Do you think being a nerd is something to be proud of?

Do you think being a nerd is something to be proud of?

Do you feel upset when you see people pretending to be nerds, illegitimately?



Not really, no
More annoyed, than anything

Everyone in the world today has some kind of interest in pop culture, dividing people into "nerds" isn't really relevant any more.

I'm happy when I can connect with someone over something we both like, I don't have a fucking persecution complex where I feel like people need to "put in the time" being socially ostracized in order to like something I like

Kind of.

Kind of.

I only hate it because I was picked on for being a nerd for so long and then it becomes a fad and now all the people that picked on me suddenly like me and pretend to like what I've loved my entire life.

So now it's harder to find friends who legitimacy love videogames or technology like I do. The fake nerds just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I wish it was like it was back then where I got picked on for being a nerd,at least I met some great friends who shared the same passion.

People don't pretend to be nerds for cred, they just have a different relationship with the word and don't see nerd as meaning the same thing as you.

I just don't care about any of that at all

Hey maybe just because someone likes something to less obsessive degree than you do doesn't mean they are just "pretending" to like it


it is a meaningless label

>tfw a little girl has bigger hands than you.

Guess that's why I'm shit at videogames.

thats a boy

You didn't witness it firsthand. Even my cousins went into the nerd fad after going from rocker>Emo>scene>"nerd"

With how overly exposed anything "nerdy" is these days, it's almost not applicable in a serious sense.

Annoyed mostly, It's trying to get attention where they might not get it anyway. There's a reason things like the "Gamur gurl XD rawr" stereotype exists, but at the same time, it's not like there's a quota to meet to be a nerd

Just don't be a cunt and have a legit interest, that's all I ask.

>Do you think being a nerd is something to be proud of?
As proud as you would normally be about yourself.

>Do you feel upset when you see people pretending to be nerds, illegitimately?
It's just a label, the validity of this label is based on perception, which is different between people and can change. If anything, I can only say whether or not I believe someone is less or more nerdy than me at any particular subject.



There is no such thing as a "nerd". You're spewing back the image of a person created by television and movies.

Everyone on every single spectrum of life likes some of the same things you like, user. I know guys who spent more of their time after school robbing people who played pokemon. I also know stay at home soccer moms who played it.

Have some awareness.

No i dont give a fuck, i hate the affect those people can have on muh vidya gaems but there will always be good games else where

I don't think it is anything to be proud of, but I hate both dyed hair Kotaku hipster shits and normalfags who've become "nerds" while simultaneously shutting out those of us who aren't new to the party by calling us autists and neckbeards.

To be frank, I liked it better when the "scene" was undesirable fat losers like myself and awkward skellies. I wish the hipsters and normies would find a new hobby already, but rather it seems it is the neckbeard of yesteryear having to sink to new depths for entertainment.

no, same as labeling yourself as a "gamer"

No, Im not social about my "nerdy" things, except with close friends. Fanclubs feel more like circle jerks

This, I have better things to concern myself with.

I don't hang out with these kind of people so I don't give a fuck.

It annoys me when someone who studies Engineering says something like 'that was too nerdy of me' when applying something related to maths or physics. It's like they feel ashamed or something.

proud of, no, but not ashamed of either, it's just a lifestyle choice and a set of things you like to participate in.

as such, I don't care if someone is a "fake nerd" as long as they aren't having their opinion on those subjects being taken seriously in a critical manner while not actually doing nerdy things.

What was that TV series with the sister trying to be cool and the kid being a nerd?

It had James Franco in it.

That's my life right there. Getting picked on, going to friends houses and just fucking around with games. Now I go to college videogame club and it's nothing like the old days. Casual shit everywhere.

Back then nerds were the outcasts, the loners who did their own thing whether it was video games, action figures, or books. They loved doing what they did in spite of all the crap they had to endure.

Now all of a sudden it's "cool" to be a nerd. It's infuriating seeing so many alpha bitches now saying "omg I'm such a nerd lol" when they barely know anything.

What makes me mad is that people think its funny to laugh at people doing intelligent things HAHAHAH HES A NERD BECAUSE HE LIKES MATH WHAT A LOSER. I never understood why I am hated so much for being intelligent.


I think if you act like a nerd in public to be cool, then you're a fucking poser. See, there are only two types of nerds: those who hide their power level (pseudo-normie) and those who can't contain the power within them (socially inept).

It'd be impossible to say that I can't believe it but it's so appalling that some people's whole self identity is being crushed because normalfags are obsessed with a smartphone "game". Pokemon was never exactly some hidden gem. Even my parents could probably name at least a few Gen 1 Pokemon, or be shown a picture of a Squirtle and know that it's a Pokemon.

I honestly don't give a shit.
I didn't care back when it was a bad thing and I don't care now that it's a "good" thing.


