People at work talk about video games

>People at work talk about video games.
>Most of them play LoL.
>"Hey user, you also play video games don't you? Do you also play LoL?"
>"No, I'm more of a Dotafag..."
>Immediately stop and cringe internally at what I just said.
>People give me really weird looks.
>Cute intern girl looks at me like I'm a mongoloid who just shat himself.
>After a break that felt like forever they continue talking and ignore me.
>Walk away.
>Hear them laughing.

Thanks for ruining my life, Sup Forums.

stupid phoneposter

>at uni
>huge picture of Descarte gets projected on the wall
>struggle to contain laughter
>everyone around me thinks I'm having an autistic fit
I don't even care at this point.

Remember, you are here forever.

That situation was completely salvageable. Should just have explained them ASSFAGGOTS. Probably would even have gotten some laughs out of them.

I'm surprised they didn't flip their shit at you saying "fag"

If you didn't sperg out afterwards no one would have even cared about the -fag and you could esily dismiss it as a gaming term/internal joke in Dota.

>Be a sperg.
>Blame website.


this place is killing me
how do i get better?

Pretty sure "XY-fag" is common internet ligo that's not restricted to 4chins at this point. I know people in the Starcraft community say it.

>not hiding your powelevel at all costs

Fucking idiot is only you to blame, the only acceptable answer on this situation is: What is this LoL thing?

I remember being at a meeting one time and they were showing this video that had meme music in the background and at the end the credits were listing deviantart accounts. I had to leave because I was laughing so much

>Make group of new friends.
>All of them are pretty cool guys.
>Find out they are furfags.

Fursuit and going to conventions or they just like the porn?

>at work
>time for break
>coworkers start talking about games
>they're talking about pokemon go
>they ask me if I like pokemon go
>say no, i only liked the actual games
>one of my coworkers is a huge pokemon fag and starts sperging and asking me questions about my favorite pokemon and shit
>i just emulated pokemon last month because I was at my parent's home on a laptop with literally nothing else to do
>the games I actually like are Europa Universalis and New Vegas
>just shut up and say that I don't play many videogames at all

I hate social interaction

They met each other at a convention, but not all of them go anymore, yet they are totally ingrained in the culture. At first they shut up about it, because they know it's weird, but once they let me in on it the floodgates brokes and now they constantly spam me with furshit.

>be at work
>talking about games and shit
>ask random guy if he also plays lol
>"No, I'm more of a Dotafag..."
>suddenly freezes and breathes heavily
>he just stops talking
>Maybe he left the lights open at home? Haven't ever played this "Dotafag" game tho
>well whatever
>go back talking about games and shit
>another guy cracks a good joke
>we laugh

>say no, i only liked the actual games
>i just emulated pokemon last month because I was at my parent's home on a laptop with literally nothing else to do

Don't lie. Tell them your taste and answer any questions they have about the games you play.

I mean I liked the pokemon games when I was a child and hadn't played in like eight years but last month I emulated pokemon black.

Anyway we don't talk about games anymore, they just talk about their life and I listen quietly.

Tell them you're not comfortable with that stuff.

This was meant for you.

>not laughing in their face when they said they play LoL
you have nobody to blame but yourself

I bet you have tons of friends.

That's your own damn fault.

The only thing I'm deathly afraid of letting slip is "loli". I have completely replaced the term "little girl" in my head with "loli" and having to explain that would be devastating to say the least.

I don't know when little girls would come up in conversation and I don't talk to anyone in public or at work but it still scares me that I've reprogrammed myself to do that.

>Having ever said loli out loud

I have a habit of substituting a lot of words with 'meme'.
I wish I could stop

>"No, I'm more of a Dotafag..."

They weren't laughing cause you play dota, they were laughing cause you're a sperg that can't even tell them what you play, and can't even speak like a normal human bean. No one outside of Sup Forums uses the word dotafag.

>At uni.
>Nigger trips in front of me.
>Say "Oh shit, nigger." out of reflex.
>Nigger laughs his ass off.
>Help him up.
>He fistpumps me.

I just tell them I play shooters. Battlefield to people who know jack shit about vidya, Overwatch to people who do even little.

Yeah right

I'm always uncomfortable around blacks.
It feels like literally anything I say is going to offend them and they'll go ape shit on me.

