Reminder to get up from your chair and walk around often so you DON'T FUCKING DIE

Reminder to get up from your chair and walk around often so you DON'T FUCKING DIE

Don't worry, user, I exercise 4-5 times a week like any sensible person should.

Or take an Aspirin every day to keep your blood thin.

This would explain the terrible cramps I get

I walk a mile and a half every morning.
Is that enough?

I actually had this from working a job that was pretty much all driving, then helping the gf move a pretty good distance away.

According to my doctor, my blood was "viscous" from all the Dew and beer

But I want to die.

Pokemon Go is giving me Chun Li legs.
Thinking of showing off my legs and feet in tights/boots on Sup Forums, getting a bunch of anons hot and bothered
and then revealing I'm a dude.

I run every 2 days tyvm

Is this a legit amerifat thing.