Can I enjoy this without giving a crap about the Star Wars lore? I only saw the movies

Can I enjoy this without giving a crap about the Star Wars lore? I only saw the movies.

Fuck Star Wars lore, all you need are the prequels, the rest is jew trash made by George Lucas to fund his ranch and his rape cave on Dagobah

I've made a terrible mistake, I meant the earlier Star Wars films, please forgive me masa

No you don't it's quite self contained. Any normie who has seen the movies will get it just fine.

You mean the original trilogy? The prequels knew what's up when it came to politics.

Selkaths showed up in TCW and Darth Maul recites the Sith Code taught in Korriban

>I only saw the movies
That's all you need, go ahead and have a blast.

Second game is better, to bad the ending was rushed.

You don't need to know anything. The games are completely separate from the movies and everything about the star wars universe is explained in the game.

It's set 1000 years or more before the timeline of the movies, it's pretty much self-contained in terms of story. You could probably play it and understand it without having watched the movies or anything.

Yes, you can. In fact the KOTOR games narrative of Star Wars is superior to the movies.

Yes. And when you're done with that go to Jedi Outcast (arguably one of the best SW games ever).

So in Kingdom Hearts, especially BBS, showed us how the light can be harmful by blindly and aggressively following it (ex Eraqus) but I wonder, have Star Wars done anything similar like showing that the light side can be harmful like the dark side?

Nigga the entire second game goes into detail about this.

Kreia constantly tells you how trying to be "good" will only result in harming other people in the long run and how jedi's are so full of themselves that they ultimately become more despotic than not.

The point of the force is balance. You ahve have too many light side followers that it overpowers the dark side and vice versa. Neither is without both good and bad aspects.

Yes, the game is pretty self contained, no need to have any prior knowledge.

Kotor is considered non-canon amongst the sw fans, so it's safe to go in dry.
It's ironic how the best thing that has Star Wars in its title has officially not happened in the universe.

Kylo Ren's appearance and lightsaber is a callback to Revan.

People forget that some parts of the EU can still be brought back to become canon.

I thought TOR was canon already, so Revan is technically canon.

When did that happen?

Yeah. It's set 4000 years before the events of the movies, and anything that you need to know to understand the story, they'll explain to you. It's all pretty self-contained. Really, you could get away with only watching A New Hope and jumping right in.

You'll want to play the original before playing KOTOR 2, though. While that one is also enjoyable on its own, there are quite a few things in there that you won't get as much enjoyment out of if you haven't already played through KOTOR 1.

For the record, before April 2014, KOTOR 1 and 2 were both considered canonical. After April 2014, Lucasfilm wiped everything except the original six movies and The Clone Wars (the CGI cartoon, not Tartakovsky's 2D animated shorts) from canon to make way for the new trilogy, Marvel's Star Wars comic, Rebels (TCW's successor), and any and all future Star Wars media. Many fans actually do want the KOTOR games to be re-canonized in some form.

TLDR: Everything Star Wars that was made before April 2014, except for the movies and The Clone Wars, is now officially non-canon. Everything Star Wars after April 2014 (e.g. The Force Awakens, the Battlefront reboot, Marvel's new Star Wars comics, Rebels) is canon (save for one exception, which I'll get to down below).

The Old Republic isn't canon. It was released before the cutoff date, and is now the only non-canon Star Wars media that is still being made (by way of expansions, etc.). BioWare is perfectly fine with that, as (unlike DICE, for example) they don't need to worry about sticking to the post-2014 canon.

Imagine how epic it would be if they got Tartakovsky back to make a animated tv series about the Old Republic Era including Revan and the Exile.

>tfw Disney throws everything you love about Star Wars into the garbage to make way for shitshows like Rebels, The Mary Sue Awakens and etc...

And at the same time, we also got James Luceno (the author of "Darth Plagueis") returing for "Tarkin" (which actually re-canonized some parts of "Plagueis") and Timothy Zahn overseeing the re-canonization of Grand Admiral Thrawn in "Rebels" (as well as writing a new book about him for the new canon), so it's not all bad.

