l8 but I just beat this.
> You really were the villain all along
l8 but I just beat this.
> You really were the villain all along
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It's a terrible game.
>Tfw I fell for the meme and bought it
It's too short for the pricetag and disappointing gameplay-wise
Its a good movie
>too short
It's like 15 hours
I liked it. It's a nice and tense stealth game.
>save a little girl - who gave no consent to her dying - from a group of violent incompetents
>"you're the vilain"
it's like you're all retarded sociopaths with no sense of empathy
Not long enough for 60 dollars. Should've had more sandbox elements and not just pushing boxes to jump on or carrying ladders.
Jokes on you, I had my friends buy it.
It's ok.
It really suffers from the whole story>gameplay mentality though, thankfully it's not as bad as in Uncharted 4.
>You need to play a quarter of the game before the actual Uncharting begins.
Fuck you Naughty Dog, stop pacing your games like movies and get your priorities straight.