ORIGINAL Fallout Thread

I just bought this game last night, how stoked should I be to play the original?

How much better is it than New Vegas?

Fallout 1 = Fallout NV > Fallout 2 > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

well, 1 and 2 are easily THE best games in the entire series. However, the sheer scale of things and overall freedom can be seriously overwhelming to first timers, especially those used to modern days' more straightforward console trash.

considering it's one of the worst games in series, quite a lot.

A lot

It's pretty slow if there's a ton of people on screen at once but it's fun. Max your luck

FONV is 3rd best game in series fag

Well you might as well consider them different genres, that's how different they are.

I loved fallout 1 and 3, but new vegas remains my favorite.
After playing the first two games, go back and play new vegas. It's good.

That's what I was forgetting to ask! What SPECIAL traits should I focus on at first?

It's 2nd best, fallout 2 is a meme fiesta bullshit

1>NV >2>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>

>the sheer scale of things and overall freedom can be seriously overwhelming to first timers
I disagree. I was surprised by how straight-forward and short the original Fallout is. I don't think I ever felt lost.

Swap NV and 1 and I agree, except not played 4 yet

I always found that it is easier to start Fallout 2, and your best bet is looking at different playstyles and seeing which you like the most.

Start with at least 9. Preferably 10.

9 Agility is useless you get 9 action points with 8 Agility and you need 10 Agility for 10 Action points

very. its a great experience. a nice dated 90s feel to it that most games dont do any more. i wish it was more popular. people think Fallout 3 was the first game, even though theres a fucking 3 in the title (same with gta)

Just like how Final Fantasy started with VII, right?

I'm playing through Fallout 2 right now. It's so fucking good. I beat Fallout 1 about a year or so back so I might replay it soonish.
My current companions are Sulik, Goris, and K-9.

I'm playing 2 for the first time. I've just got to Klamath and I've ended up down this rat cave. Just found some 10mm rounds so pretty stoked about the possibility of my first gun.

The thing is, I can't fucking beat the massive rat. Am I supposed to do this at a higher level? I have 10agility and still 35-40% hit chance with anything cuz my tag was in small guns, not unarmed/melee.

shoot it's brain. sometimes it wont do any damage, but if you keep trying it will be an instakill

Gamebryo Fallouts are shooters with RPG elements tacked on.


Granted it has been a while since I've played the game, but I don't think the brain is an option. I think it defaults to "head" with most mundane enemies, but something like the Robo-brain with abnormal anatomy you could hit the brain directly.

That being said, if you're aiming, go for the eyes.

This is literally the first thing I've done in the game after leaving the tribe. There's a fucking rifle in a shack?! I have lockpicking tagged too so I'm hoping that's relevant?

Mate I have to try and punch/kick it. I don't have a gun yet though by the sounds of it that might be solved soon.

>This is literally the first thing I've done in the game after leaving the tribe. There's a fucking rifle in a shack?!
Yep. I'm pretty sure the locker or whatever it's in isn't even locked either. It's in the east side of Klamath.

Cheers m80 I'll run back out and have a look for that

No problem, user. Max at Small Guns to 100% as quick as you can. The best skill in the game, really.
Speech is also pretty good imo.

Sweet. Yeah my tags are small guns, speech and lockpick. Thought that would give me a good chance at a large chunk of content on my first playthrough

Oh sorry I should ask because I'm not sure about it. When you say 100% do you mean skill 100? I heard the cap in the originals is 300?

I'm not really sure what kind of skill level my stuff should be relative to each other because of this.

Did you recruit Sulik?

I literally haven't done anything but get to Klamath, talk to that guy for the key and make my way to the cave. I'm going to head back out and grab that rifle when I play though.

>Playing fallout 1 for the first time
>Confused with the controls and bad at the game
>Slowly learn the controls, getting better gear,getting companions.
>Feel like a wasteland badass, joined the Bos just now
Every time I think of this I can't help but crack a smile. So yes, it's great.

Skill cap is 300 but getting it that high is more than pointless.
Think of 100 as more as a soft cap, I guess. There's pretty much no point in raising skills past 100, but the game isn't going to stop you.

Sulik is the first companion. You can find him at the Buckner's store (just to the left of the entrance of the town) and you can buy him for 300 dollars. He's very useful and he comes with a leather jacket that you can take from him. Try to scrape up the money you need for him before you go into the caves.

How many times did you restart?
9 here. Finally got gudish

4. I thought I was the only one

Thanks a lot guys. Appreciate the tips

Depends on what you're here for. If it's the gameplay, not very stoked. If it's the character building crunch, kind of stoked. If it's the immersive world, very stoked.

AG and IN.

You can raise 9 AG to 10 AG later in the game.

You mean the pipe rifle? Don't even bother.

It was free on GoG some while ago.
You can expect a brilliant RPG if you can get through the old graphics (Which look fine even nowdays since its 2D) and the controls.
When I played it for the first time three years ago I was 20, I had pretty hard time going in blind, but it paid. And it was worth it.

