Redpill me on dark souls Sup Forums

I see most of you circlejerk/shitpost about this series nearly every day but never got why so tell me


So the series is about comparing how much whiter each race is and being a pseudo-intellectual?

it is kinda good

I'm just gonna say this now. Dark souls 2 is better than 1

Shallow terrible combat, clunky controls and awful framerate (mainly for Demons Souls and Bloodborne). I don't understand why people like these games.

go fucking play it for yourself because Sup Forums is full of worthless memers and their opinions don't matter


It's a video game that you can play.

2 is definitely better than 3, but better than 1?

Its satisfying when you break through the bad controls, slow combat and wonky hit detection and finally kill that horrifying monstrosity that's 50 times your size using only a toothpick you found 20 minutes prior. Also the atmosphere is GOAT. That's about it, really.

Who are these people? For real, there is always some fag who redirects people to Sup Forums for no reason.

ignore these retards, controls are fine, if youre playing on pc you might need some troubleshooting before making the game completely smooth

combat is fucking amazing

if you cant go on because of difficulty keep trying and once you make it its gonna feel so good

dont be afraid to look up guides, its normal, specially for taurus demon

good luck with the sequels

He linked Sup Forums not Sup Forums.

Redditors and various other newfags. Sup Forums has become surprisingly well-known outside Sup Forums since the last 2-3 years. Probably more relevant than Sup Forums at this point.

>dont be afraid to look up guides, its normal, specially for taurus demon
how can one man be so wrong?

Vanilla 2 isn't better than vanilla 3.

>obsolete version of older game isn't better than newest game

well no shit.

pvp community is fucking awful

lorefags are boring

game is fun if you dont get bitchy about losing and can pay attention to things

dont go hollow

>Storytelling is based around an almost amnesiac sense of the preset, almost as if you're fighting the same curse your character is that slowly rots away the humanity of the bearer. Entire histories are available to uncover if you dig deep enough into what you SHOULD know but have forgotten.

>Overwhelming odds against a regular scrub like yourself at the beginning, leading into you becoming too much of a badass at the end

>Incredible creature design

>Interesting, difficult-but-fair combat, based equally on skill as on stats


>Long playtime for the moneys

What's not to like?

>dont be afraid to look up guides
>Its normal
Why would you do this to yourself?

Get out

Great combat and build variety, decent weapon pool, some of the best boss fights in video games, innovative multiplayer, stylish armor, fantastic musical scores, good level design, top notch atmosphere, and interesting lore.

Anyone is welcome to disagree obviously, but this is what most fans of the series will tell you.

retards that haven't played one of the best games to date cant be expected to be very smart, how do you expect them to beat the literal introduction-to-difficult-bosses in dark souls without a little help

it will help them get the grip of things faster so they can beat more stuff on their own

guides arent fun, and if you need a guide to beat the entirety of dark souls then you dont deserve that fun, so i hope uses it just for taurus demon

Oh fuck off.

A person who needs a guide to beat the taurus demon is probably going to keep using guides throughout the game

Especially once they realize that certain armor and weapons are locked behind conditions that they could never have known about the first time through

For the objectively best experience go in completely blind, learn to time dodges and blocks through experience

If you miss out on certain items who cares? Get them on the next playthrough or a different character