Name a better hero

Name a better hero.



ayyyy lmao


The one that's not a dyke

this, my dude

he's so fun with the latest patch

Timothy Stackpole

>double Zayra quickplay
Is there a more cancerous setup?


>Zarya will never thigh crush you

I cant she's the only one that let's you carry a team full of hanzos

what is this weeks brawl?

It's High Nerf. McCree only. No items. Final Destination.

She's the only hero I don't even fuck with trying to bring down. "The pink haired bitch"
I'll take a reinhardt, no problem.
Winston? Done and done.
D.Va? well placed shot to the dome and shes done
But this bitch, she never dies. You can kill the rest of the team twice over, and she'll still be there, contesting everything. God, I hate her.

The good the bad and the ugly.

Only mcrees, reapers and roadhogs




It's a "Zarya is on the other team and she NEVER FUCKING DIES" episode.

>want to play junkrat but there's always at least 1 zarya on the enemy team


OP here.
I main Zarya.
I fucking cream my pants when I have another tank. I cream other people's pants when the team is competent.

Fucking hell it's so fun running aroun with 80+ charge never dying.

>mfw I got industrial instead
Oh well, I'll play her someday.

>be zarya
>take it personally when there's an enemy junkrat lobbing grenades at your team so you start lobbing M2's in retaliation. They don't do much damage with low charge but people haven't played enough to know that low-charge bombs are non-threatening

junkrat is my favorite hero to play against.

junkrat is literally the most low tiered character in skill and is generally played by piece of shit people just barely a notch above reaper so I praise you, comrade.

>playing roadhog
>"It's high noon"
>No McCree on team
>turn around
>grapple the fuck and put him down
>this happens two more times

Why are Mccree players all literally terrible?

>double zarya
>double mei
>nobody wants to go pharah

Best skin

>Play Roadhog
>Hear McCree use his ult
>Turn in his direction and throw the hook
>Realize too late that even with the hook's huge range, he's still too far away to hook

I was pretty embarrassed.


Can we have a post thicc zarya lookalikes thread pls

How do you get good as Zarya?

>Not Junkrat

Blizzard fucked up on this one.

Widow Maker
Soldier 76

There. I named all the better overwatch heroes.

I'd hardly consider myself pro enough to offer [i]good[/i] advice... but Zarya's actually pretty easy to play.

Self: 150 of your 300 health can recharge. I guess this knowledge separates good vs. bad. Being able to time your 200, 2s~ shield on your self and then let them take potshots at you for no more than 150 health, so you dip around cover to recharge. Where this becomes a problem is that your team needs the meta of two tanks on a team. Zarya has a rough time solo-tanking. She absolutely needs someone else to get shot at. Great news is literally any other tank or annoying character drawing aggro is great.

Because it fuels her E. I'm not smart enough to tell you who exactly to priority target but I usually give the shield to the person that's there with me on the objective. I will always get objective gold because with two tanks on the objecive (especially reinhart/zarya) it becomes oppresive for the attackers if your attackers capitalize on the enemy team trying to get your two tanks off the objective.

TL;DR: Don't get hit for more than 150HP if you have another tank to bully the other team because you constantly zip in and out at essentially full helath.

If no other tank: Give it a go, but if you get too focused switch to another tank. You have a fucking 10 second cool down to have 300 damage done to you which is abso-fucking-lutely no problem on 0 mobility zarya.

It's 200/400 user, not 150/300.

>15 hours zarya main

Son of a bitch, you're right.

So an even comfier health pool. Still negligible if you're solo-tanking. Mostly. I'm not good enough to make it matter.

When is this nigger hero getting nerfed? She has too much hp for such a small hitbox.


She's the only Tank that takes skill, hopefully never

Zarya is amazing. Keep it a secret, fellow Zaryabros.


it always sucks to see those people who obviously tried next to fat slobs

>Avg 14.87 objective time

Zarya actually has the smallest hitbox of all the tanks. Get on that objective and jump around. If you're not taking it, then literally who is?

But for 13 games that's not bad winrate at all. But with your personal stats it just seems you're being carried. There's many, many more terrible zarya players than decent ones being a niche, other-tank-dependent tank so the "top X%" doesn't mean a terrible lot.

Nevermind, just checked a site and I've got similar stats. Sorry for being an asshole. Continue being good at best hero

Also do you play zarya only with friends?
Shit I know it's only 13 matches but those are some fucking solid stats.

>4.5 Elim/min
>7.2 K/D
>1400 dmg/min

His energy is a little low but those are good stats

shes really good but I have a real hard time actually getting 25+ eliminations with her, I die around 3 times tops and always get the shield teammates card garbage and always spam my ult is ready for the reaper and genji which always works 9/10 and hopefully thats enough for people not to bully me.

4chinz is hard to see followup replies, but
Checking on my stats I feel time isn't tracked right. I feel like I've played so much goddamned overwatch and it's only been 19 hours total. Not even the 15 on zarya I thought I had.

Pretty sure it only tracks time that you're alive during a round. So anything you do in the spawn before the gates open isn't counted, and any time spent while you're dead respawning isn't counted either.

I hate the feeling


I'm into fatties, I'd plow her

>She will never use her superior strength to make you polish her abs with your tongue

Dont make me feel that please

>go Pharah
>enemy goes McCree

What would compel someone to dress her as McCree and not Junkrat or

No worries, user. My objective time could definitely be higher, I just find that I'm better suited off the point keeping my squishies shielded or blocking incoming enemies with my body or with my ult.

I play with a small group (no more than 3) or solo. I'm rank 75 right now.

Sorry, just couldn't pass up the opportunity to post this


I waited to get that skin to play her also.