PokemonGO was released in Japan 3 hours ago

PokemonGO was released in Japan 3 hours ago.

Monster Strike and PazuDora is fighting for the #1 spot for 2 years now, then this happened.

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>mobile shit
who cares

literally the whole world and two boards. YOU DONT MATTER

level 21 here, getting bored, game will be dead in a month without more content. The only thing keeping me playing is using it on my morning runs to hatch eggs.

Neither do you. Nobody matters. Nothing matters.

fucking normalfags

You don't understand, especially Monster Strike and PazuDora's rivalry. They even used Japanese Youtubers to shill their game.

Then PokeGO was released, hell even Japan Celebrities on twitter are now starting to ask their followers to help them.

this, game is also a bugfest, the only thing that carries it is the social aspect, let's see how much it lasts...

>age 7+ vs 3+

What are the differences in these age range and why do they need to be separated?

sorry i don't speak moonrunes what is this a picture of

pkmn go has all the markings of a fad - flood of short-term attention with limited gameplay. at the end of the day, the original pokemon was really fucking fun, which is why it sustained itself beyond the fad