I'm not from the US, we don't have BLM where I live.

Who cares, if you let that slip out just say that you heard it in a movie or something

>People at college start talking about video games and terraria
>start talking with them and mention I used to play it
>they ask what I play
>say I play niche stuff, some strategy, some simulator
>"ok cool"
>we start talking about what's coming out soon and the new hype



>be 28
>older coworker comes into my office
>user, you seem to like video games can you recommend one to my kid for his birthday?
>w..wait I never mentioned I like video games
>you have the look user
>decide not to dwell on it and ask that system he has
>oh he has an Xbox one
>do you have a pc too?
>no, he doesn't like pc games
>scoff and state pc master race is objectively superior to console peasants
>realize my mistake and try to laugh it off
>wow, that's rude user. He's only 9 years old. Then she leaves.

Somehow I'm the bad guy

Screencapping for reddit. simply amazing

>things that never happened

>be me
>use to play so much eve to the point that
(just started subconsciously saying it, not on purpose)
>use to call my house my pos
>started calling dollars iskies
>started calling dead people squishies

Pretty sure they were just weirded out by OP suddenly freezing and stopping talking in the middle of his sentence. Them "laughing" while OP runs away is probably just him being paranoid as fuck.

>they'll go ape shit on me
what the fuck did you just say white boy?
are you comparing us to apes now?
thats it imma calling the boys you gonna die kid

>get office job at 50 person company
>HR lady takes me to everyone's office introducing me
>see master chief statue on the desk of some 50 year old guy
>um, do you like HALO?
>no, my son loves it thought and he got me the statue as a present
>oh, what's your son's favorite HALO game?
>haha wow, is he retarded or something?
>oh shit, did I say that would loud
>guy looks at me like he's going to take a swing at me
>notice a picture on his back drawer
>him, a woman, and a kid that obviously has downs syndrome
>oh I am so so sorry
>HR lady ends my tour right there and warns me not to use such language again

Stupid fucking mouth runs faster than my brain.

>Boss plays Starcraft 2.
>He's a whining shitter who constantly blames balance for his losses.
>Don't want to disagree with him.

It's pure pain.

>wife's bf's son is better at me in lol

How do I fix this?

>people talk about video games
>don't join the discussion

Summer can not end sooner

git gud

>more of a dotafag

You are literally supposed to disagree with your boss, unless he is a POS in a dead business, your boss will want to bounce ideas off you and its your job to tell him when he is acting retarded.


>he doesn't know

Nah, man. As long as I agree with his shit I can chill at talk most of the day about Starcraft or watch streams with him. When I disagree he instantly gets pissy and makes me do retarded shit.

>at work trying to fix some computer issue
>PC starts playing up, say "you fucking nigger" under my breath
>boss walks past
Lucky the company doesn't hire black people else I might get in trouble.

That's what you get for playing Dota.

If they do its just to fuck with you. We're not all aggressive animals. Just the ones that sag heavily.

Do what I do, glance over everything to see what's new and leave. Don't indulge yourself in all the bullshit.

Do you know what this term means?

Just say its a reference to the titular character from Nobokov's book you sperg.


It's used as slang for retard in some areas due to antiquated racist stuff

>Do awkwards shit.
>Carry on with life normally because nobody actually gives a shit.

Everybody is 95% focused on themselves and what others might think about them. As long as you don't shit your pants while screaming "HEIL HITLER" nobody will think about it a week later.

Man, stop whining like a bitch, or Imma get your girl involved.

>Do awkwards shit
>people remember you as THAT guy
>they avoid you
>get outcasted

My first job I had people spitting on my car and a girl coming up to me in the middle of my shift and asking me if I was gay

I wouldn't feel too bad about it, at least you can explain that it's a DotA in-joke or something that slipped out

I now remember that incredibly awkward thing I did five years ago.

Don't you dare bring my mother into this

Tell us about it.

>Years ago.
>At uni.
>Talking with guy about weekend.
>Tell him that I got into the Diablo 3 beta.
>Don't quite hear his answer.
>Assume he asks what Diablo 3 is.
>"It's a video game."
>Later on realize that he asked me "Oh, how did you get in."
>For some reason still think about this every now and then.

Why are our brains so fucking obsessed with this stuff?


