I sincerely hope you are not giving a bunch of hacks money to consolize one of the best PC games of all time

I sincerely hope you are not giving a bunch of hacks money to consolize one of the best PC games of all time.


>Already past goal

PC Master Race blown the fuck out

Won't bother getting it, it's shit.

>le consolziiede meme :) /r/ pcmasterrace reporting in

why are all the hard games from the last 20 years either console exclusives or console leftovers that PC players begged to get on pc?

What does "consolization" even mean apart from having to make sure that the controls arent overcomplicated

Do you even know what system shock is, you fucking mouth-breather? It's a game that could never EVER work on a gamepad.

What hard games?

>it's a dark souls fanboy

the only issue i see with it is the AV glitch filter.

no one likes these crappy filter effects, all they do is distract the player and makes them lose focus on the rest of the screen.

>b-b-b-but style/art
losing focus on the background because of a filter effect means no one see your dank ass style.

Ive played it and its overrated dogshit, did you even read my post? How exactly is system shock better for its control scheme instead of forcing them to design it around less buttons?

dead space is a spiritual successor to system shock and coincidentally enough feels infinitely better to play because its a console game

Literally every "hard" game has been a console game for so long its not even funny, DMC1, Ninja gaiden 1/2, Bloodborne, God Hand, NiOh

if you want more hard games just go back a few console gens to get to the megamans and bayou billy's, ghosts and goblins etc


>Made System Shock 1 and 2 and Thief 1 and 2 actually playable on a modern PC

I'm cautiously optimistic, assuming that the crappy interface and videogamey voice acting are placeholders. They also backed down on the RPG elements, it's probably going to be similar progression to the original.

>casual ACTUALLY plays on console
Try playing an arcade game for once, that's were the TRULY hard games are

Some games belong on a gamepad. SS is not one of them. How would you feel if someone bought the rights to DMC and made a mouse and keyboard focused remake?

Nethack absolutely shits on every single one of those games combined. Also consoles were never the home of hard games, the arcades were. Console ports of the games were casualized as fuck usually.

I wish I could see some new bait.

All these old baits just remind me how uncreative and no fun allowed Sup Forums is these days.

Porting a game from DOS to Windows isn't rocket science when you have the source (which they do)

>SS2 / Thief
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do you REALLY think night dive deserves ANY credit for new-dark? Oh boy. Let me give you a hint, they don't even have the source code to any of those games.

the control type doesnt really matter, the question is how the controls are designed

if your game isnt a simulator but it takes more buttons to comfortably use than the amount of buttons on a controller (switching weapons through numkeys doesnt count) then its usually sloppily/ amateurishly designed tryhard garbage

>It's a game that could never EVER work on a gamepad.
They'll find a way ;)

That's just the thing, you dumb nigger faggot. System Shock 1 allows you to click on the UI for almost everything. Lean/prone? UI. Reload? UI. Change ammo types? UI. This is a million times better than dealing with any fucking hoykeys what so ever. Because it was designed with a mouse in mind, which doesn't exist on consoles.

Jesus, you really hate these guys for some reason. What is it?

> Because it was designed with a mouse in mind
> vanilla game doesnt even have mouseaim


why exactly is doing all those functions by cliking on an overbloated hud better than having a key for them?

Also you can substitute a mouse for an analog stick if you want to keep the hud

That is like saying you can play RTS or Warband through gamepad just as good as kb+m

They are making System Shock for consoles. But really though, I thought Steven Kick was a passionate old school game, but turns out he is only after preschoolers money to sell them "a new bioshock game"

I didn't say just as good. They'll make it playable with stuff like autoaim

Do you think poor people who couldn't make a living in the modern game industry are in it for the video games only? No, they want an outlet to use their skills so they can survive. Video games aren't above living for them.

>> vanilla game doesnt even have mouseaim
>I didn't play the game.

>why exactly is doing all those functions by clicking on an overbloated hud better than having a key for them?
You don't need to touch type / look away from the screen or move your hand from the mouse to the keyboard because they hotkey is on the far right, because everything surrounding WASD is already taken.

The new XCOM turned out okay (not counting the prequel thing).

So it is possible to do a remake successfully.

>poor oppressed dev barely making enough money to eat meme
It's a fucking Kikestarter. They're literally have no obligations. They could make this any way they want, instead they go for the same route that a modern publishers would have, except with more bugs, shitty production value and fucking unity. Kickstarter was a mistake. This will become the next MN9. Screencap this.

>You don't need to touch type / look away from the screen or move your hand from the mouse to the keyboard because they hotkey is on the far right, because everything surrounding WASD is already taken.

sounds laughably incompetent because I dont really see that many deep or complicated functions in the game that your average modern game cant pull off with better controls

shit like the old ghost recon games on consoles already had multiple guns, gadgets, leaning, prone, squad control and the such working with your usual 6th gen gamepads

Because it was just ported to consoles instead of being multiplatform from the start.

>le anything new is shit

The ultimate plen

They're not even asking for much money.

