Xe doesn't like Undertale, Lisa, Cave Story, Yume Nikki

>Xe doesn't like Undertale, Lisa, Cave Story, Yume Nikki


Shit whoulda thought trendy hipster fuckwits would develop taste

Those are solid games, don't taint them with your indie dev bait

Lisa is an over-pretentious, shitty game which couldn't accomplish it's goal of a good game. Prove me wrong.

you can't

I feel like i could beat the shit out of that guy and he would just cry

Leave Adam out of this

>this is a real person that thought they would look good doing whatever that is to themselves
>their weirdo friends probably complimented them on it

>Lisa, Cave Story, Yume Nikki
Don't even compare those games to Undertale

Lisa would have triggered xhem.

>They probably think it looks good
>Their opinion of themselves matters more to them than the opinion of some anonymous buttmad virgin on the internet
Sounds like a much more well-adjusted individual than the kind on Sup Forums, that's for sure

>Lisa, Undertale, Cave Story, and Yume Nikki are over-pretentious, shitty game which couldn't accomplish it's goal of a good game.


Ok cry and whine while asking why in being so mean to him

I wonder what our ancestors would say about this.

your pink hair is showing user

Why must people always make low effort shitpost? Put some god damn effort into it man

0/10 shitpost

Yume Nikki seems pretty random here. Is this some meme I missed?

You made this exact same thread this morning with the same file name and everything

Oh shit, nvm, got it confused with something else

It was the granddaddy of pretentious walking sims
You cannot deny this statement.

What he fuck is Yume Nikki doing in that list?

They're all great.

That's basically what Sup Forums is. The exact same threads posted over and over


Remember when having a beard was manly?


>cave story yume nikki
indie sjw dont play good games.

colored hair only looks good on women

prove me wrong
Pro-tip: you can't

The person wearing the beard determines it's manliness.

>hipsters liking Lisa

Every one of those are good games, except Yume Nikki, which is a good art project.

Might look a little less blatantly sjw fag if it was spiked in a Mohawk. Still pretty gay, especially with the color, thick glasses and gross beard.


still did it better than all the shitty western copy cats that came after.

It still is, it just looks pathetic on guys who also have dyke colored hair and skinny jeans on.

You forgot firewatch

>played the cave thinking it was cave story
>couldn't understand why everyone loved it so much

It enhances what is already there. If you look like a short feminine twink tumblr boy it's going to look like the op.

> oh my god the game is so deep
> check out my theory about how nikki is actually an aborted feature going through the 6 stages of grief
it's pretentious garbage and you only like it because it remains obscure and Sup Forums loves it

Too bad girls with colored hair usually have the most shit tier personality possible

also forgot risk of rain and crypt of the necrodancer and other faggot pixel SHIT games.

>Sup Forums is still triggered by Undertale even as the fanbase is dying on all other sites

It's like pottery

I don't get the need to ruin your hair with shit dye, when most natural hair colors are nice.

Depends of your dayjob

>calling her Nikki

You're too entry-level to critique it, fuck off retard.

>hipsters liking lisa

Sup Forums likes it, so yeah.

>wow what a fag

I like those games

Just end your life m8. You're a worthless piece of shit that enjoys bad games

>Sup Forums likes it

LISA seems like the last game sjws would even tolerate.

The Joyful, on the other hand, would be right up their alley.

It's a game about what dreams feel like, where did you get lost?

Nu males didn't get all 3 endings in Cave Story, I did.
Nu males didn't jerk off to Curly after obtaining her panties, I did.

Newsflash: Those people you see on hundred year old newsreels, with tophats and monocles, those are rainbow colored denizens of their day San Fran land. Those you don't see did composting like you do shitposting.

shorts are comfy and easy to wear. also sandals are comfy. whats wrong with being comfy?

>liking video games
get out of here faggot

>World where society went to shit because all women died
>Trans is treated as noble whores

It's right up Tumblr's alley.

Does he realise how retarded he looks?

God I hate to sound like a cranky old person but young people today are just so fucking retarded when it comes to everything

neon hair is degenerate regardless of gender

no proper lady dyes her hair, only teenagers think this is cool and attractive because it's basic parental rebellion. you're basically a faggot.

all of those are good games except yume nikki which is just random garbage

comfy triggers /fa/

How can one user be this triggered? It's fine if you can't see the appeal, but that doesn't make it a bad game.

so contrarian its painful

> only these walking sims are bad
> these other are patrician Sup Forums approved masterpieces
> but remember that any modern game can be labelled as a walking sim and called shit

it looks less terrible

What's so pretentious about it? I thought the game had so much in it, comedy, horror, wierdness, sadness, anger.

that's sir to you, you fucking faggot. get out of my sight.

You are trying a bit too hard m8.

>want to shit on nu-males and queers
>millions of examples that would prove the stereotype how they're whiny and shit
>pick the one guy that's a genuinely awesome person instead

Do dads not beat their sons asses anymore? My dad would have beat my ass if I looked like that.

>Used to have a nice beard, not patchy shit like most guys in their 20s have
>shaved it all off because I let the nu male memes get to me
I fucking hate you guys

Why would SJWs care about Cave Story? It is an actual game, so they would have to put in the bare minimum effort in playing and beating it, which we know isn't going to happen.

Depends of your job

No user. That would be cruelty and the child would be taken away.

Is neon pink hair just a trans SJW thing? Why do they all do it?

>no proper lady dyes her hair

how much bait can you post, there's literally nothing wrong about dying one's hair in no-neon colors.

It still is

I fully intend to beat my children. Disciplinary only.

Why is beating the shit out of your child normalized in America?

What? It's about a white male trying to protect his bitch daughter from a bunch of savages. Sounds like it would make an sjw puke.

>colored hair only looks good on women
it doesn't actually look good on women, it looks really stupid and a sure sign they are a moron

Leave Madotsuki alone!

And I will be there to dress xer in skirts after xe is taken away from you.

Actually the Irish invented that.

It's literally full of faggots


I don't care who started it, dude. Children are pretty much as helpless as it gets. What kind of sick fuck would hit one?


The world is LISA got fucked not because all women died, the world simply got fucked and then all women died

right and it's constantly telling you how wrong Brad is for trying to be so overly protective to the point of murder.

Oh yeah, OP forgot Overwatch™, the latest socially aware hit game from Blizzard™ Entertainment™.

I got whipped as a kid all the time, I feel like i'm better for it desu. I don't really see the issue, as long as you explain why they have to be punished it's kinda just reinforcement through pain.

I have never met a person with neon colored hair who did not have daddy issues.


>implying preteens these days aren't shit mouthed violent law breaking assholes

You don't have kids do you

It's still the women all dying that turned everyone into savages.

>Well, I got beat the shit out of as a kid, so it's only normal that I should beat the shit out of my kid, right?

If you're a big enough normie to want kids, what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

>I wanted kids

Ha that's a laugh. Wear condoms guys.

stop watching leafy kid

>flipping your shit over a reaction image