In addition, mentions of Malachor in "Rebels" have given rise to rumors of a re-canonization of the KOTOR stories as well.

Skip straight to the second one
The first is trash story with trash writing

No, absolutely do not start with 2! While 2 does have the better story of the two games (especially if you've installed the Restored Content Mod), you won't truly understand the full picture until after you've gone through 1 first.

Really? I would be hyped as fuck if the KOTOR games was reintroduced back into canon.

If they are, then it gives more possibility for KOTOR 3 to happen. From what I know, I don't think the saga between Exile and Revan has been fully resolved.

Revan is canon. KOTOR is not.

>From what I know, I don't think the saga between Exile and Revan has been fully resolved.

It has been in the books and MMO ;^)

>From what I know, I don't think the saga between Exile and Revan has been fully resolved.

In TOR and the tie-in interquel book, "Revan", it's explained what happened to the two of them in between KOTOR 2 and TOR. Revan and the Exile took the fight to the Sith Emperor, got their asses handed to them on a silver platter, the Exile was killed, and Revan became the Emperor's favorite torture-plaything for a few hundred years. Revan eventually died and his force ghost split into light and dark halves, with the dark half out for vengeance against the Emperor until both the Republic and the Sith Empire fought him. He was defeated, and merged back with his light half to fade away into the Force.

All in all, most fans of the original two don't like it (especially what happened in "Revan"), and would likely be very happy to see it changed for the new canon if they re-canonize the original two games' stories.

Non-canon isn't exactly correct. He just created a separate canon. You have the Star Wars Cinematic Universe canon and then you have Star Wars Legends canon. It's like with Marvel, the comics aren't canon with the movies, but the movies don't make the comics non-canon.

Still can't believe that Exile was killed by Scourge. I wouldn't mind if "Revan" and TOR still wasn't canon. Shit resolution.

Canonically, Malak was stronger than Sion.

Revan > Exile > Nihilus > Kreia > Malak > Sion

The only thing noteworthy Sion ever did was assist Nihilus in pwning Kreia. And when he tried to start shit with Nihilus, Nihilus beat him down like a little bitch.

No, Revan's still non-canon. He came very close to making the jump to the current canon, as he was going to make a cameo in "Ghosts of Mortis" (part of the Mortis arc in TCW) as a Force Ghost (they even had a model ready), but the showrunner wasn't sure if force ghosts worked like that (the Revan that would have appeared would have been a dark side force ghost, even though Revan canonically turned to the light; IIRC, this was all done before the crap in TOR and "Revan" was made). The showrunner asked George Lucas if force ghosts worked like that, he said they didn't, and so Revan's cameo was scrapped.

I know, it's just easier to explain this stuff as "non-canon" than it is to say "Legends" every five words or so.

Forgot to include a pic of Revan's leaked TCW model.

All he had to do was not ask Lucas and just put Revan in there. :(
Also, didn't the Clone Wars at one point, mentioned the Old Republic? I'm pretty sure it did.

It's set thousands of years before the Star Wars movies, so no.

Shit fuck, I meant YES. What I meant to type was no you do not even need to watch the films to enjoy the game.

That's pretty much the reason why it's set thousands years before the movies. So it wouldn't interfere with the canon and build its own universe.

>All he had to do was not ask Lucas and just put Revan in there. :(

Unfortunately, if he hadn't, he may well have risked a major continuity error, which the fans would likely have hounded Lucasfilm over for years to come. It's kind of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of situation.

>Also, didn't the Clone Wars at one point, mentioned the Old Republic? I'm pretty sure it did.

In basically in the same way that Obi-Wan mentioned it in A New Hope when he said "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic . . . Before the dark times . . . Before the Empire," yeah, they mention it as being a thing that existed.

So the Old Republic Era is still canon? Might as well make the games canon too.

The Old Republic era is canon in the sense that the Jedi and the Republic were around then and that it was a golden age for both of them. Any of the specifics about that era are strictly Legends territory until they get around to detailing it in the new canon.

Do you prefer Carth or Atton as a roommate?

Remember kids, Male Revan is canon and Female Revan is inferior!