Which map is objectively the best and why?

Which map is objectively the best and why?

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mob of the dead everything about that map is cool

Mob of The Dead and Origins are without a doubt the best two complex zombies maps created.

Der Riese is the best classic map.

Honorable mention goes to any map from BO1.

I like Ascension the best, but Der Riese and Mob of the Dead are great too.

What went wrong?

I would Origins is the best but we already know that so I'm gonna be different and say that Moon was the best. (It actually is my personal favorite)

All the Black Ops 3 maps suck. Every single last one of them could pass for a custom zombies map they're so awful

Same exact thing that has gone wrong for each map on BO3. They're focusing way too much on easter egg bullshit and designing the maps to "make sense" instead of designing them to just be fun.

They went to far with having quests and shit to get the wonderweapons clearly shown by the fact that doing the easteregg takes 5 seconds after building everything

Gorod krovi is fun

It's the reason zombies is famous

I do not understand why everyone likes that map so much. I have been trying really hard to enjoy it, I honestly have. I want to enjoy it, but it is just so awful in my opinion. I honestly think its worse than Die Rise from BO2, and comparable to Shangri La. I hate Gorod Krovi so fucking much.

And the funny part is, Im not even disapointed because as soon as I heard that it was in stalingrad with dragons, I predicted it was gonna be an awful map.

Der rise

Complex =/= best

Shi No Numa or Kino Der Toten.

Der Riese.
Just because of Beauty of Annihilation.
Call me edgy.

Kino der Toten will always be my favorite.

>want to play good zombies maps
>don't want to pay for the overpriced DLC

>he didn't play Black Ops 1
>he didn't play WaW

Mob of the Dead
>that 4 barrel shotgun
>that Doom aesthetic

>Living in Argentina

Not him, but
>60 bucks for game + 60 dollars for DLC
Not everyone wants to pour in 120 bucks to the cancer thats killing FPS

I only liked Verruckt and shi no numa (a bit less). Der Riese is nice because of the weapons upgrades feature.
I didn't like a single black ops 1 map, i can't find a torrent for black ops 2 with dlc so i can't find them.
Black Ops 2 first zombies map is way too complicated and i feel bored when i play it.
Same with Black Ops 3 maps.
I'm going to buy new DLC when it comes out on PC, that one looked fun.

Der Riese
Der Eisendrache

>hating Der Eisendrache
I want to punch you

Shangri La was fucking GOAT.

The maps are only as complex as you want to make them. Zetsubou however locks basic stuff like Pack a Punch and Power behind menial chores and crypic bullshit.

Get world at war for PC. There's infinite free content and a lot of the maps are great

It's boring as shit and you know it.


so true. call of the dead was pretty fun too

But you can buy the season pass of BO and WaW at a mere price literally anywhere in US.
Seriously, why would anyone buy a season pass of a six year old game at a full price in the store of PS or marketplace of XBOX?

To be honest I don't even like video games

Why is ascension so popular?
Because of that open platform?

Zombies was absolutely awful. I really can't see what people liked about it, even though the rest of WaW I really enjoyed.

>control f
>no "five"

You guys have no taste.

Literally one of the best maps of all time.

Only faggots who are too stupid or lazy to work for their OP weapons dislike Bo3 maps.

Not everyone wants to get a thundergun from the box and walk around in circles.

Nigga, do you even play Zombies?

Best Map
1. Origins
2. Der Eisendrache
3. Mob of the Dead
4. Verruckt
5. Der Riese

Worst Map
1. Zetsubou no Shima
2. Tranzit
3. Nuketown Zombies
4. Call of the Dead
5. Diner Turned

Best Wonder Weapon
1. Thundergun
2. Bows
3. Staffs
4. Wunderwaffe DG-2
5. Blundergat

Worst Wonder Weapon
1. VR-11
2. Jet Gun
3. KT-4
4. Apothicon Servant
5. 31-79 JGB 215

Such a cramped god damn map. Only made worse by that scientist that would steal your shit.

Fuck that map.

five was way too small

Der Eisen is fun tho

All DLC is 40 bucks. Cheaper if you catch it on sale.
That's a pretty good deal considering that you get The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou no Shima, Gorod Krovi, Revelations and most likely 4 other remastered maps from old games with a Rezurrection 2.0

But you can play as JFK, Nixon, or Castro. That alone excuses it, plus if its size is a problem for you (being small never bothered you before), you can just camp in the pack-a-punch room.

