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Video Games #3464
Video Games
Great video game design we have here
Is there a bee simulator?
Why aren't more people discussing this absolute fucking masterpiece?
What a thrill
What's what the influx of consolewarposters these days?
Skyrim Remastered
Game gives you reward for achieving 100% completion
Remember me, Sup Forums?
What if you have all the games you want already?
Reyes resurfaced as a volatile mercenary known as "Reaper." His identity and motives remained unknown...
Why didn't we have an option to side directly with Loghain ?
Do u liek mudkipz?
If the Kokiri never grow up, why would they build a counter so high they need to hop to see over it?
What are some good games to play on the toilet Sup Forums?
What's the best STALKER?
What was his issue?
So I just finished my first 2D Metroid game (Super). Besides this, I've only played Prime 1 and 3
Thoughts on adorable mouse adventure?
So this is the easiest in the series right?
No one said we had to play fair
God tier maps!
Is he "our" guy?
Any turkish video games?
Piracy is running rampant on both Wii U and 3DS
Was simon just a complete fucktard or was it just a case of an ordinary person in an extraordinary situation that...
Shame is For Losers!
My Adventurer Mart is the finest shopping in all Faerûn: widest selection, lowest prices...
/Botting/ the living fuck out of Pokemon GO, don't mind me
Just finished this game and the two DLCs and I'll be honest...
Civ VI - CATERINA Edition
When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
There are people on Sup Forums right now hating fan service in vidya
What the fuck do I even do with all this gold?
There are people on Sup Forums right now who don't think Emerald is the best Pokémon game
Sony and Microsoft might have saved Nintendo?
So what exactly is wrong with this game?
I'm 40 hours in, when does it get good?
Who is the cutest character of all of vidya and why is it lady layton?
When will this censorship end?
"Prey is not a sequel, it’s not a remake, it has no tie with the original"
>JS: The stronghold never really got the content it needed to make it feel worthwhile or important...
What a fuckload of shit
So Sup Forums, what is the appeal of this game? I've heard the game is really fucking good but I just don't see it
Any games where Alchemy and Potions do more than heal you...
Can anyone explain to me how these fuking works?
Has falling for Sup Forums memes ever made you look stupid outside of Sup Forums?
Retro purchases thread
Giantbomb General
Resident Evil 6 has sold 6.6 million copies as of June 30, 2016. That's up 100,000 copies from 6.5 million last quarter...
Mafia 3
Play new game that just released
So what's the best ARPG out right now that I can play with buds?
Conclusive Fiction XV Thread
If you tell me your favorite game, I'll tell you what you're like
At the end of the day its a pretty good game for me and my buds
Bigger Bitch Than Anthony Burch
It sucks
Does Sup Forums collect vidya merchandise?
I was only nine years old
I started the playing league about two or three weeks ago...
4am again
How do we stop Melbourne?
Gamecube Thread
Will us PCucks upgrade now?
I... I can count on you, r-right user? We'll get out of here, right?
MC becomes OP when you focus on speed
You're in gun range
ITT we post shit we dont like about RPGs
Villain just wanted to find his family
Man, I'm 22 hours in, just visiting the places I couldn't go on airship before and I find this
Post your raifu and your favorite game that features it
Create game
You can only post in this thread if you know how to play Ana and/or want to know how to git gud
Xbox SCORPIO coming soon
Pixel art thread?
You guys are Mean! You guys are REALLY mean!!
ITT - Creepy stuff in non horror games
How do you tell someone you listen to bideogame music without sounding like an autist/geek/neckbeard
What are your thoughts on Skullgirls?
ITT: 10/10 games Sup Forums never talks about
Let's be honest with ourselves, these are the only fighting game franchises actually worth playing
Remember what old game magazine covers used to look like?
ESA Marathon
Seriously though, what the fuck was his problem?
Meme mechanics you're fucking tired of
Wow. That's fucking sad. All of you autist Sanic fans just want the same shit over and over again because of...
