So, what happened?

So, what happened?

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literally who

retsuprae was occasionally funny, but like lots of occasionally funny mock [whatevers], they eventually crawl up their own unfunny asshole and either disappear or become a shadow of their former selves.

dude, diabetus died literally two days ago, too soon.

A couple of gross cyberbully dudebros finally ran out of what few cruel jokes they had to start with and then faded into obscurity. That's what happened.

I'm not sure.

I understand they can't rip on shitty letsplayers anymore because of changes to youtube policy as well as not wanting their fanbase to harrass said letsplayers, but I don't get why they can't do more riffs on longplays of shitty point-and-click adventures and other dumb game longplays.

Those are my favorite videos they do by far, yet all they seem to do these days is shitty kickstarters. Who cares?

Also I don't really think their humor has changed much, they're the same SA goons they've ever been, and SA is definitely distinct from imageboards.

what video game is this?

see also: THE BEST GAMERS, "weird twitter"

Slowbeef was pretty much never funny, Diabetus stopped giving a shit, and everyone else faded into nothing

Diabetus is still a national treasure, it's just pretty obvious that he's busy doing real life things most of the time.

they got old

honestly, they were never really funny, it's just their infectious laughter that makes anything they talk about funny

Haming in the Clinton years and retsufrash have always been my favorite vids

Everything Something Awful is even tangentially associated with is cursed to die an unfunny faggot death This includes Retsuprae and Sup

Why do they keep bringing that girl back lately? She's not funny.


>Chip will never finally drop Voidburger

This is true. Everything that has its origins from Lowtax is bound to fail.

Chip and Ironicus are lost causes. Watch their earlier stuff and pretend that they both died.

Who else for the /punished/

>watching SJWpurae with CISbeef and Dia "KILL ALL WHITE MALES" beetus

>unironically visiting cripplechan for any reason

Proteus can be hilarious, but he's also kind of a whiny bitch.

why do people keep calling them social justice cucks?

Is it because they stopped ripping on autistic lets players?

Because slowbeef has done some questionable things. Diabetus stays out of politics entirely and just wants to make jokes about everything. He's a real human being.

Its because they are, you can't get away being on somethingawful unless you are(or have no stated opinions at all).

Slowbeef has a wife and kid now, and he's either in his late 30s or early 40s. He's smart enough to know that he's too old to continue making fun of bad Let's Plays.

>all of the old lets players are dying
>decide to check on some old lets players I used to watch
>they're the same as ever, just with better quality and editing

Life is good sometimes.

>and SA is definitely distinct from imageboards.
It's the same shit, this hellhole started with nothing but goons and goon accessories.


t. diabetus

I'm glad I don't wait ChipCheezum, or else I might feel distress from this news.

>People have been joking for years the only reason he keeps her on is because he fucks her
>It was true

Is he raising her child?

>it's a psychedelic eyeball episode

when they stopped making fun of people and did "let's Plays" people found out what boring hacks they are.

They're still occasionally good, they just get stale a lot of the time. Whenever they have something more fresh to rip on, its usually pretty good. Like the earlier kickstarter vids or the panels they did at RTX, or when they do the first Retsutalk in a couple of months.

Everyone knew they were fucking. Its just surprising it got serious since they always seemed like a shit "couple" on streams. Voidburger saying stupid shit, chip ignoring it or just letting out a small 'mhmm' before switching topics quickly. Void talking over him and him ignoring it. No real enthusiasm like when he's with ironicus
Anyways its pretty ironic considering he'll be looking for a job soon since volition's next terrible game is going to bury them

>it's a proteus episode

Remember that time they accidentally outed a gay guy and he sent them a message saying he's pissed because no one knew?

The first two people i watched were DeceasedCrab and DSP

>used to follow Psychedelic Eyeball and his clique
>overtime they become some of the most annoying kool-aid drinkers out there so I stop following them
>check back in on them recently they're still exactly the same, except for Ragny who is now a "woman"
Loving every laugh.

>Check up on one lets player you used to watch
>He turned into a tranny

Jesus christ what the hell is wrong with the random guest
Talk about edgelord, he's the posterchild of "american banter"

As you peak with the Town with No Name, you attract a bunch of new fans as they feel weirded out that you make fun of others. By being greedy to attract more and more new fans, you eventually burn out as you grow up and if you still have a desire to get some stuff off your series then you need to have controversial opinions to either kill yourself or get more people.

>except for Ragny who is now a "woman"
Wait what? What happened?

>Remember old lets players
>never check back on them because you remember how clinically insane dramafaggots they were

The longer you're a goon the more likely you are to start taking estrogen and chop your dick off.

I'm not sure what exactly happened, but I remember during gamersgate, a lot of SA LPers went silent, especially Ragny.

I checked up recently and he became this.

I don't think they've gotten any new subscriptions in like 7 years,

What do you ever mean?

Sonic Boom RP when?

Dude Diabetus is the better of the two and always has been. His Super Mario Galaxy 2 Let's Play was one of the comfiest LPs I've watched.

When they feel the need to get some e fame.

What ever makes them become like this?

Social pressure, depression, and the idea that a radical change might turn their lives around.

he's not wrong though

I actually feel better about this now.

I'd rather she was in because of that than he thought she was actually funny.

>I don't go for normal people. I don't go for people in general. I spend most of my time isolated, actually. I knew exactly what I was getting into when Shmorky invited me to live with him, and I don't regret it. I always figured if I met a serial killer they'd just be doing me a favor. I wouldn't be surprised if Shmorky was a serial killer, judging by his upbringing and the way he lived. He did threaten to kill me once. When we had broken up and he wanted me out of our apartment he looked me in the eye, serious as cancer, and said "I can kill you, you know." I think he really meant it. Shmorky had a serious temper, and he would get violent when he got angry. Tear doors off the hinges, smash things around the house.

>He was a big, angry, Polock, not an Italian. 6 foot with huge shoulders and kind of chubby. The kind of troon that couldn't even pass in front of Stevie Wonder. Luckily, a lot of people in Pleasant Hill were kind enough to see the 8 layers of caked on makeup and call him "she", Which resulted in OMG MY PRONOUNS ARE THEY/THEM WHY CAN'T ANYONE GET MY PRONOUNS RIGHT OMGSDLKFJSALJF.!!11!! He even dressed like a damn ISIS lackey a lot of the time. He would take walks around the neighborhood late at night wearing black fuck off boots and a black bandana around his face with a hood up and wonder why the police would stop him and ask him what he was up to.

>And yes, the yarn wig was real. He wore it every single second of every day. I don't know if it was made of yarn per se...I don't know what it was made of. I wasn't allowed to touch it. Ever. I did once and he just started screeching. He would look so much better just embracing his baldness but nope, gotta have the yarn wig at all times.

>accidentally outed

Anyone who couldn't tell he was gay just from listening to him talk for 5 seconds is both deaf and blind anyway. I'm sure people knew, they just never said anything about it.

Being professional Internet bullies went out of style, making fun of pornography for being pornography went out of style, they got old and had kids.

The world outgrew the only jokes they had to offer, so they went their separate ways and stagnated.


>Dude Diabetus is the better of the two and always has been.
You'd think, but then you watch his solo stuff and he's incredibly dull. They complete each other.

That's a pretty good spongebob impression desu m8.

>"This is the "me" colored one!"

I used to like his cartoons, now I can't fucking stand anything he does.

No, Gaiacrusher9