Nintendo Confirms Pokemon GO Has "Limited" Financial Impact On The Company

And the estimated profit already included in the forecast.
English version will be available later.

So what they're saying is that everybody who believed Nintendo would start pushing mobile harder because of GO's success was just fearmongering? What an tweest!



The game just released today in the biggest market for this kind of games.

In the short term perhaps but I wonder if this will do well for the pokemon brand and nintendo in the future

Shh, rational thought isn't allowed on Sup Forums

Of course, pokemon GO isn't made by Nintendo. The reason Nintendo Stock has jumped so much is because the power of their IP has been proven without a doubt.

Pokemon Go has brought in 30 million in revenue

Yearly Pokemon game on 3DS brings ten times that

I imagine it will to an extent, but I think you're mostly going to get normies going, "WHY AREN'T SUN AND MOON ON MOBILE????" Instead of going out to buy a 3DS to play them.

it sure as fuck has. I bet they are kicking themselves for not releasing SM sooner and not putting more emphasis on the original 150.