So, is DOOM (2016) any good?

So, is DOOM (2016) any good?

I got a free copy and I'm wondering if I should play it myself or try to sell it to someone

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its pretty good especially for free

play it my dude. not as good as the critics would have you believe but still a lot of fun. more akin to serious sam or painkiller than doom 1 and 2 but still a lot of fun.

multiplayer isnt actually that bad desu

it's my GOTY so far

im thinking about playing it myself, does anyone know how long it is?

It's pretty shit desu. 6/10 game at best; very repetitive, very restricted, nowhere near as great or even fun as OG Doom.

took me around 12 hours on nightmare. got around 6 hours from the multiplayer which is very mediocre as most will tell you

I fucking loved it. SP was a fucking blast to play and I got about 50 hours out of it.

For free I'd say absolutely.

if you are exploring and trying to get all unlockables and find most of the secrets it will take you between 10-14 hours depending on what difficulty level you prefer. if you rush through you could do it in 8

I thought the demo was terrible personally. It was almost everything I hate about modern games. It made no sense.

Glory kills, climbing segments (???), really mediocre movement and shooting. Most importantly from what I've gathered the full game literally just repeats what I played in the demo - locked in an arena until you or they are dead.

The last time I was blown away by a shooter was still as long ago as FEAR. I'd certainly sell it while it has value.