Let's be honest, he's not a bad youtuber
Hiroshima Nagasaki on Pokemon Go
Elder Scrolls
RIP. Good night sweet prince
Monster Hunter!
Why did he watch Bloodborne on YouTube instead of playing it?
Over levelling - no longer challenging
Video game character is a girl (male)
One day left until windows 10 is no longer free and you have to pay $120 to upgrade user
Animal Tournament Fighter
Do you hide your vidya powerlevel?
Is this the cringiest thing we've ever done?
Never played a Tales of game. is pic related a good enough start?
Yooka Laylee Toybox
Post the most valuable vidya you own
Soundtracks that are pure gold
"hey user you should play with my joystick while its my turn"
Poisonfags BTFO
Final boss just wanted to be accepted
>Battle Theme Thread<
Mods are asleep. Filename Thread
I'm actually fucking glad I'm forced into getting a PS4. I'm coming from a PC
Lead and Assistant Designers Quit Nintendo Software Technology
Add guy from Sup Forums
Sci fi setting
Any good free games?
I want to buy a second-hand WiiU...
Games You Can't Remember v2.0
Tell us what you see in this picture
Item drop rate 0.1%
I fell in love recently. This game is literally fucking amazing
Is this the greatest boss fight in the history of gaming?
What games or mods let me play a dorf?
What are some games as hard and satisfying as this?
Post theme songs for Overwatch characters
Can we have a Zero Escape thread? I just finished 999's true ending and I have no idea what the fuck's going on
The champ
Name a better armpit pussy in all of vidya
Persona 3 Thread
Did you notice that we are here to spread hate at each other?
What did this guy cover again?
What games did you play today?
Which overwatch character has the greatest assets?
Played, Expected, Got Thread
Deprression core thread?
How are you supposed to compete when everyone else is gps spoofing / botting and already has max level pokemon in every...
Can someone explain why this is the only industry where producers, developers...
What are some jokes only gamers will understand?
He's dead
Why all the Plutia hate? Neptunia
What was the first computer game you played?
I couldn't beat this boss and I gave up afterwards. Not afraid to say this game was too hardcore for me
When does this game get fun?
Nintendo in a picture
What are your thoughts on Tails?
Good afternoon /v
2 > 1 > 3
Did anyone else play this shit as a toddler?
Do you play video games with your girlfriend or boyfriend?
Okay I'm Sup Forums as FUCK, but the hate for this game is kinda bullshit
Yfw Trump is Solidus
Anyone up for a Sup Forums raid?
Have you ever cheated on a game, Sup Forums?
Who is the Guts of vidya Sup Forums?
Playing some Danganronpa
Tired gamer thread
Ok I'm Sup Forums as FUCK, but the hate for this game is kinda bullshit
ITT: Video game characters who are LITERALLY you
Name a single game that doesn't have any glitches
What game is Sup Forums as fuck?
Ok I'm Sup Forums as FUCK, but the hate for this game is kinda bullshit
Ask me anything
Yfw you realize it's DIDDY'S KONG QUEST and not DIDDY KONG'S QUEST
So what does Sup Forums thinks of pic related getting a movie adaptation
Hey user want to play video games? sit on my lap so i can pass you the controller easily
Ok I'm Sup Forums as FUCK, but the hate for this game is kinda bullshit
Is this the best Souls, No actually the best video game In the last 5 years ?
When and how did you decide which build that you're going for in this game...
Just about every sequel gets shit on by Sup Forums, either because its a downgrade, a rehash...
Paying for beta access
PC has Exclusives
Have 8 hours to screw around. 36, 45, 21, 56, 37 decides what I play for 8 straight hours
How's the story to this one...
Ok I'm Sup Forums as FUCK, but the hate for this game is kinda bullshit
Hunger Meter
So who do you think will be the first Publisher to cash in on an open world ASoIaF RPG in the level of Witcher 3...
Left or Right?
