What are your thoughts on Resident Evil 7 Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on Resident Evil 7 Sup Forums?
The series died with Wesker.
Without a big bad to confront, the series is directionless shit.
I honestly havent played an RE game since 5 was released.
>mfw Capcom openly admitted dummy finger was a ruse
Memeshit aside, it's going to be a very interesting take on RE
I'm actually wondering if the ghost girl easter egg or the Psycho II shout-out in the trailer are just references, or if they'll have a deeper meaning later
I watched some streams before I downloaded it and honestly watching them made me so disinterested that I didn't even play the demo. I'd have been fine with something like 1-3 or 4/revelations (5 and 6 can fuck off), but I'm just not digging this "first person spooky indie game" vibe they're going with. At this point, why bother even calling it Resident Evil?
Yes that was a rhetorical question and I know the reason is brand recognition and sales.
If Umbrella Corps is canon then he's alive.
Wut? I thought everything in Umbrella Corps was supposed to be a recreation.
What did you find out?
Meme Horror garbage.
I replayed RE2-5 again recently and it got me very sad thinking about RE7.
They might as well hard-reboot the series at this point.
>resident eevee
Gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought we'd get a classic-style RE game and not more of the shit RE6 had.
Sure as hell wasn't the latter, but I'm not impressed.
I think it's a videogame.
It could be cool if RE7 is like the devs say, and more like a classic styled game but in first person. If it's what the demo shows and its just a first person Outlast the Slender fest it'll be shit.
The game probably isn't going to be first person, they're just trying to leech off the hype PT made.
>would rather watch someone else play a game to form your opinion on it rather than play it yourself when you already have access to it
kill yourself.
I wouldn't rather do that, I had every intention of playing it but I was just watching the Japanese stream to kill time before it came to the US PSN. It's just that the game looked so boring I couldn't even find the motivation to try the demo when it was done downloading.
why would you watch a stream of a horror game you planned to play for the first time at all?
ruin some of the best parts for yourself.
Because at that point I was more curious in the game mechanics than the horror, seeing as it was a demo and not me actually playing the game.
I've finished the demo. Underwhelming to say the least, especially after the genius work of jesus magic that was P.T.
I'm pretty sure they specifically said the game will be first person. most likely so they can use stupid VR.