ORIGINAL Fallout Thread

I just bought this game last night, how stoked should I be to play the original?

How much better is it than New Vegas?

Fallout 1 = Fallout NV > Fallout 2 > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

well, 1 and 2 are easily THE best games in the entire series. However, the sheer scale of things and overall freedom can be seriously overwhelming to first timers, especially those used to modern days' more straightforward console trash.

considering it's one of the worst games in series, quite a lot.

A lot

It's pretty slow if there's a ton of people on screen at once but it's fun. Max your luck

FONV is 3rd best game in series fag

Well you might as well consider them different genres, that's how different they are.

I loved fallout 1 and 3, but new vegas remains my favorite.
After playing the first two games, go back and play new vegas. It's good.

That's what I was forgetting to ask! What SPECIAL traits should I focus on at first?

It's 2nd best, fallout 2 is a meme fiesta bullshit

1>NV >2>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>