$1.1 million dollars split between over 10 people after deducting all expenses? You'd barely make anything. I'd say they're on salaries of 50k at most

>tfw Sony won again

How are those ports PCfat?

>instead they go for the same route that a modern publishers would have
Because that is how you get maximum money. You are a minority, Sup Forums. Understand that.

Can your "average modern game" decouple your crosshair from your view? Does it have 9 different stances? Does it have playable mini-games on the UI? Does it allow changing weapon settings without having to bring up some huge and clunky menu?

They are clearly banking on profits after the fact. KS has always been to break even.


Superior to the PS4 version in all cases?

Generally the idea of a business is to make a profit but if you think they're going to make a lot of money out of this you've lost your mind

Then why pander to consolefags if they are not after maximizing profits? Are they just incompetent?

Oh wait.

>Can your "average modern game" decouple your crosshair from your view

what is this supposed to even mean and why is it relevant

>Does it have 9 different stances?

not sure what "stances" have to do with FPS games but I doubt it adds any relevant depth in the same way that console games like ninja gaiden do by clicking on the dpad to open a hundred new moves with a new weapon equipped

>Does it have playable mini-games on the UI

Yeah this is definitely a known /r/ masterrace games-only feature that always takes advantage of the KBM infinite possibilities

>Does it allow changing weapon settings without having to bring up some huge and clunky menu?

every game that has this setting and is ported/ is mainly on consoles usually has the switching mapped to one button that cycles them (something like MGS4 off the top of my head)

everything you mentioned sounds like retarded fluff that in no way enhances the game nor requires a keyboard

Not since the 3.3 million dollar man proved you can get real money through it

thanks for the beta testing

delete this

>Generally the idea of a business is to make a profit
The best games were made as a labor of love, not a focus tasted mass product. Sup Forums of all places should know this. Fuck, this board has really gone to shit since 2012. GamerGate brought the new wave of casuals.

What's the problem exactly? Do you think they'll vastly change the game so it suits consoles?

>one of the best PC games of all time

SS1 isn't that great, there's a reason why people only ever talk about SS2

Also the remake looks stupid and they're going to ruin the atmosphere by adding in a bunch of kickstarter backers anyway

The touchpad on the DS4 is essentially a mouse dawg, and could operate those menus

I've read books about how money used to be made in the industry. It hasn't really changed over the years.

I mean even back in the day Doom was seriously driven towards success but the labor of love was there as well. Then they went full blown commercial when they made a zillion ports of the game and Doom 2 as well.

>oh boy

>The touchpad on the DS4 is essentially a mouse dawg,

>what is this supposed to even mean and why is it relevant
If you played the game you knew why. So you can shoot around corners while exposing less of your own hitbox

>not sure what "stances" have to do with FPS games but I doubt it adds any relevant depth in the same way that console games like ninja gaiden do by clicking on the dpad to open a hundred new moves with a new weapon equipped

>everything you mentioned sounds like retarded fluff that in no way enhances the game nor requires a keyboard
Depth = fluff. Great. Why do I even come here anymore. You know what. You faggots win. I'm leaving this shitty board for good. Never knew why I even came back to it in the first place. You people think you know shit about video games and have "superior taste" and all, but in reality you're just a bunch of circlejerking faggots that would buy anything if it had underage tits in it. Yes, I'm mad. You're so wrong it literally gave me autism. Just look at this wall of text I just wrote.

It's very evident from the trailer, go look up some footage of the original game. I only played very little of the original, but it allowed you to move your cursor separately from the camera, and basically do stuff within the screen.

The gameplay shown so far looks like the standard FPS gameplay.

what emotion are you trying to convey
use your WORDS autist


>I don't understand
>I don't understand
>Ad hominem
>I haven't played the game so I don't understand
>I don't understand anything but ur dumb
You won the argument because of your pictures though good job

>that funny feel when Steamplebs are revealing themselves as they protest this because they are fundamentally not realizing System Shock 1 was shit and only System Shock 2 was good

well the people who paid for the kickstarter likely never played the original

Yes? SS1 on a console would require a wiimote or something similar.

>your way of expressing yourself invalidates your opinion because I say so

SS2 is a highly ambitious game and probably the only game where the survival horror is intrinsic to the game mechanics and not the atmosphere itself, but ultimately pretty broken and unbalanced. SS1 just wreks. Also you could say the same thing about SS2 and Bioshock :^)

>PC loses another exclusive

>they're RUINING the original by remaking it!

No, they're fucking not. They're making a new System Shock game. This isn't going to retroactively replace the original SS1. This isn't going to damage that game, this is a new fucking product. You're upset they're changing it and it's not a sequel to System Shock 2, don't act like this damages those games in ANY way when it just means this dead, 20-year-old franchise is changing anything when there wasn't going to be anything at all without this.

>This isn't going to retroactively replace the original SS1.
Then why did they name it "System Shock"? Their goal is to make the original obsolete.

>System Shock 2
I don't like SS2 that much. In fact, I don't really like any of the Shock games that much except SS1.

ps4fag got ss and pc got edf, that's a fair trade

And you think rebooting a 22 year old game and putting on console is the best way to make money and a totally selfish action?

