Is it just me, or has the internet in the last 10ish years become a really shitty place to hang out.
It didn't used to be like this? Who's to blame. People back in the day we're pretty chill and fun to talk to. Now everyone is a toxic asshole. Is it just because the lowest IQ people all have internet access now and respectably intelligent people are surrounded 10,000/1 by them?
This has carried over into gaming. I'm seriously considering never playing an online game again because of this. Why do I subject myself to these brainless idiots spouting hate. At least back then it was 15 year olds and they could be ignored but now it's 20 somethings who should have emotionally matured but never did.
Do you guys notice this crap as well these days? Do you think there will be a time where instead of people leaving things like Facebook, they'll leave the internet entirely? Like the internet becomes the hellhole of the most retarded the world has to offer and only fellow retards join them?
Do you think there will be a place for the intelligent to go in the future?
Justin Hall
Dominic Russell
>Toxic >Using riot words Just kill yourself. The internet has always been full of tough guys, it's just hypersensitive normies and trannies joined the fray en masse and complain about it
Kayden Price
dumb frogposter
Jose Morgan
If you want to discuss videogames properly join neogaf.
Charles Hernandez
there's a greater variety and diversity of people than in the past
nowadays everything is always connected and always going on and that kind of hyperstimulation just gets to peoples' head, it's unavoidable and won't get better. all you can do is ignore it and maybe try to reach out to people that don't have a stick in their ass
got this image from google don't mind the watermark
Brandon Gutierrez
If people are calling you bad. It's because you're bad. If you don't top score in every game like me, then you need to get better and deserve getting ripped on
Jose Bailey
We're in an economic ressesion fucking everyones lives and that in turn politicizes everything making the most retaded inane shit an us vs them question.
David Peterson
Sup Forums is partially to blame actually.
Hunter Ortiz
>toxic >frogposter
Wyatt Young
Nolan Wood
>It didn't used to be like this? yes it did. every internet forum, irc group, etc goes to shit after three years. people just stopped abandoning them for greener pastures or making their own one like they used to
Chase Torres
James Hill
You just have to go to the right sites and play the right games. There are a lot of friendly communites out there.
Noah Stewart
real question, why does >toxic trigger Sup Forums?
Kevin Morgan
If everyone is a moron Asshole, then a nice smart guy can make a lot of friends :3
Gabriel Russell
>posts loli sucking cock
Anthony Reed
honestly, probably reddit not even kidding.
Juan Cook
>Who's to blame. Social medias. Facebook became public 9 years ago.
Dylan Phillips
>there's a greater variety of people That's bullshit. There's a lot more people who all have the same interests. You had a lot of more interesting people in the early Internet.
Owen Watson
Because it's a buzzword used by spineless faggots like OP who can't take any criticism
Kevin Harris
No OP I have noticed it also.
Back in the day it used to be all about having fun and enjoying everything nowadays it's all about being negative and hating on everyone.
It really is a toxic environment now and I hate it the only issue is I'm addicted to it because I've been online for 20+ years now.
Easton Collins
It's usually used by terrible people.
Joshua Smith
in a lot of cases a new website attracts a like of young posters that gradually age and become jaded as time passes, even though the site is more or less the same as ever
Michael Rodriguez
Because it's a word that riot shills use, like "MOBA". It's shows you're neo as fuck and don't belong here.
Carter Peterson
People weren't generally dicks everywhere 10 years ago. There were genuinely great friendly communities. Nowadays everywhere you go it's like Sup Forums.
Jaxson Robinson
it was mostly nerds
Evan Clark
Man, I remember back in the 2000s when there were often campaigns to teach people to never share information about themselves on the internet. That shit sure flew right out the window, huh?
Dominic Powell
Because tumblr uses it. That's literally it.
Gavin Foster
Who have a wide range of completely different and awfully specific interests.
Matthew Martin
Not really
>back in the day >playing wc3 >everyone having a blast playing sheep tag at 3am >no hatred in sight >go on BF2 >everyone having a blast >playing quake >just fun times all the time >go on Sup Forums in 2005 just dumb memes about duckrolling and having a blast >go on game forums in 2001-2006 for an mmo >everyone posting pictures of themselves and really getting to know each other and having a fun time
I could go on and on about the good ol' days man
Grayson Ross
Reddit has some of the most foul and shitty people on the Internet. Moreso than Sup Forums imho.
