MMORPG I still can't sate this craving. But maybe WoW can like it did back then. Maybe it will be fun, maybe I won't get bored after two weeks. Or maybe it's shit and I'll drop it like I've dropped everything other MMO I picked up after WoW. Or maybe I just don't like MMOs anymore. Maybe they've always been shit. How can I know if I don't try?
Give me a reason Sup Forums. A reason to do it or a reason not to do it I don't fucking care...
MMORPG's are shit games, don't play them.
>this feel when you can't sage
do it. then come run a new dwarf with me brah
you should get your cash out of it
the questing is pretty good i hear
the artifact weapons/class halls are very unique and full of lore
you get bodyguards at lvl 108, big lore characters, whitemane etc.
lots of reasons to run old content now thanks to transmog
the new dungeon system will mean you always have something to do
i think its worth it even if you drop it after a month
Alright nigger what server?
each wow exp usualy worth it if you play more that 40-50 hour before drop... that 1$ a hours... cheap hobby
WoW is always worth the expansion price. Just not worth subscribing through the entire run.
Give me like 15 minutes. I hope your not some sort of faggot.
You'd be better off running a private server of an expansion you already liked