Anyone here like to collect video game artbooks? Any good purchases lately...

Anyone here like to collect video game artbooks? Any good purchases lately? Anything you're looking to get in the future?

General buyfag thread too I guess but please keep it vidya.

I really would like to since I'm a drawfag, but I never could get my hand on one actually, so I hoard try to get them as .pdf, though I only have very little;

Deus Ex HR
Dragon's Dogma
Dishnored (this one is pretty good, althought not official, it's basically a collection of Dishonored art, including concept and promotional)
and Witcher

Wish I had more but I find them surprisingly hard to find, then again I might simply not looking at the good place.

I love collecting game artbooks, I have quite a few. Yesterday I threw out a bunch of fiction and game guides because I can get them digitally, but I would never discard my concept art books. My favorite recently would have to be Dark Souls 2 design works.

Yeah. Most of my collection is digital, sadly.
The last thing I bought was the SMT IV Official Artworks.


damn nigga, that's nice.

coincidentaly, exhentai has quite a few high res scans of artbooks.

>Yesterday I threw out a bunch of fiction and game guides because I can get them digitally
nigga don't throw it out. atleast donate them to the local public library or something.

nice, I wanted to get that one but I haven't gotten around to it

at the moment I only have the zelda compendium, the skyrim artbook, and the last of us artbook.

I have quite a few
Both Atelier art books
Sword of stranger city
Xenoblade x
Queens Blade
Valkyria chronicles
Ni0's art
Final fantasy type 0

But these two I really like

what's so great about the lightning returns artbook? does it feature upclose shots of lightning armpits?

I really want the xenoblade x artbook. does it have cool concepts of the mechs or just finalized renders of each?

Lightning returns' has a really good cover when you take the slip case off, the book is in a really organized format displaying each of her outfits in hand drawn art. Some pages also pull out which is a nice touch in books

Xeno x's, I'm kinda disappointed with. The few mech stuff it shows, yeah they're just renders. The line arts shown off isn't really interesting. Most of the book is just big alien shit, the cover is soft and the format of the book is like a sideways sketch book

I collect strategy guides, especially if they still have the posters. It's easier and cheaper to buy strategy guides than it is to buy artbooks in my opinion, mainly because I've never seen an artbook at a thrift store or yard sale, but hey, that's me. The only problem with the posters is that I don't wanna blow my cash on frames for them, so I just keep them in there.
I also found a sealed copy of the Jak 3 strategy guide for $1.25.

dang, that sucks to hear about the xeno x book. thanks for the images user

Here's my collection

Old strategy guides had wonders to them

> ordered a FF X-2 Strategy guide for 8 bucks used
> its a fucking art book and a strategy guide book connected by one bigger binding

I love these things. Gives sometimes a nice peek into the development stages from concept to final product.

Mostly I have Assassin's Creed books, but I have a really old FFIX book as well that's falling apart since I've had it since 2000.
I would like more books that are horror games even though I don't play them simply because I like seeing monster creation and concepts.

this should be in every ones bookcase








Just the Dragon's Dogma artbook.

Xenoblade Chronicles X artbook is probably the best one I own. Honorable mention to the Dark Souls collection I have.

I love them but they're also fucking expensive for 100 pages of concept art. Something like $40 for the persona 4 arena book

That's why I download them instead

I got to half priced books and always find something cool/interesting for under $20 usually. Especially if you have a coupon.

The Okami one is all kinds of attractive, just a shame that it's softcover.

A Shinkawa one for MGSV is getting released in November, so I guess I'll have to pick that one up as well.

>How to Draw Manga

wait those books are actually useful? I thought they were terribad.

>the art of gustave dore

top taste there. I see all those art supplies in the background, you browse /i/ or /ic/?

They are, I've had a few How to Draw Manga books since I was young and just held on to them. I used to browse both but I'm a casual gamer and casual (at best) artist.

I love Dore's style, La Biblia has his art done for the bible in larger print and it's so beautifully detailed, like a young Miura.