which one is better and why? I think both are heavily flawed and only put on such a pedestal because muh ps2 nostalgia but
>MGS2, very good atmosphere, pretty shitty and overcomplicated controls, alot of bloated fluff items, some good bosses, extremely good soundtracks, way too much coded/ cutscenes
>MGS3, core crawling gameplay is pretty fun but theres surprisingly (sadly) little of it- the gimmick sections with the labcoats or the entire last 2 hours of the game are abhorrent unfun dogshit, same applies to the cave and any bosses that arent the end or the boss (and even the boss is just trivialized by cqc counters), story and characters hop back and forth between very bad and almost good
I have to give it to MGS2 because of all the shit outside of the game going on back then. The ruse was fantastic.
MGS3 is just more safe and boring compared to MGS2.
Charles Cook
MGS3 is more replayable, but MGS2 is more irreplaceable.
Jonathan Bailey
I also forgot to mention that I absolutely hate how MGS3 constantly wants you to use its terrible combat system whenever you get caught instead of having a checkpoint restart menu option
atleast MGS2 has every room basically being a checkpoint so you can fuck around and get caught and just off yourself/ get killed, in MGS3 I always had to stand around for 2 minutes with incompetent retards pointing their AK an inch from naked fucks face and still not managing to do more than chip at my health bar
Elijah White
I know what you mean, but I actually thought MGS2 had more annoying combat and gameplay. Or at least, it sure seemed that way when I attempted to do all the VR missions. It's super bullshit that alert mode happens before the guy who saw you even uses his radio.
Jack Evans
>and only put on such a pedestal because muh ps2 nostalgia but Yes, that's right. Despite the HD collections and the fact the games are still widely discussed and praised to this day they're merely appreciated due to "PS2 nostalgia." >which one is better I think MGS2 is the more tightly designed and interesting game. MGS3 has better presentation and boss fights, but is poorly balanced at its core. It's also marred by sections that don't really serve said core. MGS2 is much more consistently stealth-oriented and that stealth is also much more rewarding.
They both have their merits, but I think MGS2 is a lot more thoughtful in what it does and how. I don't mean the story either (though that too).
Tyler White
I actually find MGS2 a lot more replayable than MGS3.
Benjamin Reyes
Sup Forums had this conversation hundreds of times
Anthony Gray
>the entire last 2 hours of the game are abhorrent unfun dogshit How to spot the casual who needs to git gud. That part of the game was perfectly fine.
Joshua Nelson
>MGS3 has better presentation and boss fights Does it really? Do you mean their backstory, their design of the gameplay? Gameplay-wise I would only put The End above bosses from MGS2. The Pain and The Fear are really weak bosses, all things considered.