>playing Pokemon Sapphire on my phone
>girl in my class asks me if I'm playing Pokemon, GO is only a day old at this point in time and I haven't even heard of it yet.
>yeah I am
>she gets excited and walks behind me to look at my phone
>...what is this?
>Huh? It's Pokemon
>she gives me a cringey look and does an up+down motion with her eyes as if I'm disgusting
>walks back to seat a second later

Part of me wants to ruin everyone's fun every time they pull out their phone for that fucking GO game.

Will the nerd fad die anytime soon. What's next?



the problem exists when someone calls themselves a nerd for the sole purpose of changing nerd culture.

fyi i consider myself more of a geek, phreak, hacker on steroids then anything.

When I imagine a nerd I imagine thick as glasses, a hipster haircut, a messenger bag packed with apple products, and the skinniest fucking shortest looking clothing imaginable, probably in corduroy and plaid.
No SIR, I am no nerd, I am a gamer, now pass the mountain dew mother fucker.

>walking with my brother next to an RV park while he plays pokemon go
>sees a multi hair colored woman walking her dogs with her phone out playing pokemon go
>"oh look a hipster"
>get back inside car
>starts playing pokemon go while driving
>gets home and shows me a lets play he made

make your own low tech jammer in a few easy steps, user.

>Everybody used to pick on me because I played video games

This is the stupidest shit.

Nobody hated you because you played video games. They picked on you because you were probably a fucking sperg.

Nobody wants to accept that there's something intrinsic that makes them unlikeable. They always have some faggy little excuse.


Yes, since the people pretending to be nerds are the same sacks of dogshit that gave me hell in school for being a nerd.

Why would I be proud of being a nerd? I enjoy a bunch of nerdy shit, and I don't care how random strangers view me because of it.

If people want to be vapid and pretend to enjoy something they don't well good for them I guess.

I hate nerds
Fucking degenerates

Nah. I had plenty of friends, I was picked on my the Jocks, the popular kids. You just wouldn't understand how it works because you weren't picked on.

this is true. every kid back in highscchool played video games. i dont think there was anybody who didnt.
playing video games or pokemon or magic doesn't make you the target of low lives. weakness does.

I don't give a fuck what people call themselves, all I know is I am a bi-ambiguous attack helicopter specializing in night ops and nobody will tell me otherwise as is my canadian charter of rights and freedom's mandated right and freedom

This is a healthy perspective.

The amount of people on Sup Forums with a chip on their shoulder is really quite annoying. God help you if you get them started on "the jocks"

You fags sound like Andrew Dobson

>tfw I've seen at least three Parasites with their Nu-male Hosts following behind while going around town this past week

Playing video games doesn't make you a nerd. People like young Bill Gates and John Carmack are nerds. Obsessive engineers etc. Smart people.


Not to be proud of specifically because there isn't a basis for that.. but if you enjoy most things considered "nerdy" then it would be lame to change because people think it's stupid or childish/whatever. If people think it's cool, that's just whatever.. less hate. It is cool to be yourself.

Yeah. It upsets me a bit to see people pose as anything they're not. It's also lightly entertaining and it doesn't really phase me.

>Do you think being a nerd is something to be proud of?

It is a nebulous concept used only as an insult with anti-intellectual connotations. There is nothing to take pride in. There is no accomplishment in being insulted.

>Do you feel upset when you see people pretending to be nerds, illegitimately?

Pretending to be a nerd is an extremely esoteric form of blackface. It makes me uncomfortable, not angry.

Because everyone who posts on 4chins is a socially inept autist

funnily enough, in high school the jocks were usually nice.
it was the stoners and the shop kids who were always faggots.

You don't actually have a passion for video games

And while we're at it, you don't have a passion for children's cartoons or anime.

It's just a timesink. Something passive and unintimidating that can easily distract us from the emptiness of our lives.

We convince ourselves that it's a "passion" because it feels less like we're wasting our lives.

What the fuck do you think, everyone and their grandmother is a "science geek" now because they feel they're educated by reading Buzzfeeds "Top 10 funny science facts that will make you cream supreme XD".

These people will then run around and make Facebook accounts like "I fucking love science" when 99% of them couldn't even identify the components of an atom.

Those are geeks user. Not nerds.

You're a cuck if you let them be your friends after shitting on you for so long.

I beat the shit out of my bully 3 years ago after accidentally seeing him at a park with my bros. It felt good.

Anyone who answers no to the first question and yes to the second question are literal scum.

If you acknowledge being a nerd isn't anything to be proud of, then you wouldn't feel protective or territorial about the label.

The correct answers are no and no.

It's not something to be proud or ashamed of. It just is.

People pretending to be anything they're not is fucking obnoxious. That's why hipsters are the worst people who have ever existed. Their entire "culture" is being pretentious fuckwits.

>I love clash of clans, I'm such a nerd
posers need to fuck off

Math is gay faggot.

It's only good because it's easy.

Isn't that like the difference between being a kung-fu master shaolin monk and a guy who takes weekend karate classes at the local ymca?
Sure you have similar interests, but their level of interest in skin deep while you have a deeper appreciation, due to self-imposed monk-like study.