The zombies songs are great. I still listen to them from time to time. However as time went on, they got progressively worse.

>all the songs after Not Ready to Die (Call of the Dead) with the exception of Carrion (Tranzit)


>you can just camp in the pack-a-punch room.

But that's the problem though, it's really the only way to keep going into the higher levels on that map. If I remember correctly, there's a cooldown timer on the teleporter after a couple of times so you can get fucked doing that.

Fucking this.
115 is also my dirty pleasure.
My two fav songs, and my two fav maps, Kino der Toten and Der Riese.

>map forces players to work together due to lack of "training" spots
>4 people piled up in a tiny elevator
>filled to the brim with claymores
>pure death and destruction
>that sense of dread when the pentagon thief alarm sounded
>unloading on an invisible pigman as he chases down your friends picking them off one by one until he comes for you
I loved this map.

Nacht der Untoten is the best because there was such limited space it really felt like a last stand unlike the rest of the maps with all the running around and junk

>maps other than kino and call of the dead have songs
I had no idea

Which one is best

that map is so glitchy is the one problem

someone online always hops in the pig room glitch and ruins the game

Has seriously no one even mentioned ascension? that map is great other then the space monkey

It's the best for fucking with little kids on too.
>rush to the first elevator
>take it to the second floor alone
>stand in the elevator doors to block the kids from calling it back up
>start fucking with them over the mic
>even if I go down the doors are blocked by my ghost
>kids are crying at this point
>game over
>"maybe if you guys came downstairs with me you wouldn't have died"
Fuck randoms. Especially in new maps where the spergs claim their favorite weapon and staff/bow whatever

>pig room glitch
they patched that years ago

I've changed music in black ops 3 to play zombies songs

>claim their favorite weapon and staff/bow whatever

thats the worst shit about origins and mob

>I always take exactly what they claim

not on jewbox 420

still works fine, so does the main room glitch but that only works on the doctor

Get fucked.


>playing origins LAN on PC with my gf
>she isn't that good at zombies before BO3 because of the lower health
>carrying her most of the way, she keeps getting stepped on by the robots and losing her perks
>me upgrading every staff while she dies like a bitch
>Panzer grabs me and pulls me through a fucking wall, killing me instantly via death barrier
>she tells me I'm bad
Never been so mad in my life.

i dont know why people tranzit so much.

yeah the lava and the fog are annoying as shit, but the map is still pretty fun. It feels like and rpg, collecting things to build stuff.

I say this without intent to insult, or joke, or post ironically, you do in fact have to be 18 years old to post on this website

'call of duty' or similar military shooters are off-topc on Sup Forums, even on Sup Forums, since they are not made for, or played by adults

if you must talk about this sort of thing, please take it to the forums of the game developer in question

I honestly loved moon but being the only one here pretty much who thinks this i think my opinion should of been kept to myself. Although you cant argue with a bit of Kino der toten

Yeah, I own all the maps. ZNS is one of the best ever created. ZNS, MoTD, Nacht, and Verruct all have that vibe to them. It's one of the best. A majority of players only disliked it because it was hard.

i love transit actually, that was one of my favorites

the only bo2 one that was truly shit was the underground one

>can build 4 devices and get upgraded mark 2 and gravity gun thing

>hide in hallway

>you just won the game!!!

Make me, buddy.

you dropped this

>that one kid from thew an EMP at the bus in the middle of nowhere

That's awful, holy shit. The rhythm, the lyrics, all over the fucking place.

>"hey guys I'm going for the Lightning bow I claimed it ok? :-)"
>cook a grenade just enough
>throw it at him
>he picks it up not knowing I cooked it
>goes down
Playing with randoms seriously is just not a thing anymore

>mfw moon release date and Easter egg
so fucking fun man. I wish I still had friends

Niggas hate on maps just because they aren't wonderfully easy.

Niggas from original Nacht hated enw maps for complexity.
Niggas from Der Riese/Kino hated old maps because meh graphics and no pack a punch.
Niggas from BO1 hated TranZit on trend train like how Sup Forums hates Cowadooty in general.
Niggas be hatin on everything.