Noah Morris
Deleted my post because I didn't read the OP, I thought he complained about how the internet became pussified.
Luke Hernandez
I miss it when the Internet wasn't an extension of real life.
Landon Lewis
Definitely, I hate main subs on Reddit it's just people making puns and shitting on anything that's not a part of their circlejerk opinion and 2000% SJW cuck loving faggots. The non default specific subs are fantastic though for hobbies.
Jayden Bennett
I don't understand how people like OP can exist. People have moaned about the internet being worse than yesterday since ever, eternal September is 20 years old, why do you OP believe that you and your youth were special?
Charles Turner
Internet has always been an extension of my life though :| been online since AOL back in like 1993 lol
Jeremiah Davis
You are wither a huge idiot or just didn't know Internet pre 2006.
Josiah Brown
>:| >lol Don't post on this board ever again.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>Do you think there will be a time where instead of people leaving things like Facebook, they'll leave the internet entirely
My friends and I actually discussed this the other week. We think, yes. The internet has been completely supersaturated by hate and generally awful people. This includes online games. I think in the next 5-10 years many people are going to quit those games entirely and opt for single player only. Outside of games it's already begun. People leaving social media is the first step. Then they'll realize the hate and annoyances of SM follow them everywhere on the internet. People will stop going places like forums, image boards and anywhere with a chat. They'll only use the internet to look up information and avoid at all costs anywhere the general public can be seen or heard giving their opinion.
I've actually considered doing this recently. Just not sure how to undo 20 something years of residing on the internet.
Dominic Ward
those places haven't disappeared. niche forums still exist. if you're talking about trend followers that's always been around it just didn't permeate the internet so much
Cameron Sanchez
I still remember the exact same moment when I got "left out" of today's society.
Juan Phillips
because he's right? You're probably too young to know what the original internet was like.
Isaiah Reed
The internet was always full of assholes, but that meant that the people who were on the internet the most became really thick-skinned and realised the internet wasn't real and because they were often pretty big losers in real life they were happy to leave their true identities behind.
Normies were the worst thing to happen to the internet because they simply can't leave their real lives behind and think the internet= real life. When someone insults them on the internet they equate it to someone insulting them in real life hence the amount of thin-skinned retards whining and trying to shut down "negativity" and "trolling" online. Women are the worst for this, of course. The idea of not being treated like a special snowflake and having people actually insult you is just too much for most of them to handle.
Jose Edwards
Oh sorry Mr. Moderator
Cameron Gray
Hey look my dude it's not such a big deal but try not to do it again okay?
Camden Russell
Just create your own Discord server and invite people you find online who're chill.
Elijah Jenkins
>pick up City of Heroes in 2005 >be greeted by enthusiastic people who teach me about the game and give me free in-game money to help start. People on chat being helpful all day and giving out tips to newbies >start ANY online game in 2016 >no one gives a shit about you other than to annoy or fuck with you and show off their e-penis
>join online community in 2005 >your talent and knowledge about the community theme are what makes you advance in the community >join online community in 2016 >agreeing with the circlejerk and general political position of the administration will make you advance in the community
Nicholas Collins
I actually can't think of a worse "community" than the internet. Awful people everywhere. I think even a death cult would have more supportive folks.
Michael Wilson
ive thought about quitting the internet and driving a truck in ETS2 full time.
Grayson Rodriguez
It's the exact same thing that happened to this very place as well to gaming: the bar has never been set lower. Before then people at least needed to know their way around to find stuff, now they just go to bottom of the barrel tier places like reddit and get spoonfed everything.
Gavin Smith
Internet went to shit around 2010 when Facebook became extremely popular making the internet as a whole more accessible. Even places like Myspace still felt a little more underground.
Nolan White
What original internet? what decade exactly?
Luis Rodriguez
hate feeling attached to a specific group of people. like a public place like this since there's no real investment with saying anything here
Elijah Rogers
I wonder if newfolks on Sup Forums even know what "sage" and "lurk more" mean.
