Not even *wheeze* close baby....
Not even *wheeze* close baby
Michael Murphy
Mason Johnson
jesus christ
Liam Anderson
>he's a fat fuck autist numale irl
holy kek
Nolan Wright
He'll be thin again in a year. He keeps switching between fat and hungry skeleton
Zachary Kelly
Holy hell that girlfriend of his is an actual fattener. I feel fucking sorry for the guy when the bitch eventually bails and leave him fat after her fetish.
Ian Roberts
dunkey is fat
Christian Clark
>fat wigger neckbeard autist
Now I'm understanding why this faggot gets posted here a lot.
Chase Brooks
Dunkey is that you?
Zachary Martinez
He's been fat for like 4 years.
How do you not know this.
Also how does that change that his content is good anyway.
Nathan Richardson
>he keeps switching
no he doesn't