Call of Duty needs a new engine

>Call of Duty needs a new engine
When will this meme die?

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Call of Duty needs a new setting and gameplay. Or rather old. Just roll back to CoD1 and tart it up a bit.

they just need to optimize better

Doesn't CoD always have a slight lag because of its engine and netcode?

That's reason enough imo.

the problem with cod is that it's a layer of shine over clunky shit, with the same old invisible walls and underlying rectangular geometry and shit like that, nothing feels concrete and real, it's really offputting. Compare with titanfall and it's like night and day.

W@W doesn't fucking look like that at ultra lmao

Overwatch adds a whopping 32ms of input lag to the mouse at 60 FPS. So no apparently it's not a reason enough to make the game better.

>new setting
>new gameplay
3D movement

Both of these additions were hated by the autistic CoD community, who despises change.

You have to understand how apprehesive the 3 studios are (believe it or not they have full creative freedom over their games) about going back to a Modern/Vietnam/WW2/WW1 setting due to the backlash over an oversaturation of those types of settings in the past, WaW not selling very well because of this. Sledgehammer is taking a shot at a WW2 game next year supposedly, so you can look forward to that.

>believe it or not they have full creative freedom over their games
I do not believe this at all.

The only real problem with modern CoDs is the lack of dedicated servers and mod support, which they're apparently bringing back later on.
Yes it does. Load it up and find out

I have, it doesn't.

>The only real problem with modern CoDs is the lack of dedicated servers
lol, "only real problem", sure.

The issue is that Infinity Ward wanted to do something different, Activision gutted all the senior talent as they wanted endless MW sequels, Ghosts was shit and fucked the franchise's reputation, and all their studios have ended up doing shittier knock-offs of the future warfare plans that IW had in the first place (which the old IW staff evolved into Titanfall, which plays far better than current CoDs), in a way that has fucked off old fans without bringing anyone new.

CoD's sales have been on the slide for years and Activision is trying to find new ways to milk the living shit out of their playerbase

If Activision was as aggressive and controlling as you think World at War and Black Ops would have never existed after CoD4's massive success.

You have the burden of proof. I made a fair comparison and you're just being a contrarian.

Here, I'll spoonfeed you though and show you the graphics on low.

lol, because getting the second-tier CoD devs who did CoD3/Big Red create a WW2 shooter and then a MW spin-off (once it was clear it was a MW was a super-megahit) was such a big fucking creative reach

>3D movement
this was the gimmick of ghosts, AW and BO3.

what really killed the game for me was trying to balance everything literally no fun allowed, Killstreaks barely matter and even high scored ones are easy to take down and don't make a difference like they used to.

Are they both supposed to look like shit?

As someone with a purist CoD friend, I can attest to this.

He said Ghosts sucked, which he was right about; Ghosts did suck; but he also said Advanced Warfare sucked, which it did not in any way. His main gripe was the added movement options and shit.

How can you find a negative in MORE options?

No, new. Not the trash that is those two things. Hence wanting it like CoD1 you idiot.

I've got no interest while the gameplay is this fast and loose. It allows for nothing but run and gun.

this, CoD suffers from the Nintendo syndrome
>make something new
>everyone sperg out about they moved to different places and they abandoned the hardcore fans

>make a classic-tier game
>everyone spergs out about how uncreative they are and complain about rehashes and the same old tired formula

>Activision gutted all the senior talent as they wanted endless MW sequels
They were retards who wanted to be paid a percentage of MW2 sales rather than a salary, so they got pissy and left.
>Ghosts was shit and fucked the franchise's reputation
They were understaffed and had to develop for 6 different platforms.
>shittier knock-offs of the future warfare plans
Black ops 3 and AW are infinitely better than the uninspired mess that was Titanfall, which ran at 720p on Xbox One, was unoptimized on PC, $60 for Multiplayer only had a massive lack of content with only like 7 guns, featured only a 6v6 online and was basically "kill the bots" because of the enormous map size. CoD perfected the 3D movement systems.
>3D movement was the gimmick of Ghosts
Thanks for proving that you've never played a CoD game in the past few years

the new shit sucks and they milked the old shit dry

>black ops 3 still looks worse than advanced warfare.

This is a shitty point you're trying to make.

Imagine if they only remade CoD4 this year. People would be bitching that CoD has run out of ideas.

That would be shit. A classic style if game us obviously not the same fucking thing.

>the new shit sucks
They raised the skill ceiling and made it harder for kids to play. There are a LOT less kids who play AW and BO3 compared to the others because their brains get overloaded with the advanced movement mechanics. I like how it's more of an arcade arena shooter now but I wish the maps weren't all 3 lane bullshit.

>"A classic style if game us obviously"
I think the mental gymnastics to hate Call of Duty fried your brain.

The sun fried my brain. I haven't been able to concentrate in a week.

>there are people that ACTUALLY LIKE ghosts

>3D movement
games have had 3D movement since quake you dimwit
a game that used the same engine as COD still does