Post a screenshot of vidya and people make reactions out of it. Round 2

Post a screenshot of vidya and people make reactions out of it. Round 2

aren't I fucking clever.

gimme sum mo


cum on fags


i'll just leave this here to start us off






All my screenshots either have no text or don't show character faces.



got burned out, so repostin'


Dragon Boggle Balls Bark Arisen was a good game.










Get better screenshots




A picture's worth a thousand words, user.
I'd argue my screenshot would be better without the text (other than for the purpose of being posted here).


Nice challenge.

quality threads








this is your mentality legion fags.



fuck, beat me to it
















that is nice one




nice progression

for when the contrarians act up.




Nothing like some biting political commentary at 3 in the AM.


better one, ninja'd

RIP sides


laughing too hard at all this shit. bravo Sup Forums



godspeed user

nice, too bad there's no caption, would be a gold mine otherwise

that reference. wow, nice one.




Censored for sideboob.




big guy

fucking kek


That's a big Ogyrn





are you guys euros or true niggas?
anyway top thread

real black man hours.

true euros

yuro reporting in poor and proud of it