I didn't expect such a tragic ending HOLY FUCKING SHIT

I didn't expect such a tragic ending HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
This was really fucking great...

Is FFX-2 worth playing it?

contrarian Sup Forums will say yes and praise the battle system and shit but honestly you'll be bored most of the time. they're barely the same game.

I liked it.

Just let it end where you are there's no reason to go any further. Unless you really want some horrible fanficton tier writing to ruin it for you

This. The story in X-2 is garbage

>but honestly you'll be bored most of the time
Exactly how my X-2 playthrough was. Shame too, the premise was fun.

>Is FFX-2 worth playing it?
not really but if you have it (assuming you have the HD collection of both games) might as well just play through it.
the story is fucking shit though, which is a shame because the gameplay is actually quite nice.

Absolutely amazing combat system, but the story line in X-2 is literally so bad it makes X's storyline worse through the sheer fact that it exists

You answered your own question.

Put it this way. X-2 introduces something that made the struggle against Sin in X completely pointless.

X-2 is soulless.

If you look at it as a continuation of FFX, then it's terrible.

Judged purely on its own merits, it's still mostly inferior to FFX, but it's not bad. Ot has some nice character customization and it's surprisingly non-linear.


X's end was beautiful. X-2 is fanfiction. If you want to play it you should treat the game as some non-canon fan project then it can be fun. Under no circumstances should you start up the game expecting ANYTHING near the style, story, presentation or character depths of X.

Hell you can be glad it's been 15 years since X came out. At release X-2 was simply a punch in the gut for any fan of the franchise.

>I didn't expect such a tragic ending HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
How did you not expect it?

>Is FFX-2 worth playing it?
Just go for it and make your own opinion.
Even if you like it, I'd recommend not looking into story continuation in form of ln and drama cd. They are legit horribad.

>Caring about story instead of fanservice

>Squall dies BUT NOT REALLY
>Zidane dies BUT NOT REALLY
>Tidus dies BUT NOT REALLY

who would have expected that?

>Tidus dies BUT NOT REALLY

But he did die.

X-2 never happened.

Disapeared* like fleeing dream

Fuck you, degenerate.

People like you ruin video games.

X-2 is only worth playing if you're 100% focusing on the battle system, and not the incredibly bad story and quite annoying characters.
Everything else about the game is horrible, with a single exception

It's not an integral part of the FFX story so much as just an extended and mostly campy epilogue with a bit lower production values, but it's a really good game.

The structure of the game is heavily built around NG+ as there is a lot of missable or choice dependent content.

Compared to X, X-2 feels like a trip to an amusement park with your girl friends. There's more to do and less to worry about.

Make of that what you will.

read the Novel