A small gun is a small gun, user. It's the first one you can get in the game, too.

you can punch them in the brain

You should be able to find a shitty homemade single shot rifle in Vics shack, take a closer look

You can get a 10mm pistol too, either buy it in Golden Gecko or in one of the corpses in that rat cave

Skill cap in Fallout 1 is 200, with no diminishing returns. Skill cap in Fallout 2 is 300, with increasing diminishing returns after 100.

>It was free on GoG some while ago.
More like a long time ago, I think it's been a year since.

>game in the 90s has a 90s feel to it
>games made after the 90s don't have a 90s feel to them

I can't imagine why

Killian Darkwater always sounded like George Clooney to me.

Underrail was made in 2015 and has that feel too.

I returned Underrail because I wasn't feeling it.

I miss pre-made death animations.

Hmmm I wonder why.

Has anyone played that Fallout 1.5 mod that just came out?

We can crack this, user!

user, are you saying you don't like

I would recommend you get it back, it's great.

It's not an exact copy of Fallout but it is similiar in many ways.

TW3, Age of Decadence and D:OS have some pretty brutal deaths

AoD would be the closest to Fallout ones.

Oh yeah, definitely. I like the spear one the best, specially since the champion of the arena did it to me.

Kill the first children you see, you'll get a sick perk from it that will really help you with the game.

You mean this one?

Just not the same as sprites.

I like them nevertheless.

Heh, that's pretty brutal.

iunno man, I like the violent sprites from Fallout better, but I realize it's just personal preference.

How the fuck do you get good at this game with low agility?

Im Fallout I liked the flamethrower/laser/plasma ones the best.

Unfortunately AoD doesn't have any of that stuff.

Take Jet/Psycho all the time.

You restart and give yourself 9.

>Fallout 1

You can't possibly be that retarded.

>play 1 as stronk Russian doctor with sledge hammer
>fun as fuck once you get passed the graphics and interface and turn up combat speed/map buttons
>basically only there for story, dialogue and atmosphere, but still fun

>try 2
>doesn't feel like the first, can't put my finger on why
>quit after 2 hours

He would be better off with this 7.

>tfw finally giving Lenny purpose in Fallout 2
hope he's still alive just like Marcus

your trieded

>play fallout 2 for the first time back in 2012
>play as a girl with high charisma and agility
>put most of my points into speech barter and guns
>find out i can fuck people
>fuck every character i can for better deals and free shit
>fuck people because why not
>mfw the biggest hero of California is also the biggest whore of California

i wonder how they would tell her story in the history books

>biggest whore in California
can confirm

You've got to know the game inside and out to actually survive with low agility. The chargen is not very well balanced.

Not retarded enough to think Jet was in Fallout 1. Challenge me, fucker. What, were you huffing Jet while firing your Bozar at the Enclave in Fallout 1?

>having low intelligence in fallout 1 and 2
>options resort to you speaking like a full blown retard
why didn't 3 and 4 have this?

you are a shitter

Because they were written by half-hearted fanboys.

Except when speaking to other low int characters, then it's the most sophisticated converstation possible in the game

>speaking with Torr
>conversation feels like two best friends discussing about the town

It takes a lot of work and time to rewrite all of the lines and change the quests/interactions accordingly.

Fallout 3 didn't have this because Bethesda doesn't give a fuck, too much cost for something that their target audience isn't going to expect or even appreciate.

New Vegas kinda tried to have this, there is a few dumb lines but quests/interactions stay the same, reason being they simply didn't have enough time.

Imagine if Fallout New Vegas was given more time

You play on normal, get power armor, and have high str/end and melee proficiency to compensate.

What's the recommended SPECIAL for a Melee character in FO2?

New vegas has like 5 retard lines only. Play Arcanum for a full retard run

Someone please send this to Todd Howard, toddpoasting aside, I fucking hate him and his shitty company. Worse then fucking Gearbox.

THIS. This is correct. Also just because fallout 3 and 4 are last doesn't change the fact that I love them. The whole damn series was fun except brotherhood.

same here man

>Fallout 1 = Fallout NV > Fallout 2 > Fallout 3 > Fallout Tactics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fallout 4

Fixed that for you famalamadingadong.

It's a much different game, 1 is apocalypse, 2 is post apocalypse.

3 and 4 are shit. That's why they're last

>Fallout 3 infront of anything

>Worse then Gearbox
Alright, Bethesda might be shitters who make barely finished games with thousands of bugs and game crashing glitches, then proceed to rely on modders to fix all these problems for them, as well as finishing their ass games, but at least they don't try to push their agenda into everything and act like fucking dickheads all the time.

>feminism is awesome
if anyone were to say that in an actual army they would be quartered

When you get to Fallout 2, get Sulik, equip him with a power-sledge and just pump that fucker with Buffout, Jet, and Psycho. Made my run so much fun.

From this point i think bethesda made that shit on purpose. Reminds me F3 ending when you asking Fawkes to help with stupid shit and he refused just because. I mean they knew how stupid that shit was and still did that. They're pretending to be retarded just to appeal to a bigger target audience.