William Cruz
That sole word invalidate everything you said.
Eli Rodriguez
Eh the internet truly went to shit around 2012
Anthony Jackson
Regressive liberals ruined it. We need to go back.
Joseph Green
SJWs and reverse SJWs contributed a LOT to make the Internet shitty.
Cameron Anderson
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished *runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me *licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles
Jose Lewis
I always have sage on. There are very few threads that deserve to be bumped these days.
Kayden Reyes
"What should I expect?" threads shouldn't be tolerated on Sup Forums. Spoonfeeding has made this board even more retarded.
Christopher Reyes
They are talking about the 80s with BBS's and baud modems and shit
Matthew Perez
When i first discovered Sup Forums in like i didn't post for about a year, nowadays they just fucking scribble down there shit opinion or meme without even bothering to learn the etiquette or board culture.
David Nelson
>Is it just me, or has the internet in the last 10ish years become a really shitty place to hang out.
No, it's not just you. Now literally everyone is on the fucking internet and ruining it with their normie shit.
The internet used to be self-policing because the people using it understood computers. Now you have computer illiterates shitting everything up with their normie shit from their smartphone on the couch in front of the TV.
Cameron Hill
Benjamin Rodriguez
I used to think games were getting worse. But if I think about it most of my complaints these days come from the shitty communities online gaming has. They literally only piss and moan about everything and go out of their way to make everyone else miserable.
The worst part is, they can be so loud that developers actually listen to these retards and it only encourages their behavior. I might be leaving online gaming this year. It literally only brings me misery these days.
Alexander Rodriguez
There were a lot of very nice and supportive places online before. The problem is that everything seems to have become an extension of shitty popular communities like Sup Forums.
Connor Mitchell
Apple products made it easier for the biggest idiots to access the internet. They casualized computers/electronics.
Ayden Scott
It's not only that. People used to behave, like they would in a public space, there was a degree of inhibition. This isn't the case anymore. Half of the population seems to live on the internet, posting stuff instead of working, and still doing it on their phone, when they aren't on a computer. Some people put their whole life on youtube and many others consume it. Everybody and their mother now has a sex tape, people willing put this shit on Pornhub. People don't know how to use the internet as a tool anymore, they are engulfed by it.
Brody Kelly
This will sound cliché and "meme" if you want to but that doesn't stop it from being true: I blame reddit for what this site has become on the last 5 years.
Julian Wright
>They literally only piss and moan about everything and go out of their way to make everyone else miserable. No one forces you to use Sup Forums.
Dylan Cruz
What makes you think you are an intelligent person?
Isaiah Powell
Lurk moar has been dead for many years, precisely when we started getting flooded by redditors which drove the entire place down to never seen before levels of garbage.
Just pay attention how the creation of OC has never been lower despite the population of the place having grown tenfold. The very presence of these people drives good fellows away.
Brandon Allen
Robert Nelson
You literally, literally, just proved his point.
Camden Edwards
>join a community >talk about anything >someone brings up SJW or Sup Forums idiocy in conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with it >keeps on happening >everything goes to shit >it ends with everyone from one of the sides getting banned and the place becoming a circlejerk
All the fucking time.
Cameron Gomez
Lincoln Richardson
When there are too many people in a community, it turns to shit. That's it. Nothing to do with culture or anything like that. Once a community reaches a high enough population on the internet, the only posts that can get attention are spam and bait. If you've been on any community as it grew (including Sup Forums) then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, go to a slower board like /an/. It's still roughly the same culture, but it isn't as much of a cesspool of retards as there are on boards like Sup Forums or Sup Forums. You want your comfy communities from the good old days back? Go find forums and servers with low, tight-knit populations. There's your only solution.
Juan Gomez
(the media) academia Leftists
In that order.
>games have to be realistic because graphics >realistic games have to be politically correct because feelings >feelings drive sales, so 100 million dollar game advertising campaigns that cost 90% of the game's budget
You're already dead. This is hell.
Julian Parker
Yeah, it's the "reddit is for serious stuff, Sup Forums is for shitposting" attitude. Sup Forums always was shit, but not in an amount that drowned out any kind of productive posts. The balance has shifted too much and redditors bring their memes here, and if you don't actually frequent that website, you don't know that it doesn't belong here. Everything turns to mush.