Tales of Berseria
What video game character have you had a crush on, Sup Forums?
What video game ends on an amazing cliffhanger?
Jokes and memes aside is this game worth looking into...
This game sucked
Monster hunter
Who's your favorite female WRPG character?
Games you can't remember
Look at your keyboard between T and O
This is my first Witcher game. I did play the witcher 1 for like 10 minutes and wasn't my thing
Whats your favourite Open World game ?
Quick, claim your failed consolefu before someone else does
You have ten seconds to name the game with the best grapple hook/rope swinging mechanics
Game tries to be funny
Fuck these 'moral choices'
"Nerf This!"
"Video games can never be art." - Landis
DLC is exclusive to one console
There are anons that would not worship Juri
Ok I'm Sup Forums as FUCK, but the hate for this game is kinda bullshit
Giantbomb General
How can Overcucks even compete?
Evil path has more rewards and easier gameplay/sections
The Elder Scrolls or the Souls franchise, which one is better?
What's the hardest souls game?
Who is the best Overwatch character?
This is the most cancerous fanbase ever, prove me wrong
Call out bullshit mechanics in a fantasy game
What is your opinion on Morrigan Aensland?
Thoughts on this game? Thinking about picking it up
Rockstar released these three games in the span of three years
Kenishiro vs. Saitama
Is this the greatest Pokemon game in the entire franchise?
About to play some ZombiU in my room, lights off, alone
Interesting Videogame Facts
So? Have you found the red sword
PC cultists complain that video games are only graphics and cinematics
Where do you lie on the list, Sup Forums?
Holy shit how the fuck do I kill flamelurker this is bullshit
Resident Evil gets dumbed down, shitty sequels that destroy the everything appealing about the original games
Twitch cracking down on streamers using viewbots by blocking them somehow
Does Sup Forums like the Rampage games?
Regardless of which show, games, or franchise is overall better, you have to admit;
How ya holdin' up, vee?
Itt times you listened to Sup Forums and it backfired on you
Paper Mario Thread
Underage vidya gamer youtuber
How's that gaming channel coming?
Nintendo admits, Wii U has no games
Is The Sims 2 the comfiest game ever?
What are some games similar to Fire Emblem? I just beat this game on an emulator and it was too addicting...
Anyone here recommend a 480?
Kirby is about to succ and absorb the powers of the last video game character you played
Thoughts on this?
How triggered are you right now?
Seriously, what do you guys see in this kusoge? It was an absolute bore of a VN with tacked on flash game bullshit...
Browserhax and Menuhax have been updated to work with 11.0. 3DS models
Any Mike Matei fans here?
The antagonist of the last game you played enters the American 2016 presidential election as an independent candidate...
Someone deletes you on steam
Help me Sup Forums, I just finished pic related and now I feel a void inside, I need another game like this
It's out, and critics are saying it's the best one yet. What's your excuse for not buying it?
Why aren't indie devs good like this?
Game has a Sup Forums reference
Time Manipulation
How many of Todds games have you pirated?
What do you think about Pokemon Go cheaters?
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is the greatest Action RPG ever made. Do you agree Sup Forums...
ITT: games only you played
Is WoW Legion seriously the best expansion we will see since WOTLK?
Does this mean we will finally get a new johhny bravo game?
You did kill that stupid dragon, didn't you Sup Forums?
Why don't normies understand anything outside of their own little bubble?
Darkness and Demons are the good guys
Anyone interesed in some online podracing?
Will the NX be DOA?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Is it wrong that I want to get back into Pokemon just because of the new female mc?
Ol' Fashioned Reaction Thread
EDF bread
So how do you unlock the cooking scenes? I only have the first one
How's that Ouya, bro?
Hello my swordlings
Is he going to die Sup Forums?
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Are there ANY games where you play as a pregnant woman? At all?