Let them develop the game further before critiquing it. Of course it was never going to have the original clickable UI.


I sure love weapon degradation and RNG hacking.

Nobody said that dipshit

I don't know about the other games but System Shock 1 was already playable on a modern PC.

>Of course it was never going to have the original clickable UI.
But that's like 50% of the reason I like the game in the first place. And no, it's not that clunky. Playing quake without mouselook is a million times worse

>weapon degradation is inherently bad meme

Did you play SS2? Nobody who loves this game would ever defend the default degradation rate.

>fix the godawful controls and ui


fuck off retard

I don't know what you're trying to say, but I think having a more modern version of the original with a clickable UI would be more interesting than what's been shown so far.

And even better just make a spiritual successor to System shock instead of another shitty remake.

>Then why did they name it "System Shock"?

Because it's a reboot. They want to make a new System Shock game.

>Their goal is to make the original obsolete.

Their goal is to make a new damn System Shock game. New DOOM wasn't made to invalidate the original. They pay homage to it several times, even. But they just wanted to make a new Doom game.

.t 15 year old with adhd

Are you literally defending

Did you read the OP of this thread? Afraid of 'consolization' like it's going to damage something?

A literas sonygger


People honestly thought a remake wouldn't fuck everything up? Doesn't even matter that is going to a console because it was going to get fucked in the ass no matter what.

There's a new System Shock game coming?
Are they actually trying or will it be another Dead Space 3 or OOH SO SPOOKY LOOK JUMPSCARES ERRYWHERE?

I am

I don't own a PS4, but I could see that working. How does it compare to your average shitty notebook trackpad? Are there ANY games that even use it for something that isn't a gimmick?

It IS essentially a mousepad, though. It has the exact same function.

Did you really play vanilla? What build, etc?

You're being a bit silly. The only things you could do with the cursor were to customize your UI (which you could easily do in a menu), toss a grenade, activate a power, grab an item, reload a weapon or activate a switch

I hope you're not being triggered by individual buttons replacing these so you don't have to drag your cursor over to activate your head lantern or jump jets because those keybinds have existed in the game since launch

>there wasn't going to be anything at all without this
and the world was a better place, like before the corpse husk fucking of fallout, thief, and doom.

>How does it compare to your average shitty notebook trackpad?

It needs jiggering with its sensitivity, but otherwise it's pretty on-par.

>Are there ANY games that even use it for something that isn't a gimmick?

Not that I know of.

Isn't this multiplat though and coming first for Xbone and PC and a year later to PS4?

Do nothing but make the visuals pretty and Ill be happy, but nothing good ever happens so I know this isnt what its going to be.

>Did you really play vanilla?
Who would mod the game on their first run? I think I used standard weapons, it was 2 years ago. Weapon degradation is just a form of resource management, there's nothing wrong with it. Do you complain about limited ammo too?

But doing these things on the hud directly feels fucking great. It's literally an FPS point and click. You have to be careful where you drop the grenade on your screen instead of pressing G, etc. The ui is the soul of that game. If you strip it way you end up with a generic early 2000's FPS with exploration focused level design, but I bet they'll fuck that up too with objective markers.

I'm very interested in this, but:
>$1.7m Goal : Enemy limb dismemberment, More puzzles, Ammo types/weapon settings, Vending machines, Basic components/research, RPG progression, Weapon upgrading, Hardcore mode (No respawning), Ironman mode (Only 1 savegame. If you die, the save is deleted)
Some of these things shouldn't be part of a stretch goal...

>Who would mod the game on their first run?
I never played Deus Ex without shifter

>Weapon degradation is just a form of resource management, there's nothing wrong with it. Do you complain about limited ammo too?

It would be fine if it wasn't happening so fast. When I played it 3 years ago I ended up using the fucking wrench midgame. The weapons degrade faster than I can drain my ammo supply. Why should I even manage my ammo if the fucking guns just stop working when I need them the most?

>and the world was a better place, like before the corpse husk fucking of fallout, thief, and doom.

Fallout is distinctly different. There were always rumblings of a new Fallout game in the works, before Bethesda stepped in and started making 3. In addition it was a major gameplay shift, from isometric RPG to FPS. In addition, nobody from the original team for Fallout worked on 3. System Shock, however, has been spiritually succeeded several times in the 20 years it's been dead, and it's being rebooted without drastic change to the gameplay by people who worked on the original. This is apples and oranges.

And besides, Doom 4 was a good game.

One look at the pre-alpha gameplay tells you that won't be the case.

Still "just" upgrading the graphics in a remake can go horribly wrong too, just look up the Oddworld remakes.

Then why don't you just play the original game? I don't understand

What exactly were you expecting from the remaster? Just better graphics and different music?

>Then why don't you just play the original game? I don't understand
I am. I just wanted the same game with more immersive visuals and proper hardware rendering.

>different music?

>Ammo types/weapon settings, Vending machines, Basic components/research, RPG progression, Weapon upgrading
>As a stretch goal

This is worrying.

Oh and a cyberspace that doesn't suck monkey dicks.