This. Unless you were a massive faggot who couldn't handle the banter, they were cool.

Protip: If people are treating you like an autistic neckbeard, you're probably an autistic neckbeard.

That was the case for my school too.

I was one of the jocks. We played Game Boy same as everyone else and didn't give a fuck about the kids that did slightly nerdier shit like Magic cards. It was because we were from good homes. The bullies were inevitably greasers because their retarded poorfag parents bullied them and that's all they knew.

Take some times and seriously reflect on yourself.

Do you think that you're a likeable person? Do you honestly think that the only reason people avoid you is becuase you're "smart"?

Does it really matter anymore? Brutal big business tactics sold out this industry from under our feet. Sony, Nintendo, microsoft, huge marketing firms, valve, intel, nvidia, amd.

It doesn't matter which you support if you do at all anymore, it's all fucking sold to the most interested investor/shareholder. It's dead jim, we're not getting our hobby back from the normalfags.

not really, dumbass

He plays games . He's a nerd. that's literally the definition of one. Stop being all pissy about it.

You have to be 25 to post here.

>implying atom's are real
show a real picture of one, if they're real


nah, as long as they don't flaunt

mobile shit doesn't count as a real game

Freaks and Geeks?

It's not about being protective of the label, but of the hypocrisy of the people who once made fun of others by using said label now embrace it like it's a good thing, while finding new labels to outcast the non cool kids.

Being a nerd never was something to be proud off, it was a label others used to make fun of you. Now that the stuff they used to make fun of is the "in" thing, they embrace it.

Shame it died. I bet if they did a reboot it would sell.

Did I anger you, scum?

Find an important label to be protective of.

shh baby, shh

Well its easy to me because Im smarter than you.
Yes they avoided me because I was le smart nerd even though I never read a comic in my life and my knowledge of animu was limited to shonen shit.

What should I play to make new e-friends? No ASSFAGs or CS

>Do you think being a retard is something to be proud of?

>Do you feel upset when you see people pretending to be retards, illegitimately?

Same logic.

and the jocks didn't play Mario Kart? Halo?

Nigger, everybody in highschool played video games. All you're looking for is an external excuse for why people didn't like you.

You know why "the popular kids" are so popular? Its because they're good at making friends.

>It's not about being protective of the label
It really, really is.

>the hypocrisy of the people who once made fun of others by using said label now embrace it like it's a good thing
All of the bullies in my school, insofar as I've kept up with them, are still complete Chads and Debbies in adulthood and don't pretend to like geeky things. The "fashionable" nerds of today were not the ones bullying you.

At least we have the Polskies developing good stuff now, who also don't fuck our wallets

Why was he at a park with your bros?

Except the distinction between a nerd and a geek is as pertinent as ever.

Nerds are in the community because they're interested in the hobby, not the people.

Geeks are interested in the people, and what the hobby can do to help them with those people. Geeks are cancer. Geeks are loser normalfags.

Why would you be angry at someone pretending to be retarded, unless they're doing it to commit literal fraud, which is a different matter?

>Do you think being X is something to be proud of?

>Do you feel upset when you see people pretending to be X, illegitimately?

Same logic.

You sound like a science expert

I can tell by how angry you're getting

Well all I can say is I do not want my children being nerds

>TFW brother is a poser nerd

>He knows I'm as original as you can get.

>he literally buys every game that comes out (doom, overwatch, resident evil 6 HD, )

>Says they're all good and says how much of a nerd he is for playing them and liking them

I showed him doom 1 the day doom 4 game out and he said it looked and played like shit, looks boring too.

At least you guys don't have to deal with a family member going through this fad, it's infuriating. At least I get to borrow the games.

Bullying someone because they look ugly or act socially awkward aren't good excuses either dude. In fact they make less sense since it's much easier to stop playing video games than to "stop" being ugly or socially awkward.

Doom '16 and RE6 are fun, you fucking nerd.

I just hate these fags who play mobashit all day and watch streams/web celebs like they are gods.

It's too retarded for me.

List the qualities that make you a good friend.

I don't think being anything is something to be proud of because we're all just tiny worthless organics that will never amount to anything

casual fag

Probably because Doom has aged quite a bit, and is lacking compared to many modern titles?

Then explain why the year I joined football they stopped picking on me?Eh? They flip like a switch.

Nobody ever made fun of you for playing video games

You life is not an 80's highschool drama

>It really, really is.
It's not. I don't want the label, I just hate the hypocrisy of them making fun of others using said label in the past and now using it themselves like a good thing.

And yes, the people who once were the bullies are the same ones who now you see going OMG I totally love Star Wars XD, pretending that they like comics because of the current trade of capeshit and particularly going "I so loved Pokémon my whole life" now that Go is a thing, even though they were "you still play THAT" during various years.

People up to the 30s are still influenced by the whole pop culture thing, user. One who was born in 1984 can perfectly experience this kind of thing just as well as someone born in 1992, for example.