Starting Fallout 1 what should I know regarding stats and shit beforehand? I've already played 3, NV, and 4
Corvo will die if you pick Emily. Emily might die if you pick Corvo. Prove me wrong
Boss Themes where you know shits going down
Why don't the men of street fighter get as much sexual attention as the nasty women?
Sup bitches
Medallion's humming, must be a Witcher thread
Had an outside skill ever helped you in vidya? Vice versa?
She makes my dick so hard
Metal Gear Solid V: Definite Experience listed on Amazon
Can we have a toaster thread going
Meme League
Is Zarya the most muscular woman to appear in a video game?
Explain why you aren't spoofing in PoGo right now
Meanwhile at chinese Sup Forums
108 degrees outside
Overwatch console thread
What is the cutest video game ever made?
Be me dovahkiin
Now that everyone has had more than forever to do everything they wanted to in this game, in your opinion...
What video games allow me to be a [SPEEDY SPEED BOY]?
Stardew Valley: More love
Can we finally agree Street Fighter 4 was a much better game?
Why do I never see anyone talk about the Yakuza series...
They'll be on again someday... right?
Let's "save" Bioware
The canon ending is the secret ending
Sup Forums btfo
Let's say you had to choose one
The GTA series still has no female protagonist
Let's discuss the greatest game of all time: Deus Ex
All confirmed Civ 6 leaders so far
Do you think D.Va is a weak character?
Yakuza 0 confirmed to be coming to west in January
There's people on this board right now, among us, that own this and consider themselves gamers
What piratetards look like
Which one Sup Forums?
What is your opinion on Cream the Rabbit?
"A shooter with swords"
Scripted boss battle
What are some video games that allow me to assemble a posse?
Xenoverse 2 Thread
What are some good gambling games Sup Forums?
If you kill him you'll be just like him
What think, Sup Forums?
Guilty Gear Thread
People still believe this cunt
He unironically thinks the Elder Scrolls are good games
Be gamestop employee in 2014
Seriously, how beta are you to be embarrassed of playing with portable consoles in public?
ITT: games men will never understand
What did he mean by this
Gothic 1 or 2?
I am playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
Is 4k gaming a meme?
How the fuck is this still the best game of all time? What the fuck are game designers even doing...
User you aren't below 60 are you?
Hate mail thread
How come no one talks about Uncharted 4 anymore?
Hard to believe after a soul-wrenching 5 week delay, the most anticipated game of 2016 is less than 2 weeks away
The protag of the last game you played has to 1v1 Doomguy
Baten Kaitos
What is the Black Lagoon of video games?
Never should of come here!
Tfw you can smell you feet from under the table
We all love HoMM3 - 5 is ok too
I know I'm a few months late to the game, but I just bought a Vive
Food heals all wounds
Have you ever played a video game just because you thought one of the devs was cute?
What the fuck is his problem??
Jim sterling is a VA in this game and even he finds it frustrating and annoying
So, does Mass Effect deserve all the flak it gets?
Giant Bomb thread. It's time to kill Gary Busey in Hitman edition
Monster Hunter thread
Let's make a literally impossible fight as our last final boss in a game aimed at children
That one game you really wanted to like and get into but you just couldn't
Wallrunning (Wall Running, literally "Running on a wall")
Did you hear? Windows 10 is the new 7 anons and it will only be free for TWO more days before it costs $120
Don't mind me.. just the best mario game passing through
Hello friend, hand over the $400 Pokemon GO machine and no one gets hurt
Ed, Edd n Eddy MMO
What the fuck?!
Game series has always been mediocre to decent
Seriously Rocksteady?
He didn't clear every single day without using items
*Leaves vault for the first time*
Sup Forums - Video Games
Have 125 word essay due by the end of August
Is this the best handheld in history, aesthetically speaking?
Why hasn't there been a game about Fukushima?
Boss has an insta-kill skill
Have you worshipped your Goddess Palutena today?
Were people really ass blasted it wasn't Adventure 3?
No Man's Sky Survive trailer
Drop a crate
Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma
Wanna talk about silent hill?
