A bad game or poor launch/timing?
A bad game or poor launch/timing?
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That plus shitty western art.
Both plus people being tired of Gearbox's nonsense in general
I wanted a proper Borderlands 3.
A "proper" Borderlands 3 would be heavily inspired in tone by what Tales from the Borderlands did to... well, pretty much everything in the universe.
The corporations. The Vault Hunters. The world. The plot.
I honestly don't know what I'm more tired of in this franchise, the inability to have an enjoyable endgame or the writing.
Battleborn wasn't worse than normal games, and it's timing wouldn't have saved it.
The biggest problem with the game is that it's just another games and the market is flooded. We have too much bullshit on the market and even if it was a good game it would have died almost as fast anyway, maybe lasted an extra month.