What kind of man is this bikini supposed to attract?
What kind of man is this bikini supposed to attract?
This picture was made for me.
>white girl
>white girl
I used to have a DOA poster like this blue-tacced to the ceiling above my bed when I was a young teen.
Many an orgasm were had using it as a visual aid.
Needs more fried chicken and dem programs.
A Yoshi?
You just had to be a fucking cuck and encourage cuck shit, didn't you? People are getting shot because of this, you stupid fucker.
Can we get Helena or Marie in this bikini?
Or Hitomi!
Fuck you OP I just finish my 5th fap of the day... Oh boy here we go again.
i dont have any right now but ill see if my marie already has it
Despite most of my girls having this suit, I seem to have surprisingly few pics of it. I'll keep digging.
About DLC
Can I buy it on a HK or JP account and share it on a Europe game file?
if its a dlc that unlocks some swimsuits or whatever then yes it works across the console
but the premium tickets will stay account bound
I know you're being Sup Forums right now, but summer and watermelon is a cultural tradition in Japan.
>that strap gap
fucking hell
>attracted to the garment patterns
>not the exposed body
There could be a unicorn and feces pattern on it for all I care.
Heterosexual ones
But it's primarily for Nyotengu.
Helena needs to get BLACKED.
Cuck detected.
maybe he's black
She's not mai waifu.
Thanks, Doc.
delet dis
That's Kokoro.
and? Your waifu a shit aswell.
Never really cared much for DoA girls, but Honkers gets my dick rock solid every time, without exceptions.
I don't have a waifu.
Everyone? I dont understand the question, its just a sexy bikini
The fuck is she even trying to do here?
Her levels of autism are indescribable
She's climbing a rock, the rock is invisible because the camera is inside the rock
A man who enjoys smashing watermelons to bits.
Beating the shit of out momiji is no less than she deserves.
>white girl
I want to lick her feet!
>He thinks his jap game character is asian.
Fun fact, 99% of characters in jap games are white.
Japs love white people, and want to be white themselves. That's why they design so many of their characters in anime and videogames to look white.
a guy who gets off on lime green tigers
I want to lick her butt.
>still spreading this meme
Why is momiji the best?
There has to be a scientific explanation
That butt belongs to me!
dis wite gurl gon git it good
She will let the better pleaser pleasure her and that is me.
What can I fit into her butt?
My tongue.
Can anyone link me to some decent DOAX3 youtube channels?
preferably marie focused but everyone else is fine too
Honoka is for paizuri.
Thanks guize!
You fuckin' froze Sup Forums.
People who drink Monster
How could the other girls even compete?
Why is the DoA fan base filled with so many low test white males?
In fisting needs, nobody could.
Stop slandering my Hitomi.
There is nothing wrong with having sexual needs.
Is stream-user here?
Men who like watermelons
Big melons
i wanna impregnate Hitomi and take responsibility.
I'll fap to your favorite DoA girl.
fuck you
More best girl pls
Can do friend.
Is it your channel?
agreed, Hitomi is best.
>read entire article
>they're not white because I say so
>here's a bunch of weak examples
>everyone who disagrees is a racist
Great article with no sources you stupid mong.
She's alot better now, that's for sure
>they're white because I say so
>here's a bunch of weak examples
>everyone who disagrees is a mong
What do you mean by "now"? Hitomi has been the best since they introduced her in DoA 3.
Great argument retard. I'm not , nor do think japs are obsessed with white people, but that article is very weak and doesn't do much to dispel the myth. It would hold more weight if it was actually written by a jap not by some pajeet. But japs honestly don't care what westerners or anyone else thinks or believes and wouldn't waste their time on trivial shit.
normal Hitomi or tan Hitomi?
I couldn't get into her older model, preference I guess
LR Hitomi Steampunk outfit
>No accessories to turn the girls full gyaru
Bikinis are NOT for attracting men you misogynistic pig. A woman can wear one for her own enjoyment, it's not always about you.