How do I beat this fucker?
He refuses to move out of his safe-space while spamming the fire attacks.
Dark Souls Thread
How do I beat this fucker?
He refuses to move out of his safe-space while spamming the fire attacks.
Dark Souls Thread
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Strafe and backstab, I imagine, same as any other enemy in this dull game.
Then you refuse to move out of your safe-space
Stand behind one of the walls and watch him, wait for him to do two fire breaths, he'll eventually get impatient and come down to get you
>Backstabbing a Drake
If I could fly, sure, but how the fuck will I get on its back to backstab him?
Git gud ;)
He's been doing fire breaths for 5 minutes and never comes out, I never move, too
Shoot his ass with arrows
shoot an arrow at him and run to him when he's coming down. use lightning infusion
He's a coward and just wastes your time.
It's not worth the trouble for the 10k souls he dropps.
Should i buy the DLC AoTA? I bought ds1 when it was very new
Never played DS but even in know that there is one point where you can only see his tail and shoot it via bow and arrow
>yes, Artorias is great. why dont you get the Prepare to die edition?
who are you quoting
That just cuts his tail and gives you a scrub sword that is useless on higher levels
It should be fine if you stand where the note is on your screenshot. Just wait for a bit and he will come down.
You can even run past him that way when you first get there, giving you a slightly more comfortable bonfire. You can also pick up the Claymore easily that way, which is a fairly popular weapon.
accidentially added a >
Already got him to come down and almost killed him, but he used a fire breath that insta-killed me for some reason, even though I can withstand his fire attacks on full health and still keep 1/4 of my health
I dont want to buy another disc. So which is cheaper? Disc with PtDE or the dlc itself?
actually never mind, this pussy in the video keeps running downstairs. you can easily fight him on the bridge without running away every 5 seconds...
sorry, i neither know where you live (other places, other prices). nor do i own a ps3, am playing that on pc. if you dont want another disc, buy online the dlc. or but the PtdE and sell the original one. just compare prices
Don't bother. Just wait behind the wall, and dash for the Sunlight altar AS SOON AS HE JUMPS OFF HIS PERCH.
rinse and repeat
>Playing like a pussy
How boring
wow ur badass man
dont forget his tail
I'd prefer not to play than to play like that.
I'm already on NG+, drake sword is kinda shitty
>tfw finally killing that motherfucking wyvern with nothing but a zwei, hollow warrior armor and 5 estus
highlight of the whole game, probably
oh i know the sword is shitty but youre gonna feel bad if you DONT get it
i dont really like how easy it is to dodge the fire
like it doesnt even make sense
> I dont like the game therefore everyone has to think it's dull
>plays smart
>wow what a pussy
Hard not having two brain cells to rub together isn't it
That's not playing smart, that's playing safe.
How do you back stab a Drake???
only if the game had the same climbing onto enemies mechanics than Shadow of the Colossus and Dragon's Dogma
smart is safe son
risk takers are life's "examples"
He's right, tho. Getting better at Dark Souls is just knowing how to cheese that game more efficiently.