Imagine no sonic adventure
ITT: bad videogame design
[Serious] What are some actually good mobile games out there?
Get out of my way, best console controller coming through
Remember to buy Skyrim HD
Are there any flight sims where I can pilot this motherfucker right here?
There will never be a new Jazz Jackrabbit game
Did Moot like video games? If so, which games do you think he played?
Dolphin netplay thread
Driving on pavement
Any Mike Matei fans here
How do we solve the "gamer gurl xD" problem?
Sup Forums says this game is great
How do I know I'm not shadowbanned?
Ever get the feeling that we hate Call of Duty just because we're supposed to?
Thoughts on this game?
What should I know before playing this?
Desktop Thread, no cleaning
Year is 2036
We Happy Few
ITT: Games that have aged like fine wine
Where did everything go so wrong?
Westcucks will never have girls like this in their games
What happened to this?
Perfect analogs
What was his fucking problem?
So it's agreed that, besides the episodic release, this is the best Hitman to date, right?
Gentlemen, how will you be avoiding spoilers?
How do I get into the Ultima series, Sup Forums?
'It's for people who feel like they can't play fighting games' - Matt Dahlgren talks eSports and designing SF5 to...
Say Sei!
This is a Japanese squirrel
The Longest Five Minutes Coming to the West
ITT: Characters obese people play
Is it worth playing?
What's your opinion about this game?
Random crits you from mid-range
Is he "our" guy?
Can we all agree that legion mythic dungeons are great idea?
You can't turn off Cortana in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update
What is eva of vidya
I literally don't get why the dpad is the size of a gay mans asshole
It's a good game but not a good X game
Shitposting aside, is anyone here looking forward to Injustice 2?
SpongeBob MMORPG v2.5 is released
That kid who insisted 'units' in RTS were representations of individual soldiers...
ITT: Great Games Everyone immediately forgot
Fire Emblem Fates
So I've played a bit of Far Cry 2 and I'm not too excited. It's alright but nothing more
You hear it, you lose
Well Sup Forums
Soulsborne fanart
Lady Layton
Metal Gear Solid V 'Definitive Ex' listed by Amazon
Is it really that bad?
Does anyone played, remember or at least heard about the game in pic related? I used to play A LOT when kid
Stealth game
I didn't see it at first, but now
Will the new Sonic games feature the Chao garden? That was really fun
What went wrong?
Danganronpa 2
Any GameStop stories?
What is the most HEAVY METAL video game of all time?
This really says a lot, i thought Sony were supposed to be the good guys
I'm surprised that with all the whining about this game, no one has hit upon the real problem with it...
What went wrong?
Burnout spiritual successor is in the works
ITT characters who are you
FFXV Thread
How did they get away with this?
ITT: Cool concept art
I don't understand the hate
What was his deal, anyway?
About to play deus ex for the first time
Street fighter x tekken
This is like my super mario video games
Neverwinter MMO PS4
Backlog thread
He plays as a female character
I just caught a Wriggle, Sup Forums! Now what?
Purchase pic related
Level-5 announces Megaton-Musashi
Final Fantasy XV
Is D.VAa Blizzard's greatest creation?
Better courses than mario kart
Name a better hero
I'm a gamer
Brazilian level
Pick one Sup Forums
Wall Street Journal: Nintendo NX Is A Hybrid That Will Run Mobile Games
PS4 Games
Buy R9 270 for $130 (used) from a friend that upgraded
ITT: characters that are L I T E R A L L Y you
Apologize right now
Don't mind me, just pirating this wallet
Le follow the red footprints simulator
Who is the hero of video games?
What's the best way to ruin the game for everyone?
Game with nothing but human enemies introduces alien, mutant or zombie enemies half way through
Game has numerous sequels/spin offs
Can I play the Witcher 3 (and enjoy it) if I've never played the Witcher 1 or 2 ?