TranZit was dope as fuck. Biggest change of pace in the series and was a good concept.

Honestly, does anyone else find the "Children play this T/M rated game so it's bad" thing to be a non-issue?

Kids have always played violent games meant for teens/adults in the past. Mortal Kombat was surely played by kids as was Doom and Goldeneye. Shit, one of my favorite games was Nightmare Creatures and it was rated M.

Suddenly kids play Halo and CoD and asshats want to cite this as a reason those games are shit.


spoiler your shit taste next time

Ascension. No doubt about it. But only with 4 players. Without a full squad I'd say der reise. Every map in black ops 2 was way too overdone and over complicated.

>that one kid who turns the power back off after getting butt blasted

game is so fun for fucking with people

>Nobody to ever play zombies with

>Not everyone wants to get a thundergun from the box and walk around in circles.
What's this?
See, nigga, I get your posture, and some times I think of this too. But then I remember this isn't Killing Floor.

That's literally the worst song of all, and there are quite a few songs now.

lol, 7 perks on round 1, plus 100k cash and wonder weapons was overkill.

Buried was undoubtedly the easiest map for the HD games.

WaW is a different story, with Shi No numa and round 7000 and shit.

W@W maps are the only good ones

The guy who did Carrion did the latest song, Dead Ended and it's pretty fuckin' neato.

>Not including Archangel
Shame on you, user.

>it's a "Sucker for Medieval Castles" episode
>it's a "Did I mention the Giant Robots?" episode
>it's a "Richtofen is not the bald man in the First Strike poster" episode

The whole bank system on Buried was fucking broken as hell.

i never liked shi no nuba (spelling shite, do ignore)

>play on PC
>friends play on consoles
>nobody to play zombies with but my gf

Maps without doing stupid mini missions would be either Town or Der rise [?]. Both maps are pretty bare bones and its what we loved about zombies in the first place considering the first maps was just kill zombies, get perks, and get best weapons and survive as long as you can.

Also im talking about OLD Der rise because it had superior weapons than the shitty remake.

holy fuck this annoyed the living shit out of me, especially since i rushed the power plant right away and turned the light on myself in the 2nd/3rd round

Hope you love mods

Any map where you can be fully set up on round 1 is broken. Buried is the worst for this though, being the easiest map ever made

Pareidolia is GOAT desu, and Coming Home is good aside from the screaming sounding a bit silly.

i agree numa was kind of weird

>those out of bound glitches in verruckt

10/10 map

The remake or the remaster? The remaster is objectively the superior version of Der Riese, the remake is better graphically, but the weapons were shit because of Activi$ion and Treyarch not putting in MP40, PPSH, etc.

Sure, why wouldn't people like a map that tries way too hard to be complex and detailed? Remember in Kino when you had to fight the crawlers blind folded with the starting pistol with inverted controls just to be able to get a free perk? Damn, stuff like that is SO cool.

Every zombie map from advanced warfare shitted on black ops 2 royally. They had fantastic music to boot.

I never thought I'd see the day where there were fucking dragons of all things in Call of Duty, what the fuck is the story even about at this point anyway? Wasn't all literally just a game played by Samantha and her friend?

Shi No Numa(WaW) is the easiest map ever made. Buried is top 3.

that had to have been banter. she couldn't be serious

I don't get it when people make this argument. You can still play the new maps the same way you did the old WAW and BO ones, just ignore the menial quest shit and micromanaging farm simulator minigames to get the Thunderwaffle DG-5.

>Not hating on Der Eisendrache.
Listen here you little shit: Eisen is so far one of the worst maps released for the Zombies franchise. It tries way too hard to make sense. "Hey! You remember Samantha? Well, she lived here! That's cool, r- right?"

Shit fucking list.
Der Riese
Mob of the Dead
Zetsubou No Shima

Literally every Black Ops 1 map would have been GOAT if it weren't for the fact that only twenty-something zombies could be on the map at any one time, which was fucking stupid. As it stands they're still my favourite, but I desperately hope they all one day get a rerelease.

Five was experimental in terms of trying to stray away from the typical zombies maps that were released at the time. They decided that cramp hallways with very few open areas were a good idea, which, surprise, it wasn't. But it's cool just to play now and again, it's just not as well designed.