You fucking moron
Why would you use chanspeak in real life?

shiggy baka desu senpai

>using the word fag on Sup Forums to be LE EPIC INSIDE JOKE MEME XDDDD

Deserved it

>"Im more of a dotafag"
>"Lol I don't like Ketchup I prefer Catsup"

No. Mongoloid means of mongolian, aka asian. It isnt an insult at all. Stop acting like it is. Pathetic.

>Years ago
>At uni
>Talking with guy about weekend
>He says he got into the Diablo 3 beta
>ask how he got in
>He says "it's a video game"
>Not even changing his permanent expression of bored disgust
>Feel deeply embarrassed since I didn't get what he meant
To this day, it still haunts me. What the fuck did I miss? Was the beta actually open? Help Sup Forums

>at work in a meeting
>random funny memory pops into head
>start laughing at the same time boss finishes announcement that coworker will be out a week because his mom died

Stupid fucking brain

Why is it always a food analogy with you fucks?

Because you are so fucking autistic that it's the easiest way to explain it to you.

yes there was a 2 day open beta during the weekend

I'm not Sup Forums, but you're a prime argument against blacks, my friend.

I'm explaining to you it's colloquial corruption, dumbass

What the heck are you even saying

Can I post this on /pcmasterrace/. I want that sweet sweet karma XDD

Whats wrong with a food analogy bro?
Sometimes its jot easy to explain vudeo games.
Also i could go for a cheeseburger from In N Out.

>at uni
>media history and analysis class
>teacher's assisstant one day has the floor when we reach the video games part of the semester
>fucking projects a picture od Anita on the wall
>gives the whole SJW rundown of goobergate
>talks about how she was given death threats and all other female devs were harassed for facing the injustice and sexism of the industry
>i was just sitting in the middle of the large atrium of maybe 150 students just watching this guy spaghetti everywhere
>when his mini lecture was over no one clapped, the professor just took the mic and continued on with the main lecture like nothing happened
I shit you not, the whole thing lasted about 20 minutes

Mongoloid also refers to people with down syndrom.

>Years ago
>At uni
>Hear two guys talking about their weekend
>"btw I got into the Diable 3 beta"
>*how did you get in?*
>"it's a video game"
>can barely hold back laughter
>walk away
To this day I still laugh about that deaf guys autism

Wrong. It doesnt have a collpquial connotation. It means one thing and one thing only. There is no room to assume it as a perjorative. Just as there is no way to assume that cuck is a positive. You would do best to revise your posting habits, buddy. Good luck.

I'm calling you a nig


>plays assfaggots
Its ok, everyoe in that room was homosexual

>There are people who still care about what others think
>There are people who can't mantain a simple casual conversation about videogames when it's 2016 and everyone fucking plays at least one videogame in their sparetime.

Good lord you're thick. I'm not the OP, I know what it actually means, I'm explaining to you why OP said it in that context.

In some places in the world, particularly America, you will grow up thinking 'mongoloid' means 'retard'. That's just a fact I'm explaining to you, you dumb son of a bitch.


>Couldn't hide his power level
>Working with normies
We didn't do anything you self-shitting mongoloid

>at work
>take piss
>forget to zip up my fly
>go to talk to a female coworker
>since she's sitting down at her desk my crotch is at face level to her
>doesn't mention anything
>talk to another female coworker
>doesn't mention anything
>talk to another female coworker
>nothing still
>walk by male coworkers' office
>your fly is down, bro
>walking by the break room
>all the girls are in there
>user came into my office with his fly down, gross!
>ewww, he did the same to me!
>and me too!
>what a pervert

Would it have killed you to tell me my fly is down instead of gossiping that I'm sort of sex pervert?

Fuck off, you mongoloid.

>tfw the constant need to shit on other people's tastes
>even if they're okay and i agree with them

It doesnt and cannot mean that. Your thoughts dont affect the meaning of the world. That's nonsense. Again i suggest you revise your studies. You dont seem to understand language very well.

weesht ya fuckin mongo

>>haha wow, is he retarded or something?
>>oh shit, did I say that would loud
>>guy looks at me like he's going to take a swing at me
>>notice a picture on his back drawer
>>him, a woman, and a kid that obviously has downs syndrome

>It means one thing and one thing only.

Literal autism.
