Did you get your Gal Gun Limited Edition yet Sup Forums?
Did you get your Gal Gun Limited Edition yet Sup Forums?
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HAHAHA, SJWs win again
now wear it on your head and post a picture
How so? Because they control metacritic?
Looks like Sorcery Saga has been topped for most embarrassing limited edition item.
That's still definitely much worse.
Oh boy an excuse to post this
Still the king.
where's the post of the fatass who got a bib
At what point did you realize that Kuroko is best girl?
So.. are you going to post trap pics or not?
At what point do you purchase a limited edition game like this and not feel a tinge of embarassment?
They know you're a loser and that you would get a kick out of receiving girls panties because you would never have the chance to see one in person otherwise.
easily one of the best and most pure posts ever made on Sup Forums
Why girl underwear is so cute.
all shit aside what do you plan to do with the pantsu
That's a really good score considering what this game is.
You're supposed to put it on your head while playing.
>Vitababies graduate from wearing a bib to wearing big girl undies
eat it
did you guys know that panties go where girl's bussy is? :3
Holy shit....
Sony won..
Do people really enjoy things like this or is it ironic?
You don't consider this embarrassing or shameful at all?
sounds like you're insecure boi
>caring about what other people think
seem like it'd make a nice cumrag
Good thing pantsu don't do anything for me.
Yeah, that's one item I'll be leaving in the box.
You're getting limited edition pantsu
I doubt you're capable of caring what people think of you anymore.
well yeah you have to wear them
PICS OF YOU WEARING IT PLZ. Especially if youre a boy :3
Are you supposed to wear them?
frame it
Yes, on your head.
Is it out already? I just paid $100 on importing the new idolmaster game.
Burgerfag, as soon as I get mine, I'm gonna post me walking around with the pantsu on my head along with some Deal With It glasses, but not before imouto wears them, raw.
yes and no, EU version only
NA is delayed to august I recall
Did Polygon review it yet?
That's the point, though. Why would you care?
If limited pantsu makes you happy, good for you. You're not hurting anyone.
I think it's a matter of being such a loser that you can't even muster up the courage to buy women's undergarments yourself in person at a store where nobody gives a fuck.
>because you would never have the chance to see one in person otherwise.
Jokes on you, I already own a pair of shimapan so I have already seen them in person.
I actually played the demo and I'm surprised it's not lower
Still picking it up tho
OP, I have a question, not being mean or anything.
How are you in normal life? You have friends and such or you are the Sup Forums meme basement dweller type?
Isn't the pair of panties listed as a cleaning cloth? Not sure I'd want to pull that out to clean the screen of my Vita in public except at like an anime convention maybe. Also, did this game drop the Move functionality the first game had? That one looked fun.
normal panties aren't game related
Why we stopped having threads like this??
Not him but I buy and play this shit and am 28 with a wife, kid, good job and am about an 8/10 irl. Just like my perv shit yo
Why would I buy a shitty game?
Did nobody play the other shitty Gal Gun game?
I don't waste money
How do you get to this point in life where you genuinely want to buy something like this?
no one asked you
Why don't you put them on for me?
Pantsu-on-head, now.
you know what?
i'm not this pathetic
>i hate fun
i bet you've never played pantsu quest games while literally wearing striped pantsu on your head
>wife, kid, good job at 28
I'm 29 and have none of those things.
the other game was never localized
I'm sure there's a few that imported it, but they're so few that obviously no one will talk about it
Lucky you.
That's why I'am asking.
I'am whhat is considered "normie" but I'am a huge Neptunia fan.
But in your case. you hide these things or just act normal?
Shit man, I married a virgin I had been dating since 17 when I was 21, had a kid at 22, finished up at a nice college and make $45g a year as does she. My primary hobby is /k/ but I still love stupid shit like this and i love muh Vita
Sup Forums is too pussy to do anything funny because they know it'll get posted to reddit
Oh of course user, I'm a completely normal member of society and would never bring this shit up around other normies. I hang out at a seedy bar with my best bro and interact with the most chaddy of normies all the time without issue
Neptunia is about as normalfag as it gets.
>tfw no screen cleaner to wear on my head
In internet yeah.
Cool. You discuss these type of games, not perverted ones, more weebo ones, with some of your friends? I have 1 friend who love these kinda of thing.
Fun is for Redditors, faggot!
I miss when we used to degrade ourselves for others amusement.
Yeah my main nigger is a dude who acts like a redneck but is a secret weeb who watches animue nonstop and I have another slightly more normie friend that is pretty in to the stuff. I honestly don't like animue but really dig jap games, they tend to be good fun and I like fanservice. Anyways, you wouldn't be able to tell my friends are that way at times either
>caring about what other people think
It's one thing if you're not interested in the game, but to not do something you might enjoy because you're worried about others opinion on you is stupid. Most people think a lot less of you than you actually think they do. I hope you don't regret your choices as you get older as find you don't have time to do things you love anymore.
You'd be willing to open this in front of people you know and put the pantsu on your head and expect them to laugh it up with you because they're as degenerate as you?
I mean you should care what people think, for something perverted like this just don't tell other people about it and make it a home thing. Then you can lead a completely normal life otherwise
Well, you have the panties.
Now you need to talk your younger cousin into wearing them.
I wonder how hes doing right now
> I honestly don't like animue but really dig jap games
I wish we could hit a bar user, I can't watch anime for life, but got the platinum trophy on every Neptunia, the majority of CH games and love Senran Kagura.
>my main nigger is a dude who acts like a redneck but is a secret weeb who watches animue nonstop
I have a friend who hides he's power level so good that he has a room dedicated to Action Figures and Hentai.
The more you know.
I wouldn't run around outside with panties on my head, but if I opened them in front of my friends they would just roll their eyes and maybe make a joke about it, but they probably wouldn't think much more of it.
i doubt the average weeb can fit on those.
Can you use the PS move controller with this? That's the real question.
he hang himself and rope broke, he is fine now.
he lost 40lbs
Oh my god you can get this in Europe? U.K.? Wtf we have strict laws against pedos!
I really, REALLY doesn't understand this kind of shit.
God, can't people stay in the 2D world?
Little girl underwear is so unfairly fashionable.
Why would he collect a little girl's panties?
Panties are cute, whats there to get.
to inhale her scent while masturbating.
Some people are attracted to feet, some people are attracted to people of their own gender, and some people are attracted to cute panties.
I'm not a basement dweller.
We don't have a basement.
Put them on and take pictures, you slut.
I wish it were on Vita, I don't want to have it on a big screen.
It is on vita
I doubt that he kept the panty because it's cute.
I'am a footfag myself, but I don't collect socks. I know the world doen't want to be me, to each his own, but I don't know man. 2D is one thing, but when it comes to 3D...it's just strange.
PSN release when?
Fucking ordered
are you sure you're really "wishing" for that?
sounds more like you don't care or else you'd have at least looked it up
Getting ready to make a thread with him wearing the panties in the OP hopefully.
Now I saw it is for PS4.
I thougth it's only been released for Vita.
I only ever saw PS4 covers so I just assumed it was PS4 only.
>I'am a footfag myself, but I don't collect socks.
I like panties, but I don't collect vaginas.
I don't collect 10 year old girl's panties either.
Why would you wear a screen cleaner?