ITT: best characters in their respective series
ITT: best characters in their respective series
ITT: thinly veiled furry thread
>thinly veiled best design in very regard thread
Why is she so perfect?
Seriously why?
I'd say You-Know-Who but, uh, I'll wait and see how this thread goes first...
i like ashelin
fuck off katfag you are everything wrong with bof threads
Is more of an openly stated waifu thread.
I want to marry Raya-O!
>has no pussy
>gets fucked Tiga
Not even restricted to BoF threads, anywhere that mentions Katt he comes in and does image dumps and anything that isnt Katt is spat at by him. I dont even know the point of threads like this when he makes them, does he want to just create a thread to post images for himself? Because when someone posts something else he just starts dumping and slobbering.
See? He could be the only person in a thread and he would dump images to 500 posts and make another thread and do it again. Whats the point user, do you want to talk about waifus and have people post theirs or just have a thread full of images you already own.
Kattfags can fuck off.
Why go for fuzzy butts when you can have that sweet sweet snek cloaca or human virgania at the same time?
I'll post mine up until more people come. Now leave.
not him but fuck you for ruining anything bof related
Okay, long enough.
I want to kiss Morrigan.
Why. Who will come to a thread which is essentially an image dump of one character that buries every other image that isnt this character beneath it, whats the point of anyone posting here when youre dumping.
You haven't even played games, you are just street underaged retard who tries to jump on anything hate-related. Have last (you), I am using site features to make my browsing more comfortable.
Stop crying, you nigger bitch.
I'm going to marry Ashley!
i fixed her design
Ershin is better
no i fixed it
Isnt it against the rules to spam?
Girl needs some sun.
No she doesnt
I still need to beat BoF1
Wait, is this the same furry fag again?
Goddamn mods do your job!
Go do it, the games are great, dont let this Ukrainian autismo ruin your experience of the games by association.
cloaca just sounds so fucking disgusting and well it also is dusgusting
>implying I dont find Katt hot
Im just playing them in order anyway.
Im enjoying the dragon spritework a lot as well
Ignore him, he's a shitposter calling me at every opportunity because of how a pitiful little worm he is.
Cloaca are literally vaginas but even warmer and tighter.
Reminder to use site features.
Katt's hot bro, not denying it
>Tiga's used goods
How about her alternative form?
furfags need not apply
There's nothing wrong with finding Katt attractive. Just don't be obnoxious about it and shut everything else down like some other guy.
Quick reminder katfag has never played BoF2 and if you try asking him about it he refuses to answer and gets defensive. He the worst waifufag there is, one that only cares specifically about the character and not even the series.
looks like the worst kind of faggots are back on Sup Forums
Another user here. You need to go.
I'm starting to fucking hate that character.
She's half human. Besides, they post in waves, were I'm the furfag off season right now, they run the risk of building up mass hate again if they don't take breaks
I find Katts alternative form hotter than her regular.
They're not just furfags. They're also chicken sounds. Katt literally gets forced to get married to another man and fucked by him after you lose a fight (that you're scripted to lose). There's no way to win the fight and stop it from happening. How could anyone waifu someone who literally gets snatched right from you.
damn that was fast
looks gay compared to the normal form
>wanted a kat thread
>furries try to hijack it
Go away
No ones mad, just disgusted. You're like a hobo acting cocky when passers by smell him
The thread was rocky from the start. Now it's past the point of no return.
Why is it so difficult to make a decent thread?
>wanted a furry thread
>furries try to hijack it
What a surprise.
Nina is best BOF girl
It's not, but when the OP actively sabotages his own thread, I don't see how it could possibly turn out well.
>She's half human
>literally a animal up to her neck
Fuck off furfag in denial
>being a furry
You made it worse!
No Im with you guys, I was sexually assaulted by fursuiters so I hate them as well
>furry waifufag
>only cares about the character
Wow, big fucking shocker.
That much was obvious in the first 15 posts.
Now it's just a shitflinging contest.
Except that OP wanted to make a thread to post his shitty furry waifu from the beginning.
Katt poster does an image dump EVERY THREAD and it buries everyone else beneath it so theres no point posting, its just lost in a stream of images. It wouldnt be bad if he posted an image or two and let other people post and talk aswell but the moment you start talking about something that isnt Katt he starts frothing at the mouth. Remember when we use to have waifu threads all the time? This is the very person that stopped that happening.
which fight are you scripted to lose?
What year is it
[Current Year]
Was there honestly any doubt?
Her speed and attack combined with that god tier leg split will always make her better than her regular form.
I just want to discuss BoF and shit on BoF6 and Capcom