
Who do you play Overwatch with, Sup Forums?
>13 year old girl support
>best friend
>former quake player
>shitter friend #1
>shitter friend #2
>reinhardt only player

>Me having no friends.

Why i am in this thread.

>Retard 1
>Retard 2
>Retard 3
>Retard 4
>Retard 5

It's called solo queue.

>random friend
>random friend
>pub pub pub and pub.

you saw best girl

are you retard 6?

>the literal butch dyke is cute
that's some weird taste but whatever

>90% of fan content with Zarya is either "LOLTUMBLR SJW" or generic russian jokes.

>No one actually looks into her actual omnic-phobic character, interactions, or personality.

why, Zayra is the most redpilled and legit character in the game.

Not all omnics are bad

what about
>retard 6

>t. bluepillled cuck

>me (support/tank only)
>friend who's actually good
>friend who's sort of good
>the genji main we're too nice to tell to fuck off

it hurts having idiot friends

>Tries to wipe out the entire human race on a whim

>Self-mass-producing sentient beings creating more of themselves for no reason

>Can be instantly controlled at any second by god programs like ANUBIS against their supposed "souls"

Never trust an omnic.

>me average player
>chill friend who's good
>sarcastic ass hole friend who's good
>meme spouting autist who's good
>super faggot raging cunt who's terrible. Legit anytime he dies "OMG NERF THAT FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S SO FUCKING BROKEN I'M DONE AFTER THIS GAME
>and last but not least
>shitter friend who thinks he's good but he's awful

>Rein only main
Sounds like a good man. Does he give your team the right balance of shielding/hammerfucking?

Pretty much this but remove the friend who is actually good. I know that feel with the genji friend except he's double retarded.

>Traveling to Hanamura
>Prepare to Attack
>He picks bastion

Randoms I made into friends ingame.

>just bought Overwatch for bf for 4 year anniversary
>other friend going to get it in a few months

soon i will be able to play a good zarya, among other things.

He's the "bastion excessively gets play of the game" meme but with reinhardt to our group.
All hammerfucking.

cool STORY bro, but the problem is


they aren't USING these stories, backstories, etc etc for a main campaign or something. there is no fighting against omnics like Mann vs Machine mode.

why should i give two fucks?
i like this shit, but it would be 10000% better if it was in the fucking game and not all side story shit.

imagine if mario was about counting all the coins you collected and if you wanted to know about fighting bowser and saving peach, you had to read books.

yeah we got lucky with that one

>underrated pretty good but unintelligent old friend
>brother ive been playing with my whole life, we're unstoppable together
>sometimes a guy i just met who is okay and pretty cool
>random retard #1
>random retard #2
>random retard #3

>tryhard useless genji
>defensive terribad dva
>mercy for Qing

average solo queue

>Trans Lesbian Friend named Jaylinda, Plays Lucio mostly
>My A-sexual demi-queer boyfriend
>Trans-human Robotic Demi-god named Reese.
>Bi-Sexual friend who suffers from Biphobia and Cisnormativity
>Gynesexual Cisgendered Wannasexual who wants to be a woman but not ascend into trans-status.

We're a pretty normal bunch of people, who play Overwatch just like everyone else.

>close friend
>some girl who's fairly chill but I don't know much about
>some shy, quiet guy, really endearing though
>loud guy who always plays a support class, usually mercy
>some asshole who fortunately doesn't play often
>close friends boyfriend, cool dude, fun to play with

randoms who don't use mics and talk shit in chat

no one.

>best friend
>best friend's girlfriend
>tranny who only plays mercy
>tranny's twin
>friend who's actually good

The Mercy main won't stop complaining every time we lose and keeps insisting that we should train against easy difficulty AI even though that would be the most stupid thing ever. I didn't believe in the whole healslut meme before but this guy really checks all the boxes.

My daughter.