Colton James
To be fair that's not an internet-exclusive problem.
Caleb Green
I find people have always been complaining about the internet being shittier with the more people having access to it because there's just more of the things they don't like or aren't interested available and being shoved in their faces. The internet became more accessible and appealing to everyday people. Not just for research or other bullshit. Starting with MySpace and its clones, YouTube etc. With that new trends started cropping up and people either became cynical asshats or just fucked off entirely when new users didn't care to play by their rules, which in turn just created more hostility. Hell, my mother is 62 and just started using the internet last year, it's like watching a baby deer try to cross a busy freeway. She's completely taken aback by the amount of negativity and hostility there is even in spaces where she feels she can watch her little gospel concerts. Though she pretty much just uses it for that, cooking shows and funny animal videos. Netiquette and internet culture itself has changed, before you had lessons on not sharing any of your real info, now it's common to immediately disregard some jackass on social media who has a name like DarkSoul KekSlayer and an anime avatar and if you don't care to argue opinions with him then clearly you're a butthurt-commie-sjw-nigger-faggot-tranny-feminazi who just got BTFO, "top kek".
Xavier Thompson
Third Generation of Sup Forums users is taking the baton.
The first already left, now there is some Second Genners left, and the Third are taking over
It's really just you, thats what it is getting old, everything you liked and loved turns to shit.
It's only natural.
Xavier Perry
Maybe we are jaded or its nostalgia but i don't think so, there has definitely been a massive decline in thread quality on Sup Forums for a number of years now.
Shame that i can't ever leave for longer than a few days or find a decent replacement.
Sup Forums might be shit but it's still the best we got.
Christian Campbell
what does "toxic" mean?
Jackson Gomez
'No religion or politics in polite company' is a saying for a reason.
Tyler Clark
Yeah. People back then understood it was best to keep the two separate. Don't go to shady websites. Never give out personal information that might be used to identify you. Never assume anyone is speaking the truth.
These were simple rules, and most people followed them. And the internet was better for it.
James Sanders
>Sup Forums Stop posting.
Parker Long
Its a buzzword that was constantly pushed by riot. So much that like the term MOBA, it became a thing that everyone uses.
Luke Morgan
Talking shit in comp games is half of the fun. You shouldn't play if y can't handle the bantz.
John Price
I feel the same way. My reflexes are slowing down, and I'm realizing that the whole hamster wheel aspect of grinding for items is keeping me inside, confined to my computer to an unhealthy degree. Overwatch is the last multiplayer FPS I'll get into
Adrian Gonzalez
>Plebbit No.
David Butler
Fuck, why do you people keep mentioning IQ? The moment a poster actually tested their score, half the thread gets mad as fuck and derailed
Asher White
awful to be near or around. Destroys everything it touches.
Cameron Cooper
Jace Smith
Problem is that a lot of shitters can't defferenciate "banter" and "being an asshole".
Eli Wilson
can you be specific?
Samuel Young
Do you guys use zeronet, just started
Cameron Stewart
Pretty much.
I swear every fucking place I go I can only find two kinds of people online: politically correct tumblrinas being offended by everything and their mirrored image aka the stereotypical poltard and his kneejerk reactions to everything.
You simply can't go somewhere to actually have a nice time, it's always one side trying to push their completely warped social views on everybody else.
This was inevitable though. There has never been a more peaceful time in human history and the generation that is now in its mid twenties was by far the most privileged one this world has seen due to all the advancements in society and specially technology. Living has never been easier. This obviously contributed to the massive surge of a bunch of spoiled shitstains who think that the world revolves around their pampered butt and everybody else should follow suit.
I miss the naivety of the 90s and early 2000s when you could genuinely chat up with interesting and different people easily online, instead of facing nothing but these super cereal indocrinators who wouldn't know how to properly wipe their own asses but feel like they are fit to dictate everybody else's lives.
I also miss when viral and stealth marketing weren't a thing on the internet, specially for gaming. Nowadays there's always a bunch of shills trying to shove the "next big thing" down everybody's throats.