Height: 4.3m
What game has the best soundtrack and why is it Chrono Cross?
What is Sup Forumss opinion on Quiet?
Tfw one inch taller than Juri
S-so am I the only one who is hyped for the NX?
Filename thread?
What is he playing?
One standard edition video game coming right up!
Oh, what's this?
Regardless of which show, games, or franchise is overall better, you have to admit;
Only sniper on the team is a BR
ITT: Best Castlekino Ever
Defend the Wii U the Nx and modern Nintendo
Why is being excited about an upcoming game here called "shilling"? Is everyone on Sup Forums truly that dead inside?
Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't do it, Sup Forums
Did you remember to thank the raid healer today?
So what do you guys think about Dreams?
“Prey is not a sequel, it’s not a remake, it has no tie with the original" why not just make it a new IP...
Sorry i'm high lol
Your gf sees you're bored and says "Hey! Put on a video game and I'll watch you! But make sure it's fun for me to watch...
What's his name?
Reminder that P5 won't and can't surpass Persona 3
How come Enderal never got translated to english?
This triggers Sup Forums
Gamestop employee tells you the game you're buying is shit
Sony is closing in on a deal that would bring Bayonetta 2 to PS4 this holiday to supplement their exclusives lineup
Facial animation in RPGs
What's Sup Forums honest opinion about futanari protagonists in the video games?
What were your thoughts on this?/Your experience with it
Nintendo Falling
Winning match
New indie game everyone is talking about
No Man’s Sky - SURVIVE Video
How do we save Nintendo?
Yes yes well done Obsidian, well done
ITT: Games you left not because of the game itself, but of the people playing it
Any games where I can be a cute little magical girl?
Alright lads, it's a decent entry but it could definitely be better. How do we fix it for the next entry?
This shitfest of a movie got released
Trades blows with gtx 1060
Tutorial in unskippable
Lol austria
Have you ever dropped a videogame just because it made you mad?
MMO Thread?
Poison makes my dick hard! HARD!!
ITT: Developers you never really liked and don't know why people think they were ever good
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
It's been a while guys
"I am now finally a Kojima Productions: Metal Gear Solid II: Substance"
How do we stop him, Sup Forums?
We want the Halo crowd
Welcome. Please sit in the chair. The New Vegas Thread is about to begin
How are you beating the heat this summer, Sup Forums?
Your country is now the setting for the next Yakuza game
Fantasy Life 2 Announce
What did he mean by this?
Top 10 Most Played Steam Games
Metal Gear Solid V: Definite Edition listed on Amazon
How come these guys don't make good games anymore
Would you play a TES-esque Warcraft single-player RPG?
Filename Thread
What is so special and innovative about Overwatch? Why did it create a sensation?
Remove Healers
Is he a psychopath?
Nice DLC Todd
Yakuza 0 launches January 24 in the west
Nintendo Direct 7-29-16
Whats the first word ( word ) that pops into your head when you think about gaming and the video game industry?
What does Sup Forums think of the Yakuza games?
Here's your controller, big bro
We Happy Few
Why do people like GTA V, exactly?
ITT: Subtely insert your fetish in a video game
Is this game worth getting? I'm probably getting it tomorrow but don't know much about it
Try to discuss an upcoming game
Final beta confirmed
I need a good vidya related design for my office mousepad, best submission gets 40 steam keys
Can we please discuss pokemon XD without memes? XD
115,300+ copies sold worldwide
People actually think this costume is censorship
Steam Refunds
ITT characters picked exclusively by faggots in multiplayer games
Game has complex systems that take a lot of processing power
ITT: Realistic Blacks in vidya
New phootorealistic mod
Remember to never believe leaks
Is Sup Forums hyped? I've only ever played Revenge, but would love to get into a new Burnout
I just bought a Compile Heart game
Dinosaurs had feathers
This is an alchemist
Opinions about new World of Warcraft site?
Dude just learn the spray patterns
Pokemon Go thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...